Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Holiday!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

All I Want For Christmas Is...

All I want for Xmas is... A Clean Scan!! 

Having my 1st follow up scan today for my Thyroid cancer.  Nerves are setting in. I mean I feel pretty good since I have been off meds but who am I kidding it's been an awful ride. I haven't gained much thanks for doing gluten free and then low iodine- yuck I know but at least I am only mildly puffy.

So I went to my local hospital and took 7 tablets by mouth because there is radio active material on them so I can not touch them. I took them, drank my glass of water and have to go back this afternoon. During scan you cannot move. You need to stau still. So of course my eyes will be wondering toward the screen to make sure nothing lights up! 

They say I am safe to be around the children's but not to hold the baby up to my chest. Of course when I get home my middle one is screaming "UP, UP!"  So I bribed her with a mini ice pop and she left me alone after that. 

Gratefully my mom will have them soon so I don't have to worry about holding them. I am extremely lucky for the help and support system I have. 

I keep thinking.. It's ok if anything returned you'll have to just have another treatment and everything will be ok. I am more worried about my kids then me. I want to be healthy for them so I can take care of them. 

Once I get the ok I will definetly be going out for a cheeseburger, shakes and fries!! Wish me luck!!

Happy 4 Months My Little Angel

She's so calm and sweet and snuck into my life like a bundle of treats. She smiles and makes you feel so complete. She doesn't look like my husband or I With her big blue eyes that are still a mystery as to who she will be. My little one is now four months. Happy four months to an amazing baby who heals my soul and really brings all of us joy!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

3 Step Journey to Having Three Kids

First Child

Everything is new. I was on bed rest and it was an awful pregnancy but I was so happy because it was new and I was pregnant and had this baby growing in my belly. She made a  "Mom" I was the best mom or would like to think that my first born was amazing because I was amazing. It wasn't because of me, she was who she was. I helped bring that out but she came out that way too.  She slept. She was sweet. We did everything together. I took her every where with me. Life was easy, even though with your first it is the hardest change.

Second Child

You began to feel you would be missing out with alone time with your first and guilty that you would not be able to love and give your second as much as you gave your first. You think "could I possibly love her as much as her older sister. " you start to understand the connection your parent has with her first and try to build it with your second all while you're still pregnant. 

Once she arrives all changes. Of course you love her as much as your first. She's another creation that is a different variation of who you and your husband are. You don't want her compared to her big sister.  You want her to be accepted for her own unique personality. You track her milestones not as best as the first but you try your best. You cannot image a third because how could you handle a third.

Third Child 

I never planned on a third- well at least not so soon. You're a little over the pregnancy thing and then as it inches towards your due date you think "OMG this is my last pregnancy. Maybe we should have a fourth". Once you realize you never napped like you could with pregnancy one and two the thought of another pregnancy disappears real fast. 

You hope your clothes from previous babies still look good to reuse- I lucked out having three girls so they could use each other things. You definitely don't go buy new maternity clothes. You think "I am sorry baby. I don't think I even talk to my belly and don't want you to think yelling is my permanent voice."  You feel sad your middle child is no longer the baby and she will now be labeled the "middle child" which she always acted like one but felt you could change her. You cling onto your middle one and try to baby her because well we all know once the baby comes she is no longer the one getting all the attention.

Milestones...you intend to write them down and like to believe that you will remember. Which we all know you won't.

Having Three Children

You wish your house was bigger so they all could have their own personal space. You don't rush the youngest growing up because she will walk and talk and be Independent soon enough. You try to take your first out once in a while alone so she doesn't resent not having any alone time with you.

Your second amazes you with her fast learned independence. She thinks and acts and does things like her big sister but in who own way. She wants to grow up fast and you take moments out of your day to try to sit with her so you can play with her and take in those special moments. You actually start to read books about having multiple children and how to handle different personalities. 

Your third, well mine at least, is calm and normally always some where her sisters can't fall on or touch so normally the pack an play while you try to shower and make dinner and clean and pack lunch and give the others a bath. 

When you pass by she looks up and smiles because for the quick second you finally make eye contact. You often apologize to all of them for wishing you could make each happy all the time but we know that is impossible. At night when the older ones are asleep you take out the play mat and play with her. You notice then how much she's already changed and grown and is rushing to be like her two older sisters. 

You love them all the same but enjoy their company doing things that they enjoy. They are NOT all alike but you cannot image your life without them. They are all your favorite in their own way.
Once Alone Time

Once you get a minute to yourself you miss them all. You miss the chaos and need for you to help them. You feel overwhelmed with gratefulness to have them. You realize you wouldn't change anything and they are three complete different variations of who you and your husband are. You rush and clean the house, cook and run errands so when they finally get home you think you will finally have time to give them all your undivided attention- which we all know is nice to think but can never happen because you are now and will always be a mother to three kids!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

One More Week - Life Off Thyroid Medicine

One more week to go. Man this week has been tough! I have been off my meds for 3 weeks and on the low iodine diet for a week. My body is starting to really feel the withdraw of thyroid medicine now.

* Metallic taste in mouth
* Hot flashes 
* Dry scalp 
* Loss of appetite
* Bad headaches
* Insomnia
* Extreme body aches
* Mood swings
* Puffiness
* Feeling mushy
* Brain fog

It's awful. I am beginning to now know what my doctor meant when she told me I will " feel like I'm torturing my body." 

Being a mom to three is tough enough so feeling like this on top of it adds more stress. My girls really have been great. I even gave my oldest a heads up incase I didn't seem like myself. I hate to have her think I am on a special "diet" for weight loss. I explained to her that I need to eat this way to make sure scar on my neck is ok. I never say Cancer in front of her. I do not want it to worry her. She understood. She even wished me luck on my first day!

It's really important to have a strong support system or someone who understands what you're going through. Gratefully I do. My mom has cooked a couple of meals for me and helped even more with my kids.  My dad has helped with bringing my oldest to school so I don't have to bring the younger two out in the cold. I have a friend with thyroid issues that I thank god for. I can turn and vent to her whenever needed. Don't ever do this alone!

Food Always Makes Everything Better:

In my life food always makes everything better. Here are some dishes that has been helping me. All made with organic and fresh ingredients and low iodine salt. 

Orange juice & banana smoothie (1/2 cup oj, 1banana, 1/2 cup water and ice blend together) and fried egg white sandwich on low iodine homemade bread. 

Low salt pasta with homemade low iodine sauce. (Sauté onions and garlic in Olivie oil, brown meat loaf mix add fresh diced tomatoes. Let simmer 20 mins. Add low iodine salt per preference)

Low iodine stew with beer. Add all the meat potatoes veggies to crock pot  Add 2 cups water. Oregano. Table spoon Olivia oil. Low iodine salt. 1 bottle dark beer. Cook low 8 hrs. 

Organic celery with no salt added organic peanut butter and raisins. 

Some of these recipes were inspired from the thyca.org. Low Iodine cook book. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Parenthood:I Must Be Doing Something Right!

95% of the time they are happy kids. Makes me think I must be doing something right!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's the Holiday Season

Cheers to a Happy & Healthy Holiday!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Qdoba Mexican Grill in Norwalk Plus Giveaway

I had the pleasure getting to taste a delicious assortment of Mexican food on behalf of Qdoba Mexican Grill in Norwalk. It was perfect timing to be selected for them to cater a party because we decided months ago to do a Mexican theme for my daughters 6th birthday this weekend. After Thanksgiving no one wants turkey or ham again so we wanted to mix it up. This time we got to have an awesome party with limited work and amazing Mexican food.

We had the nacho bar and it was awesome. We enjoyed fresh tortilla chips with all the salsas and guacamole and fixings. Their chips are thinner than your normal nacho chip and have a hint of lime with an awesome crunch for each bite.  They are perfect to top off with the huge tray of chicken and beef. We also got a tray of queso that has a tint of heat in the cheese and a tray of black beans. I can't forget about the tray of lime white rice- my favorite. I topped half of the rice with their fresh cilantro and guests even got warm tortillas to make wraps. It was a GREAT Mexican feast! Everyone left full and happy. 

Qdoba manager came, set up our taco bar and even brought burners to keep everything warm. They gave me vouchers to hand out in their favors so ALL my guests could visit their restaurant and enjoy a free entree. AWESOME is right and NOW you too can win a chance of getting a gift cards for free so you too can visit an Qdoba in your area. 

GIVEAWAY in Norwalk

Enter a chance to win a free gift cards for meals at Qdoba Mexican Grill In Your area.  Please share in the comments section YOUR favorite Mexican dish and if you really want to list the recipe too. A winner will be picked by December 8th. 

Good Luck!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

When I think of Thanksgiving I picture a time to gather for a meal prepared by the ones you love and give thanks for what you have. Well my morning DID not start that way.

My second one did not want to nap. I finally put her down and after my daughter decided to be on speaker phone with a call she woke up.

Then I attempted to let the children get dressed because that at times calmed them. Well big mistake letting my second one be without a diaper while I ran into the other room and looked for wipes. 

By this time I am fuming. My husband turns to me and says "maybe you should go for a drive" Instead I say next life no kids for me and pack the diaper bag. 

Guilt took over me and at that moment they are all calm. They look adorable in their dresses. And are getting along. I knew at that moment that yes the chaos sucks and makes you want to hid in a corner and cry but then it stops and you remember the joys of being a parent.

I always sing in my head "no body said it was easy" as a way to calm myself. 

Shockingly they were great the remaineder of the day.

Parent hood is rough but then it's wonderful. Rewarding. Beautiful. Fun. 

I am thankful! At times it's too much for me but then it all seems to get better. 

I realized my life is real. It's no fairy tales. It's what you see is what you get. It's good times and bad times. And fights and screaming and laughs and kisses. It's real. And I wouldn't change that for anything. 

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Joke

Why did the stuffing hide behind the Turkey? It was dressing!


"Friends"giving: a time to gather for a traditional Thanksgiving meal with those who are not family but feel like family! Grateful for this bunch!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thyroid Cancer Follow Up

This week I received the news on how my follow up will be. See being pregnant didn't allow me to have proper follow up from my treatment for Thyroid Cancer. I now have to be off my medicine for a month. Do the low iodine diet for two weeks and then have an injection and body scan to see if any thyroid tissue grew or if any cancer is still left in my body. How do I feel?! Not so happy!

When I am off my medicine my whole body changes. As my doctor calls it I will be "torturing my body." I will become in "hypo" state. Tired, achy, weight gain, dry skin, weak, brain fog, delayed reaction and moody. All the fun things I dread. 

To prevent weight gain I started doing gluten free. I will do it until I have to switch to the low iodine diet. The problem with the low iodine diet is that everything I did in preparation to my treatment reminds me of being nauseous and sick. You know when you eat something and get sick you can never want to eat it again? Well that's me now. Anything I reference to the low iodine I feel quesy. It's awful. 

The whole point is if there is anything supicious I will have to have a repeat RAI treatment. 

So please don't be alarmed if my tone changes in my posts for the next month. My levels won't be normal so I won't be normal. 

Whoever said Thyroid Cancer was easy never had to deal with Thyroid Cancer. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Build Memories Clean Later

"Sit sit" my little one shouts as she drags her bag of blocks across the room. So I put the broom down and sit. I watch as she builds with her blocks. Thinking "will I ever get to clean this house?!"  

It's my day off and I want to clean but can't. The two younger ones want my constant attention. I finally put both little ones down for a nap and get ready to mop but all of a sudden I hear "mommy" and the baby is crying. 

So I mop really quick and tend to them. 

This is my life... A messy house and children who want my constant attention. Will we always have to clean? Yes. Will our children always be little? No 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Best Pumpkin Pie Recipe

This is the best and easiest recipe for a Pumpkin Pie. I got it off a can of Stop & Shop pumpkin purée.

What you need for 1 Pie:
1 pie crust- I get already made in freezer section
1 can of pumpkin (15 oz) -Libby is great or Stop & Shop brand
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar- I go a little over 1/2
1 tsp cinnamon - I love cinnamon so always add a little more or at least 2 tsp 
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3/4 cup light cream or milk- I use organic whole milk

Preheat oven 350 degrees. Beat eggs in a bowl with a fork. I then add the sugar and spices. Beat all together. Add pumpkin. Mix well then slowly add milk. Pour in a pie crust. I always put pie crust on a baking sheet incase it over flows. I always put extra mix in smaller dishes for the kids to eat. Bake for 50 mins or until crust is golden brown. Serve with ice cream or whip cream or both!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why I Love Fall

The crisp air
Light sweaters
Firepits and s'mores
Pumpkin picking
Apple cider
Corn mazes
The foliage 
Cozy clothes
Holiday shopping

Are all the best things that come out during Fall!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thanks To All Who Served & Serve

Happy Veteran's Day to all the heros who have protected and continue to protect us. I thank you today and always!


My Baby's Day

This past weekend was my little one's baptism. Never did I think a year ago I would be throwing another baptism for my 3rd daughter. This baby is so sweet and calm and good for my soul. Whenever I hold her I get this wave of peace over me. She's truly a blessing and we had an amazing day with so many people we love and who love us. We are truly blessed!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Being Happy Quote

Being happy depends on your own actions and wishes.  If you what to be happy don't expect someone else to create that happiness for you, create it for yourself !

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

When I was 14 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was one of the hardests things I had to deal with. Being14 you already have emotional things happening then to think your mom may die totally made my teenage years rough. Thankfully she beat it and has been cancer free for 20 years. 

Don't be a fool get your mammograms. Don't be embarrassed if you feel something! Do your breast self exams. See a doctor yearly.  You too can beat 
breast cancer if caught early enough!

October is breast cancer awareness month be sure to book your mammogram!

*Image from The Breast Cancer Site 

Friday, October 24, 2014

See The Big Picture Quote

"Don't isolate in one area of your life and say. "Well my whole life is runied." That's just part of your life. See the big picture." Joel Osteen Ministries

Motherhood My Reasons For Being Here

They melt my heart and bush my buttons. Some nights I am so tired that resting even hurts. Just when I don't think I have enough patients they make me laugh. They make me love who I am for creating such amazing little people  When I am with them I can't help to think "What a wonderful life I have!"

Being a parent can be bitter sweet. But when they are all with me like below I am amazed how they are a part of me. I want to hold them and keep them happy and small forever. They are the reason I am here.

Have a Little Patience

She didn't know I had an emergency for work or that I was up all night and short tempered. My daughter just wanted my attention and she wanted it now. I had to take a second to regroup. Deep breaths and say to her to give me a second I was handling an important matter. 

This happens all the time. As a parent we deal with "important issues" while our children think their needs are just as or even more important than what we are doing. We need to take deep breathes and have more patience. 

I remember being in kindergarten and crying hysterical over my "boyfriend" not wanting to play with me. Can you imagine what my mom must have thought. She had three children and a day care. She was making dinner and I threw a tantrum at the kitchen table. 

Silly I know. But we need to put ourselves in that 5 yr old place to fully understand and comprehend what they are feeling. Yes at 5 yrs old that would be the end of the world at 34 we laugh about it. 

Take the time and talk to your child. Don't dismiss their emotions. Explain that you may be short tempered or have to fix a mistake at work and then can help them. I promise once you do they will back off- maybe for 5 mins but at least it is something. And always put yourself in their shoes. 

There's a lot I learned these past couple of years. Always put yourself in other peoples shoes before you react and work on having more patience. What is silly to one person means the world to another. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What You Can Give & Keep Quote

"Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart." Zig Ziglar

Happily Ever After Quote

"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis." Margaret Bonnano

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Live For Today

"No regrets, no what ifs, live for today! Be where you want to be, love who you what to love. This is your chance to finally be happy. So be happy!" 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Healthy After School Snacks

I am a protein pusher-big time. My daughter loves carbs. She can eat pasta all day everyday. She also loves fruit. She's very picky with veggies but what I find myself pushing the most is...protein.

Whether it's adding a yougurt or smoothie to her breakfast or sneaking in a meatball or string cheese in her lunch box. I constantly find myself adding protein to every meal.  

After school I noticed she is so hungry that she will really eat anything. So of course I do-at times give her something sweet- most of the time I push chicken nuggets or a meat, with fruit and a fun carb. 

What do YOU focus on when providing snacks?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Casting Call: Do You Have A TV Worthy Recipe?

It's almost that time of day.. Dinner time! Do you cook with or without your kids? Is there a family recipe you hold near and dear to you? 

The CHEW is looking for families in the NJ/ NY/CT area who have a winning recipe to be on the show. Check it out: http://bit.ly/TheChewFWC

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How Is Your House So Clean- Do Children Live Here

First situation:We got invited over for dinner. I knew they only had his step daughter living there with them.  She was probably 6 at the time. There was NO sign of her toys anywhere. Strange I thought. 

Second Situation: I walked in and they decided to turn their playroom into a sitting room. What is going on I thought? Where will they roam and play. 

These are two examples of houses I have been to that lack signs of children's stuff. Jealous. Umm a little! I mean I love my children more than anything but they take over my WHOLE house. 

Situation one. The little girl kept everything in her bedroom. I mean all her toys. The rest was what a house was suppose to look like without you tripping over toys. Or Legos mixed in with the tv remote. 

Situation two. The kids were getting older and hung out in their room more. 

I gave my kids a playroom so they wouldn't leave their stuff everywhere and guess what... it still is!

Whose to blame... ME of course  

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Today's Motivation: You Are Unlimited

Today's cup of tea had a great inspiring message! 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Mother's Greatest Masterpiece Quote

"A mothers greatest masterpiece is her

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to Survive Motherhood

How do you survive motherhood? Laughter...laughter is key to surviving motherhood because it helps you stay sane!!!

How It Is Suppose To Be

How true is this? We all think our lives are suppose to be a certain way and when it's not we get depressed or down or can't focus on the present. We need to stop thinking the "what ifs" and enjoy the reality of the current life we are facing. 

Enjoy your current situation. And if it isn't what you want it to be then change it!

Monday, September 22, 2014

What Superpower Do You Wish You Had?

I wish I could split myself up! I wish there were "mulitple" me!!!

I wish I could be with my oldest daughter all the time. I love how smart she is. I would love to challenge her with different knowledge.  We have so much fun hanging out, going out and eating. She's a foodie like me and I love it. She's so outgoing and happy. I am happy when I am with her. She loves to play Board games and she's always asking me questions that make me really think before I can answer.

I wish I could be with my second daughter all the time. She's only 18 months and can do so much. She loves to try to put things together. I love sitting and watching her play. The way she moves. The way she takes her time to do things. She also loves farm animals so I wish I could take her to the farm all the time and see her interact with the animals. She loves dogs so I wish I could take her to a pet store to play with the animals. 

I wish I could split myself up to always be able to be with my baby. She's such a sweet loving baby. When I shake the rattle she is so alert and tries to talk to me. You know her soul is trying to reach out. It's amazing at 5 weeks how smart I know she will be. She's so pretty too. She has the best cheeks that I love to kiss up. Her skin is so soft. She is at peace when she's with me. I am her mamma and she already adores me. 

I wish I could be with my husband all the time without the chores and duties of life. He makes me happy. He's smart and funny and yes at times we get on each others nerves but we really enjoy eachothers company. We like to eat, drink, shop and try new things out. We go to fairs and festivals and have a blast like children. I love road trips. We pick up food and I blast the music and sing my heart out. He gets me and at times I think I get him. 

My list goes on....I wish I could give everyone I love my undivided attention. I want them to know that I rather be with them then do anything else. 

What superpower do you wish YOU had?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Key to a Successful Marriage

The key to successful marriage is...Date Night. 

I know I know, communciation is just as important but come on have you tried having a serious conversation at home, with the kids around? Yeah no! Most the time I keep it in my head to discuss with him for when they kids are in bed and then I end up falling asleep on the couch. 

Date night doesn't have to be expensive or even at night. You can do something during the day for a couple hours. One night we had my mother in law watch the kids while we went to a hall to view thier room to book out daughters baptism and on the way one we popped in a place for a slice of pizza. Another time we got tickets to a brewfest during the day and my mother watched the kids. 

These little "dates" help you two regroup. Luckily for me we have so much family around available to babysit so if you don't then don't do it as often to save money on a sitter or get some fun apps and a bottle of wine. When the kids go to bed enjoy it with one another.

Make time to make things special. Being a parent we get caught up in being "mom" and "dad". Take a time out to be you! You'll be happier and your kids will be happier because you are happier!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Having Kids Are Like Getting A Tattoo

Having kids is like getting a tattoo. Once you have one you keep wanting more. You forget the pain you go through and how expensive they are. You may love and also dread the fact you'll have it forever! 

Some don't turn out the way you expected. Some you love to show off to the world. Always make sure to make the decision with a clear sober mind. Some kids and tattoos will alter your image.

Before you get that itch to have one know the facts and that whenever and if  you decide to have or get one it will be a part of you forever!

"Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it's what you want before you commit." Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

What's Holding You Back

I have written books & poems, created paintings & art and my husband always asks why I don't publish anything or put things out there to share. I finally knew why...I don't want my work criticized or judged. 

It's not just the negative feedback that people often have a hard time accepting but even compliments. We also feel we could do better, be better and are a little possessive of our "work".  

So I have decided to NOT be this way anymore and decided I will let my free spirit shine through! I know timing isn't  best since I have a newborn but I decided at night I will try to "work" again and will even start painting again. Stay turned... And I WELCOME your criticism as I share it with all of you!

What has been holding YOU back?

"When you put yourself out there you must be prepared to receive criticism as well praise!" JCF

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Remembering 9-11

Today's a day to remember how grateful we all should be to be here. We fly all the time. We go to work. We kiss our families goodbye without a thought that we would  be victims of acts of terror attacks. Those people did not deserve to die! Hopefully one day we all could live in a world of peace and no fear! Never forget! 9/11 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014