Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Living With Thyroid Cancer

Follow ups never end, scans never end, battling with trying to feel "normal" never ends. I was doing good with hair loss and now it started to happen again. This will be the rest of my life. Could it be worse? Yep! But could it be better? Yep!

This article pretty much sums up what it means to have had Thyroid Cancer- the so called good Cancer.  "The Truth About Living With Thyroid Cancer. The So Called Good Cancer."

Monday, September 28, 2015

When Was Last Time You Made Someone Feel Good With a Thank You

I logged in tonight to work which I do quite often and opened an email from a radio host who I have been emailing throughtout the day for my client and he said "Thank you and Thank you for all that you do." It automatically put a smile on my face. It's the little acknowledgements that make a difference in a person's day. 

Does he know me not really but he saw the efforts I have put in to get a meeting scheduled and that little added "thank you for all you do" made my night a little brighter. 

It takes no effort to truly be kind to others. When was the last time you said something nice or went the extra mile to acknowledge someone's hard work?

We get caught up in the rush of things that I too do sometimes forget to say thank you. 

I worked for a company years ago and it wasn't the best experience. She micromanaged everything I did. It was frustrating. But I did walk away from her constant reminder to not write "Thanks" as a response but instead "Thank You". More professional yeah now I know. But at the time I thought it was another one of her controls over me. 

Everytime now I respond to my client's clients I always add an extra "have a great afternoon" or "enjoy your weekend" to my responses. 9 out of 10 they respond with a Thank You, You too. 

I can't see them but I know they are smiling from my response. It's these little efforts that make a difference. 


Being happy comes in wave lengths. We all can't expect to be happy all the time but reflect upon your life and think about what moments in your life were you truly happy. Who makes you happy? What makes you happy? Change what's making you unhappy and attract what you need to be happy. 

Your Meaning In Life

"The meaning of your life is to help others find the meaning of theirs." Viktor Frankl

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Motivational Girl's Quote

"I want little girls to grow up knowing they can do anything, even play football." Jen Welter, the NFL’s first female coach

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Brick + Wood in Fairfield CT $5 Sangria Yes Please

Lunch just got a little bit more fun and affordable! Brick + Wood in Fairfield CT offers ladies their seasonal sangria on-tap for just $5 during lunch time! YUM!

Check Them Out www.lovelifeandpizza.com

Monday, September 21, 2015

Actions Quote

Something to think about at times easier said then done. We all make mistakes as humans but do you stick by your actions?

Best Gluten Free Cake In Norwalk CT

I have been calling around looking for a gluten free cake that is reasonably priced and yet taste good for a friend's birthday. So last week for Grandparents day I walk into Angela Mia to grab a cake and ask the worker do you happen to make Gluten Free cakes. Yep and to top it off it was their chocolate mouse with cheesecake. It was amazing. I liked it so much that for now on when I order that type of cake I will order it gluten free.

I asked why she doesn't advertise gluten free and she said they just started doing it and have to perfect the other flavors. If you need a gluten free cake definitely get it from here. http://www.angelamia.net

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Our Soul Finding Our True Self

I mention a lot about past souls and am a firm believer that most of us have been here before. I also believe that we are back this time to learn some lessons and better who we are. Almost like finding our purpose. It's great to just live your life but how great would it be to really find our true self?

"What we do today and every day affects our future selves, and it affects the evolution of our souls." Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/the-universal-law-of-soul-evolution-our-souls-are-continually-evolving

Many Roles In Life

We all have many faces. Meaning many different roles in life of who we are. Ex: I am a mom, wife, part time virtual admin in charge of my own company and then me ( the whole person not viewed as just a mom, wife, or worker but as my individual self)

Sometimes it's hard to balance them. Work of course happens during work hours but being a mom, wife takes up most of who I am and then me gets blurred at times. 

So I would never change my situation because this is my destiny. I will always 100% be a mom and me the other situations may change. If I had to break down my many faces I would say during my day I am a mom 75% of time. VA 15% wife 7% me 3%. So when I am not working I am with my kids so that takes up the time but when kids finally go to bed by 9:30 I can hang with my husband and be a wife. Then there's those occasional mommy dinners or girls night out or my trips to a store alone or even car rides where I can focus on me. 

I know it sounds like there needs to be more of a balance but think about your life. What role are you most of the time. 

I take care of a lot of people and there's only 24 hrs in a day. If I sleep  5-6 hrs a night, work 4 hours a day, the rest of day I am a mom and wife and me. Whenever I focus on one "face" I take time away from being another part of who I am. Can you really be multiple roles at the same time.  

I know as kids grow the % will change in how my time is being spent and that's where many people loose who they are but try to focus more on the "me" role. I may work more or get more time to be a wife and do things with my husband or take more of a me role and focus on my hobbies like writing or painting. Don't give up yourself completely to one role. Try to have more of a balance. Try to also remember that those balances may change and it's ok. 

How many faces/roles do you have?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Great Deal and Coupon Websites

I do not like to title myself as a coupon queen but I do enjoy a great deal. Below are some of my favorite sites I use on a regular basis when I shop or make purchases. Which sites do you use?

Groupon: This is a great site!! They offer daily deals at restaurants, retailers and service providers. I always like to test out a new place to eat with a Groupon, Sometimes you pay $25 and can use it towards food purchases up to $50. Sometimes the deal is more specific like get an app, main dish and dessert for a certain price. Regardless you save money and get to try new things. They even have deals to use towards local services and retailers. I have gotten my daughter groupons to try new classes or to use at the batting cages and ice skating. One of my favorite sites. Learn more here: www.groupon.com

Ebates: GET PAID TO SHOP. YEP! I have gotten back over $200 for shopping through this site. Find coupons and earn cash back at over 1800 stores when you shop there. You even  save with online rebates, deals, promo codes and discounts. Which I love. Ex: If you want to purchase on Amazon, go to Ebates first type in Amazon and they will give you a % back on every purchase.They mail you a check every quarter. Learn More Here: www.ebates.com

Retail Me Not: This place always has great coupons. They even have an app you can download to get coupons. Get discounts with coupon and promo codes for thousands of online stores. Next time you go shopping check this site to download or print a coupon. Learn More Here: www.retailmenot.com  


Football Season Is Back...

I must say I am not a huge fan of football.  I do love watching games live but not so much on TV and I do enjoy everything that comes along with it; naughty food, great commercials and Super Bowl.  With a house full of girls I thought it would be fun to get into the spirit since Football will be a part of our lives for the next 5 months. My girls seem to enjoy it!

 What team will you be rooting for?

Apple Picking in CT

I love Fall. There's something amazing about the way the air smells. The foliage is so amazing in CT. I love chilly nights wearing a sweater and shorts.

I love apple cider and corn mazes and fire pits. What better way to start the season then to go apple picking. We went this past weekend with our kids and some friends. We took a ride to Bishops Farm. It takes about an hour to get to and this year it was disappointing to find a $5.50 admissions fee. It included a hay ride and their corn maze but $5.50 a person on top of buying apples. Then cider. Which leads to buying Apple cider donuts and kettle corn. Really makes the outing more expensive. Don't get me wrong the Gala apples are amazing. They are so sweet and crunchy. They are defiently worth it but to have to spend $5.50 a person 2 years old and older dampens the mood. 

They said its due to people coming and eating the apples vs purchasing but that's the risk you take. I kept thinking how many apples would we need to eat to make up for the $5.50 a person fee. 

I hope they change their policy because I think it is doing more harm than good for their farm. Plus there are other Farms in CT that people will turn to instead. I know next year I will think twice before taking a ride up there. 

Where's your favorite place to go Apple Picking?

Happy Grandparents Day

I am truly lucky to have amazing grandparents for my children. They are always willing to help us with our kids and be there for us. To all the grandparents out there enjoy your day!

Fall Bucket List

What's on your bucket list for Fall?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Stamford Nature Center Astronomy Nights at the Observatory

We finally made our way to the Astronomy night at Stamford Nature Center Observatory. We attended the Passport to Space lecture then got to go up to the roof where the telescope was. At first the lecture was a little long but you could feel the passion the speaker had about space.

Then he broke the kids up into groups and they had to create a pretend robotic camera for their moon. My daughter was the leader in her mission.

Then they had to explain what it is and did.  

It was really cute and informative. Lastly we all walk upstairs. You cannot take pictures and it's super dark with red lights to help adjust your eyes. They have a step stool so kids can get up close to the telescope. It takes a good couple of seconds for your eyes to adjust. But once it does. It's MAGICAL. Below is a picture similar to the Saturn we saw last night. Our view was brighter. It was amazing. 

I have a new respect for outer space. It's really fascinating and I keep picturing the image of Saturn. 

If you can make your way to the Observatory nights at the Stamford Nature Center. Every Friday you can view the telescope until end of November. On specific Friday's,like last night, you get to enjoy a presentation on a specific topic. Members get in Free. Adults $5. Children 5-17 yes $3. Recommended for children 5 and older. Stamfordmuseum.org

Friday, September 11, 2015

Be Good To Yourself Quote

*Love Yourself : the only person you are gaurenteed to spend the rest of your life with is...Yourself. So be good to yourself. Eat healthy. Try not to stress. Stick by your decisions. Be proud of who you are and love who you are. If you don't then fix who you are!"

Happy 14th Birthday to My Pup

She's still the coolest dog I have ever met!

Smiling in her sleep

Thursday, September 10, 2015

I am Glad We Met Up

My daughter climbed into my bed really early this morning and turned to me and said "I am glad we met up." "What do you mean?" I replied. "In this life Mom, I am glad our souls met again. I am also glad you met Dad because if you didn't meet up with him then you wouldn't of had me or my sisters."

We talk a lot about our souls and our lives together. Like where we came from and how God gave us a soul and when someone passes our soul carries on. When she was really young she would tell me stories as if they were current but they were things from her "past" She is an old soul for sure and I am too, maybe not as old and wise as her soul but I have been here before.

I know to some it sounds crazy but think about it. I know I have mentioned it before. We all have souls and are all connected. How many times have you met someone and felt a magnetic energy between the two of you or felt a strong connection like Deja vu?

Think about how you came to my blog. We are all connected some how. We have to look at everyone past and present and remember the lessons we learned. Some people we are still learning from. I may not have a direct contact with you but my readers are what keeps me writing so thanks for coming by.

By the way I am not crazy, just like to believe we all have more to give and gain from life.  I am glad  I met up with all of you. 

"Will we be together again in our next life, I hope so but I am not sure let's just enjoy this one!"

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

It's Easy To Loose Your Mind

Last week was a lot of work for me.  I usually get a break a couple hours a day where I can work, the house is quiet and I run around to get stuff done. 

Not last week. 

My little ones spent most of the week with me while I juggled work, being Mom, the first week of school and keeping the house in order. WAS NOT EASY! 

My almost breaking point...she played with her dirty diaper instead of taking her nap. It never happened with my other two. I paused for a second and was in shock. It was all over her and the crib and floor.  I took deep breaths and bathed her THREE times. My husband was on his way home and took her crib apart and cleaned EVERYTHING!

I showered again after all was cleaned too. I took a break and went out with my sister for drinks. That really helped! I almost stayed out but knew I had to come back and be Mom. (of course I would come back...eventually)

It's easy to loose your mind. At that moment you want to scream. I just kept it together and took it out later on drinks. Although I do not recommend that is the best stress-releaser for everyone, did work for me, I do recommend TAKING A TIME OUT!

We all know we need them and how often do we do it? I can now look back and laugh about it. Thank goodness. I also learned never to put your kid to sleep in just a diaper. Always have back up sitters available. And take off your super power cape because we are all human and there is just so much one person can take.


Health Benefits Coconut Oil and Pomegranate Juice

Coconut Oil

I am a huge fan of coconut oil. When I first had my thyroid removed I was taking tablets and now I buy the oil in a jar and use it all the time. I mixed it with my face moisturizer and within a couple months my face looked amazing. It was like I stepped back 5 years. I use it all over my body straight from the jar after I shower and it helped with stretch marks and my skin seems tighter. I am a HUGE fan and I am constantly recommending it to everyone. After having three kids I am happy to say I hardly have stretch marks. I always joke that if I was ever stranded on an island all I would need is Coconut Oil!

*Some Health Benefits of Coconut Oil:
  • Supports the thyroid and improves hormone balance
  • Boosts your levels of energy
  • Helps cravings and hunger pangs
  • Good for improving digestion and nutrient absorption
*Source: http://dailynaturalremedies.com/9-health-benefits-of-coconut-oil/

Pomegranate Juice
I remember the day my Dad came home with a bottle "This stuff is suppose to be amazing for you" he said. Well he was right. I start adding a splash to my drinks when I am out. Adds flavor and makes you think you are being healthy at the same time!

*Some Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

  • Potent anti-cancer and immune supporting effects
  • Inhibits abnormal platelet aggregation that could cause heart attacks, strokes and embolic disease
  • Lowers cholesterol and other cardiac risk factors
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • May have benefits to relieve or protect against depression and osteoporosis

  • *Source: https://www.drfuhrman.com/library/article19.aspx

    I am not a doctor or dietitian. As always please first check with your Medical Doctor first before adding new stuff to your diet.

    Yuggler An App For Family FUN!

    I am constantly googling activities to do with my kids and if you are like me it takes up some time. Well now there is an app for that and IT'S FREE!!

    Use Yuggler, winner of the Parents' Choice Approved Award, to get inspired and help you find activities for #farm#orchard#pickyourown#applepicking, and #festival in your local neighborhood. Check out Yuggler to learn more!

    Calling ALL Disney Lovers Passionate About Sharing Their Travel Tips

    Calling all Disney experts and passionate trip planners!

    Do you know the prime spot for watching fireworks at the Magic Kingdom? Do your friends come to you for the inside scoop on the best breakfast Mickey has to offer?  You could be the next member of the 2016 Disney Parks Moms Panel!    

    Now in its eighth year, the Disney Parks Moms Panel is seeking bilingual panelists and savvy world travelers to join their online forum, where guests can get tips and insights from real parents like you, who have mastered the art of planning a Disney vacation. Now offered in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, the culturally-rich program is easily adapted for Disney Parks' visitors from across the globe, providing the tools they need to plan a trip to the most magical place on earth!
    From recommendations on where to grab a bite to eat to where to stop and shop 'til you drop, these panelists are well-equipped to not only help plan a trip to the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, but also answer questions about Disneyland Resort, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Vacation Club, Disney and ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex and more.
    The Disney Parks Moms Panel plays an integral role in helping families create lifelong Disney memories. As they continue to grow stronger each year, all they need is faith, trust, a little bit of pixie dust and perhaps, YOU!
    How to Apply
    Disney Parks will accept applications for the 2016 Disney Parks Moms Panel from 10 a.m. ET on September 8, 2015 through September 15, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. ET. Those interested should visit www.momspanelsearch.com to enter. The application process includes a series of written questions and submissions, with the final round in the form of a brief phone interview. Once the search is complete, the top candidates will be officially announced as members of the Disney Parks Moms Panel in January 2016. Panelists must be available to attend a training session at Walt Disney World Resort in December 2015.
    Don't forget, it all started with a mouse and a dream!
    *The Disney Parks Moms Panel information has been provided by Disney Parks.* All content provided via Coyne PR

    Wednesday, September 2, 2015

    Don't Compare Yourself With Other Moms

    This is so true! I always said you stop judging other parents once you become one yourself. 

    September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

    Check your neck, it could save your life. Two years Cancer free and grateful everyday!