Sunday, June 30, 2013

We All Have alot to Learn From One Another

"We all need to learn to speak up and help one another. Once you open up its amazing how many people are experiencing what you are going through or went through.  In a society so open we act sheltered at times, it's  really amazing what you can learn from one another once you open up!"

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back on Mommy Duty

I bathed my girls got them ready for bed. Fed the baby and then she spit up on me and I thought "yep I'm officially back on mommy duty" and I loved every minute of it. 

My scan was great today. They said in a couple months I will have to do a blood test that will check to make sure I don't have any traces of Thyroid cancer and that's when we will know 100% if the treatment had worked. Which from the way I was feeling I would say it did work. 

It feels great to be home and great to feel better. Thanks for being a lending ear!

The Day of Judgement...Thyroid Cancer Free We'll See

I waited 8 months for today. My post treatment scan. Today I find out if I am officially Thyroid Cancer Free. I have my apt later today and woke up a little nervous. I mean today is the day I find out if my treatment worked, I am safe to be around my kids and am finally, hopefully, gratefully, can say I am Cancer Free.

I learned alot these past 8 months that I hope I don't forget. I learned who really truly cares and loves me, I learned ignorance is bliss, I learned that sometimes we get so caught up into something that its hard to see good around us. I found out that if you find peace within really find peace you can be happy and enjoy the simple things in life.

I pray none of my readers, family, friends or loved ones ever have to experience great pain in their life. I hope you walk by a flower and stop and appreciate it. I hope you live today like yesterday is really gone. That tomorrow can be good and different that there's good out there.

I hope you all find someone who truly makes you happy, who truly loves you through the highs and lows of your life. I learned that my husband was built to help keep me strong to see laughter through some dark moments in my life. That even though we had rough patches that at the end it was him who helped me keep it together.

I learned being a mom helped heal me. I hope today I can walk away saying all my doctor appointments, blood work, testing, scans, surgery and treatments helped me survive Cancer and beat Cancer.

  • I hope today I can come home and be the Mom, Wife, Person I want to be!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It Doesn't Just Happen in Fairy Tales

I met my husband tonight for dinner. I haven't seen him in 5 days. Driving there was emotional because it was hard to be without him so to distract myself I turned the radio station dial in search of a happy song and the rock n roll song "Pour some sugar on me" came blasting on the radio. Perfect can't cry to this song. 

I dressed up a little even though dinner was at a local pub so we could eat up and he could be back home to get the kids who hopefully I can be with on Thursday. It was cute meeting for dinner as if we were meeting on a date. It was great to see him and knowing in a couple days we will be together again helped.

We said our goodbyes, and drove our separate ways. I know sad, but just then I flipped through the stations and our wedding song came on, I pick up my cell call him and put it on speaker. The tears start to fill up my eyes and then we realize it's in Spanish. It was the Spanish version and we crack up!

Life is about the tears but also the great laughter that follows the tears. I wish you all more laughter in your life even if it has to be after your tears!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Healing Quote

"To know no matter what happens in life you don't need to handle it alone is the greatest source of healing!"

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cancer No Not Me...Up Hill From Here

The strange thing through these past 8 months is I never felt like I had cancer until this past weekend with this treatment. The RAI treatment really took a toll on me. My doctor warned me it would but for some silly reason I did not think it would. I know it's all up hill from here and the radiation treatment was a must but it took a toll on me not only physically but emotionally. I can't wait for my post up scan this week so I can put this all behind me and begin my journey being Thyroid Cancer FREE and healthy!

On my new list of things to do one day is to  be able to volunteer my time in the cancer center to add a smile to those who need it or just have a conversation with them to distract the discomfort they are having even if it is just for a brief time. One major thing that helped me these past three days was that I was never alone. My friends texted me constantly, family called to check up on me, I spent some time outside in the shade talking with my mom who also catered to me, anything I craved my Dad brought me, FaceTime with my kids made me smile and my hubby took care of our kids and made sure I had nothing to worry about. I learned no one should ever, EVER go through this or anything tough in life alone!

We and I included get caught up in the bs of life, stuff that doesn't matter. We and I included need to stop and count our blessing more, cherish our life and friendships and relationships more and most importantly be good to our bodies more! I will always, ALWAYS remember and be grateful for all the amazing people I have in my life and please do the same. You don't need Cancer or something in life to have you start realizing it, it just when hard times come rolling by it helps remind us when we start to forget!

Post Low Iodine Diet...1st Meal Yum

For my first non iodine diet meal I had pizza and boy was it pizza. I asked for the works minus anchovies.  When I saw it I was so excited to have it but when I took my first bit I knew my taste buds were off. After RAI they wanted me to suck on sour candies so you do not loose your taste buds once I ate all the items separate on my pizza everything tasted better. For the second slice I stuck with the good old cheese and it was amazing!

Second meal was what most of my family has post surgery. It is such comfort meal! Can you take a guess?! McDonalds and it was worth every calorie but I did notice my taste for salt was decreased. I promised myself next meal will be a healthy one!

I will say that while doing the low iodine I noticed a HUGE improvement in my skin and even cuts I had healed really fast. I have yet to find out why or what was helping but will still incorporate some of those recipes in my diet. 

RAI Treatment....Hooray It's Done

I did it, I completed my round of treatment. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. It was very hard but I did it and I must say I hope I never have to do this again!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

RAI Treatment...One more day ONE More Day... Day 3

You know that feeling when you are sick and have been stuck in the "house" and need to get out?! Now imagine being stuck in a ROOM! Yeah not so much fun BUT it's just ONE more day and I get to feel somewhat normal again. 

I have been doing FaceTime with my girls and although I have a screen protector on my iPad I still wrapped it in another plastic. From using it the plastic had shifted so this am they couldn't see me well so I liked like a crazy lady peeling away the plastic as we tried to see one another. My four year old expressions was priceless. I enjoyed the laugh. 

The highlight of this experience that helped me last night besides eating another burger for dinner was that my bestest friend,for 27 yrs, got engaged last night! She lives in Florida so I couldn't be there to party but LOVED sharing in her excitement through the phone. That def helped lift my spirits. 

I know the end is near and the only set back is I can not be with my kids for another couple days just because they do not want me to have more than 1 hr of close contact with them just yet and to be honest how is that possible with a 3 month old and my 4 year old who climbs all over me :) But I know that what I am doing now is to help prevent any reoccurrence in the future. It's a small price to pay to make sure 30 years from now I can be there for when my own girls get engaged or have a wedding or just need some mamma time!

RAI Treatment....Grease Please....2nd Day

Nothing seemed to help. I slept and woke up nauseous so I would just nap again. But like I mentioned before drinking water at least a glass an hour would help flush this radiation out of my system. So the more I slept the less I was up to drink, not good.  I kept thinking what my post RAI meal would be. I wanted something heavy, greasy. Finally I realized whenever I was hungover, I had grease and felt better. 

The low iodine diet is pretty intimating at first. It can be confusing so I read some recipes on the site for meals I could make that both my husband and I could eat so I wasn't constantly making two meals. Well hamburgers were one of them. 

Luckily I have my mom helping me though treatments so I woke up from yet another nap feeling hungover without the joys of partying to earn a hungover and I requested grease. I needed grease to feel better. BAM it hit me I could have a burger. So I  requested a burger on low iodine bread with my no salt added ketchup and finally I was getting some relief!

RAI Treatment... The First 24hrs

The worst part of my first 24 hrs of treatment was saying goodbye to my kids. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be away from them. After I left them I stopped by where I was staying to make sure my room was setup for when I returned because for the first 3 days you are highly radioactive so you have to isolate yourself as much as possible from others. Next step to Yale we went. It was a fast appointment, we just reviewed everything briefly and answered our last minute questions. After consents signed I swallowed my pills. 

I received a standard dose was given a letter and was on my way. But before I left they measured my levels within distance. 5 feet away I was transmitting 12% 1 foot away 230% that is why they want me 6 feet away from people. On the car ride home I had to sit in the back. I had a 3'hr window before these pills totally kicked in. Once we pulled up to the house to isolation I went. 

I ate a little napped drank a lot, drinking is fastest way to flush system. I was good until the following morning. That is when metallic taste started in my mouth, was very cold and nauseous. I had a bad headache and no appetite. Needless to say after naps, lemon water, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on iodine free homemade bread, Tylenol, a long shower and a Dramamine I finally felt a little better. And by a little better I meant exactly that. A little better!

I survived my first 24 hrs and had another 48 hrs to go....

*Please note treatment and recovery varies from person to person. I am NOT a doctor. If you are receiving RAI treatment please follow your doctors instructions. Most importantly be cautious and abide to all instructions given to you from your own doctor. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wow! My 30,000 Mark

Wow everyone today I start my RAI Treatment and my blog hit its 30,000 viewed mark. No better way then to start this day! I appreciate all your support and encourage you to be a guest blogger. Just send me an email at I even welcome any feedback or suggestions. I hope you continue to come back and follow me through the highs and lows in life. 

Again a BIG THANK YOU!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Fun Has Begun...Prep for THYCA RAI

This week I finally get my RAI treatments and I can not wait for this to be done! The diet started out ok and now I just want to feel myself again. I am really tired and sluggish and have a strange taste in my mouth. I am starting to get all the Hypo symptons and am ready to get back to my old self. Just 13 more days and I can put this all past me...hopefully.

The funny thing about Thyroid Cancer is that everyone says its the "good" cancer to have because the treament is easy. You have surgery then Radiation, once you regulate your meds and have follow up scans you are done. Well I have been dealing with this for 8 months and although the thought of knowing there is a cure and they caught it early is reassuring there is nothing easy about it.

I have been to Yale 8x in the past 2 months and the prep is a 2 1/2 week diet that still does not make complete sence to me. The radiation is my BIGGEST concern because I want to make sure I take 100% precaution to make sure no one is affected by it. They compared me to being a walking x-ray machine...image that!

I am cranky, hungry, hardly eating but gaining weight and all I want to do is cuddle up with my kids and be their mom. My "business trip" starts soon and my daughter is excited that I told her we will do Facetime, but the thought of being without them breaks me down.

I know this will pass, I know things will be good again real soon, I just want to close this chapter in my life that I wish was never written. I am sure we all have one or a few we would like to "rip" out of our book...

Every experience helps us learn a little more about ourselves and our stregthens. It helps build our character and who we truly are. So let's see what the future brings but for now I will take this all one day at a time!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dreft Has Royal Baby Fever Plus Giveaway

Wonder what the Royal Baby name will be? Well now's your chance to have your say. Dreft is conducting a Royal Baby Name Game and they want YOU to join in on the fun.

Did You Know:
Dreft is the baby laundry detergent most recommended by pediatricians and the brand that parents have trusted for over 75 years to leave their little one’s clothes and linens soft and comfortable.  As gentle as water on baby’s skin and specially formulated for the unique needs of baby items, parents have relied on Dreft to not only help prepare their little one’s essentials before their arrival, but also to keep those items clean and safe once they’re brought home from the hospital.  Complete with a scent that's truly beloved by parents (that's also gentle for baby), Dreft leaves little one’s clothing as clean and as soft as can be, bringing cuddle time to a whole new level of warm and fuzzy.

How about a GIVEAWAY for joining in on the fun? Just read the details below for a chance to win.


Go to Drefts Facebook Page Here  and tell me which Prince and Princess name you think should win. Don't see a name you like, no problem still post a suggestion. First readers to respond will receive a sample of Dreft.*

Again this is royalty we are talking about! So join the fun today!

*Please Note: The sample packs and gift cards are being donated to you by Dreft for your participation in this blogging/trial program.  These items are not intended as payment for any favorable opinions. 

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads out there. Being a good father means being the type of man you would want your son to be or daughter to marry. Enjoy your day to all the good men out there!

Happy Moments

Friday, June 7, 2013

Scars You Can't See

Ever since I had my thyroid removed I noticed people I do not know shift there attitude once we begin to talk, it took me a quick second to realize that it was due to my voice and lead to their eyes on my scar on my neck. Their tone in their voice went from 'yeah can I help you' to 'yes young lady not sure what you are going through but I see the scar on your neck and it looks serious so I am going to be a little more compassionate and sweet to you.'

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a sweeter more compassionate tone, just wish it was not due to my scar. BUT it did get me thinking. We all have scars some you can see others you can not. My question to you is that if you knew what someone was dealing with without seeing it directly would you change the way you handle and react to them?

I say we should all wear a sign. Ex: You and your husband had a fight earlier in day and your crabby still you go to pay for something at the store and the cashier sees a sign on you that said 'need an extra smile since my husband pissed me off' don't you think the cashier would soften up leading you to soften up?
We are reactors to other people's moods and personalities. My mother always told me that she could never be in a bad mood without us kids getting into a bad mood and my father getting into a bad mood. We feed off each other and I even see it with my own children, even my 3 month old was moody the other day after I was moody.

The problem is we do not know why people act the way they do, maybe they are having a bad day, maybe they do not feel well. I mean we put all our gossip and business on Social Media why would a sign be any differed. Why not warn the driver in front of you that your road rage is not out of the blue, it's because your kid pissed you off in the car and if one more person crosses you wrong you may explode. Get my point...

So the solution isn't for all of us to walk around with different signs. The solution is as human beings we should know that if someone seems off, crabby, angry, etc to not make things worse for them. To shoot them an extra smile or hello. I always wanted my scar to go away but if it means getting nicer interactions with people then I hope it sticks around for a little while, but once it's gone doesn't mean what I went through and am going through is gone and over, just means my scar can't be seen.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy National Cancer Survivors Day!!!

Yesterday marked my 2 month being Thyroid Cancer free. This Thursday I start my low iodine diet in prep to my treatment at the end of the month, which I am dreading BUT I am glad to say that the worse is over.
When you hear the word Cancer you think of the worse, you think how this could happen to me, will I be ok, and am I going to die! It is one of the worst things you can go through and hear BUT then you come to terms that you will do what the doctors tell you to do and you will not lose hope, freak out or think the worse until they tell you to. My doctors were amazing and kept saying do not worry about this until we tell you too. Plus they did everything they could to keep me focused on being healthy for my pregnancy. Being pregnant and learning you have cancer was horrible.
No one chooses to have Cancer; still to this day the word makes me cringe. No one chooses to have pain or surgery or fear the unknown. I mean I had no symptoms but a lump in my throat. I felt great; I was in excellent shape for being pregnant and had an amazing pregnancy. Then bam, I got hit with this. I wanted to fall apart I did but as a Mom my goal was to get healthy for my kids, my goal was to survive for them, not only for me. I am new to being cancer free and I still have some obstacles in front of me but the best day was when they took my Thyroid out and I learned it did not spread.

Praise those around you that won against this horrible battle, and everyday be grateful for the healthy body God has given to you. My support system has been amazing and my family has really stepped up to help me whenever I needed and for that I am a survivor because of them too.

Happy National Cancer Survivors Day! May today and everyday you feel a little stronger for the pain you had to bear and overcome!