You Can't Just Give Up!

My oldest is 7 and was able to get on the Minors league with 8 to 10 years old for the Summer baseball league. She's normally the only girl on her team, even though there are some girls in the league. 

Tonight was her first game. The plays some of these kids made were amazing. As I was leaving early with her sisters she ran up to me:
Mom take me home with you!
Mom it's too hard. I got out on 3rd.
But you hit honey. You got on base!
It's too hard I don't want to stay. 
Too hard?! You can't just give up. This is the first game. It's a learning process. Professionals get out. It's part of the game. 
Mom just take me home. 
Finish the game and then if you don't want to come back you don't have too. 

As I began to walk away I heard the assistant coach ask her if she wanted to catch this inning. She lite up. I helped put her gear on and she transformed into a baseball player. Bye mom she said smiling on to the field. I smiled my whole way home. 

Don't just give up and don't let your kids just give up. If she came home with me she would just give up on stuff. If she doesn't want to play again I won't force her to. But you don't just give up when things get tough or don't go your way. 

There's just something about seeing your little girl in catchers gear! ⚾️

Kidville Kids Gym and Classes Specials

I am addicted to this place. I take my kids twice a week. They love it. Staff is amazing. Every day gym is set up different. They have really cute, fun classes. It's a must to try! Now they have awesome 4th of July deals. 

Learn more here:

Tell Tanya J from MommyCT sent you!

Change Your Thoughts and How You Feel

"Nothing can happen for you in the outside world until you create the energy to attract it to and through your inside world. Developing a strong inner life can create a better outer life." Iyanla Vanzant

Good Morning Readers...

Thank you for starting your morning by reading my blog. Be sure to make time for YOU today!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Romanacci Cafe... So Much More Then Just Pizza

Amazing pizza but did you know they have crepes and cannolis, lattes and cappuccinos too?

Growing up we used to always stop by the Italian store with my parents. They would have pastries and espressos. We have done the trip to Arthur Ave numerous times and stop by the pastry shops and grab a coffee. It's a childhood memory. 

Tonight I did dinner with my mommy friends and instead of going somewhere after for drinks someone suggested getting coffees and desserts at Romanaccis. I walked in and reminded me kindof my childhood. Bar setting, coffees and fresh cannolis. Amazing crepes. It's not just a pizza joint, though their pizza is amazing, there's more to pick from and it's delicious. Check it out.

Holy Cannoli 

Nutella crepes- OMG is right. 

Lattes: sorry couldn't get a picture before the foam was consumed. 

So delicious and such a fun night with some of my favorite ladies. 

Surrender Your Ego Quote

"The key to any spiritual process is your mind. You must be willing to surrender your ego to a higher spiritual force."Iyanla Vanzant

Connecticut Fireworks Schedule 2016

Fourth of July weekend is on it's way!  Check out the schedule for fireworks in your area:

Your Customer Service Doesn't Have To Suck: Redeem Yourself.

This past weekend I stay at a hotel in Brooklyn visiting friends. I chose this particular hotel because I stayed in it last Fall for a wedding and loved that their was parking on the premises.

When I checked in the sign said parking lot full. I asked the front desk what this was about and they said we are full. Full I said. I chose this hotel on purpose because of the parking. Ma'am it's full. I was on fire. There were empty spots in the lot and when we pulled in a guy said we could have his spot. Ma'am see the list. See. Once it hits grey we are full. You have to park four blocks and use that garage. What?! If my daughter wasn't with me I would have said a lot less nice things, pack up my car and left. 

Instead I went outside. Cooled down and told my husband we need to move out car. I was all ready to start the reviews I was extremely dissapointed. 

Later that night I was in my pajamas with my hair pulled back and went downstairs 
to buy some snacks. Of course the guy was still working the front desk. I layed the snacks down and he said. Were you the one I was discussing parking with earlier? Yeah I replied. Here he said. Handing me the snacks for free. We both smiled. I said thank you and walked away 

Your customer service is usually the number one reason people will or will not do business with you! If it sucks. Change it. What was a bad experience turned quickly into a nice experience. It wasn't about getting free stuff. It was the guy realizing how rude he was and redeeming himself. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's Not A Gender Thing

I grew up in a family of girls. My dad never said we couldn't do anything due to our gender. If anything he pushed us to be more independent and not take crap because of our gender. 

Now being a mom of three girls it bothers me when I hear references based on gender. Nothing gets under my skin more than when people reference to my kids for their gender. "Wow she runs fast for a girl" "wow she can hit for a girl" "boys don't throw too hard shes a girl" "wow she's tough for a girl" Her private parts have no factor in her speed, stregthen or what she is capable of doing. 

My daughter said I want boy clothes. Really like what I asked. Star Wars, adventures etc... This past week I did some shopping and brought her some of these things I found in the girl sections. They weren't all glitter and girly. They just happen to fit her built better than boy shirts. She said wow mom you really listened to me. 

My daughter is a pretty awesome baseball player. She's refusing to play softball. "Why mom I like hitting baseballs and like my league". So we kept her on. She had tryouts today since she isn't 8 yet to do a league with 8 to 10 years olds over the summer. She rocked it. 

One night after a game she came home and said I wish I was a boy. Why I asked. Well when I got on base some kid on 2nd asked if I was a girl and when I said yes he laughed. I responded don't listen to him. He was just shocked you can hit better then him. 

We as parents need to stop the gender labels. Every person is different and unique based on their personality not their gender. 

Whether boys are girls. We need to teach kids that there are NO restrictions just because of their gender. 

This corporate glass ceiling everyone has in their head has made people believe in the United States men have an advantage over women. They don't. They only do because we let them.  I have met and worked for many successful woman CEOs. Women who run their own business. Women you have succeeded despite their gender. 

Stop the labeling. We now live in a society where we have transgender bathrooms. We live in  Society where a woman will be our President one day. Gender no longer should play a factor in life. 

Friday Motivation!

Happy Friday All. I hope it's a good one!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

6 Month Follow Up For Me

After three years of 3-6 week follow up appointments, my Thyroid medicine fluctuating up to 220 down to 150 and every dose in between, scans, bloodwork, Cancer bloodwork screening and being poked at I finally graduated to needing to see my specialist every 6 months! I walked out of my appointment with a grin ear to ear. 

It's been a rough, emotional, painful, hopeful process and the kicker is this: Fall 2015 was a rough season for me. My personal life had some things going on that increased stress in my life. Ironically that's when my lymph nodes swelled and abnormal findings on my ultrasound showed up.  

Things in my life started to test me more and more and finally by May was put to rest. 

Things turned around. My prospective of life turned around. I started to be happier. My scans were now normal. My levels regulated. My need for Tylenol three times a day decreased. My lymph nodes went back to normal size. Life turned around. 

It's time to turn your life around too! Cheers to healthy and happy beginnings!

Summer Breakfasts Are The Best: Enjoy Your Summer

Waking up late...well two of them. No plans in the morning. Fresh waffles with fresh strawberries hand picked over weekend from my sister. I even snuck in a spoonful of Cobani Greek yogurt in the waffle batter.  No rushing. A movie playing in the other room "The Little Mermaid". It's the little things in life that help start the day right. 

Hope you have some of these mornings where the mess doesn't bother you and you don't have to run around to get everyone out the door. Where you can actually enjoy your hot coffee without reheating it. 

Summer relaxation isn't only about laying in the sun on the beach. It's about embracing the natural sunlight. Making smores past bedtime. No set plans and running around. Sticky suntan faces. Ice pops and darkeness setting past their bed time and yours. 

Embrace it. Enjoy it! We look forward to this weather all year. 

It's All About Balance! This Stage Of Life Is Hard

I read this article and it is spot on about being a Mom, trying to identify with who you are while caring for others,how marriages  change and how important it is to find friends who help balance you! How it's ok to ask for help so you don't need to do it all alone, etc... I read this and forwarded it to all my mommy friends. 

As Frustrating As It May Be Have Some Patience

 Mornings start super early and although I can push some extra sleep there's always that one kid who prevents me from getting sleep. 

My three year old is the first to wake up in the morning and the last to go to bed. She's quiet and super independent. She is like no other kid I have. She keeps to herself but when she wants to be heard the whole neighborhood hears her. She's the closest to me and I tend to be the toughest on her. She's super stubborn and so persistent in getting her way. Ever since she was a baby she hated to sleep. 

Nap time has turned into her falling asleep on the couch and bed time is me sneaking out of her room as she doses off. 

Well tonight was another late night. She never falls asleep before 9:30. Meanwhile the other two kids hit the pillow and knock out. 

I am not one to cuddle at bedtime. If I am in their room I ensure them they are safe but laying next to them means I end up falling asleep and there goes my "me" time. 

So tonight I bring her to bed. She's wide awake. In my head I beg please just fall asleep so I can some "me" time. I start laying next to her and by 9:45 my patience are slim to none. I crawl to the end of her bed and sit on the ground. "Mamma hold me" she says. "No it's time for you to go to bed. You had a long day. You can't do this every night I respond."

Ten minutes later I wake up. I had fallen asleep on the ground. I get up and check on the kids and notice my daughter's feet are where her head should be. I realize she fell asleep at the edge of her bed. Where my back was to her. Damn I think. That's kindof sweet.  

This moment in life is tough. Early rising. Late night bed times. But these moments will pass. They will be older and more independent and different problems. We as parents have to learn to keep our patience in check. Yeah bedtime sucks but when they are asleep and so sweet  is when you want to love them the 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Food Heart

Amazing how an orange can make you smile. 💛

Add Color To Your Salads

Turn a boring salad into a colorful treat by adding broccoli slaw to your salad. It's full of vitamins and already shredded and comes ready to eat. Adds a great texture to salads too. Top it with whatever dressing you like! Happy healthy eating!

Best Of Shoreline 2016

Good Morning Readers! The polls for The Best Of The Shoreline are open! Be sure to vote for your favorites and you will be entered into a drawing.

2016 Best of the Shoreline 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Make Memories...

This summer take the time and do things. They don't have to be expensive things. Just take the time and create memories with your children, family, friends and loved ones. 

Life is short! Be sure to do things that you can look back on and smile about. 

Goodie Bag Ideas That Won't End Up In The Trash

So many parties I have thrown for my daughter and always the big question : what to put in the goodie bag thats won't get thrown away. 

Check Out These Fun And Unique Goodie Bag Ideas Options Minus The Bag:

No More Goodie Bags: 12 Birthday Party Favors That Won't Get Thrown Away

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day Readers

Happy Father's Day to you, your husbands and fathers! Great men are hard to come by. Grateful for the good men I have in my life!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Spread In Norwalk CT

I haven't been here in a while and everytime I drive by it has a great crowd. Went tonight for a long overdue date night and really was delicious. 

Fun Cocktails with a rustic ambiance

Fried Potato Gnocchi

We split burger that is grass fed beef and awesome tasty fries

Steak Tartare- sorry half way eaten, he couldn't wait to dive into this 


MILKCRAFT Ice Cream In Fairfield CT

If you haven't tried MILKCRAFT in Fairfield then definitely make the trip. Super cool and tastey. A little on the pricey side but a great treat! I got their peanut butter and jelly on a waffle cone. So tastey with a bit of banana in it. Cone was soft and crunchy. My daughters tried vanilla on their glazed donut. Holy sweet treat but just enough! My husband got strawberry on a waffle cone. Just right on sweetness side. They even had Jed's Maple Cotton Candy. One of our favorites! I could see myself craving this place more than I should.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Connected Spiritually

Having a twin sister has it's advantages and disadvantages. One huge cool factor is we have a "sixth" sense with eachother and can feel each others pain or know when something is wrong. 

I read it over and over again how twins get this gut feeling when it comes to one another. 

I sometimes picked it up with other people in my life. Close and not close to me. Well since my daughters injury my foot has been throbbing. I know it's probably mental from feeling bad for her. I mentioned it to her today and she asked me how it was possible. I replied that we are connected spiritually and I am feeling her pain. 

Have you ever experienced this? It's a surreal sense. Whenever I did "healings" which again I am no Pro and haven't practiced in a while, but after I would try a healing on someone I later felt their pain. 

We underestimate how spiritually connected we all are to one another. A while ago a friend asked me to pray for her. She was having financial difficulties. I told her a couple of positive ways to think. A couple weeks ago she came up to me and said remember when I asked you to pray? Well we are doing great. 

Was it my doing? Not sure. But by having her view the situation differently and having faith could have helped her situation. 

We are all connected. It's the stress and chaos of our life that helps us not see it. 

Happy National Flip Flop Day!!

I LOVE flip flops! If I could wear them everyday year round I would.

I always wanted to open a Flip Flop shop.  Maybe one day I will move down south and do it. Til then I will enjoy the weather in CT and take advantage of the flip flop weather we've been having lately!

Accidents Happen! All We Want Is For Our Kids To Be Safe, Happy & Healthy!

I took the day off and planned a play date in the morning with my mommy friends. I set up the pool, they had water balloons and water guns. The kids were having a blast. 

They stopped to have a snack and as they ran back barefoot I heard my oldest daughter scream. She ran back toward me. I thought she got stung by a bee. She lifted her foot and said a piece of wood got stuck in it. 

I sat her down and put peroxide on it. The wood was deep in her foot. No typical splinter.  I looked at my mommy friends and they said go. I put her on my back and into the car. After three shots and three stitches we left the urgent care facility. 

Accidents happen! What was a fun filled morning ended with an unexpected injury. 

With all the sad tragic news circulating the news we must always remember that all we want in life is for our kids to be safe, happy and healthy. We need to stop judging parents that have been faced a tragedy. 

Accidents happen. Could some be prevented? Yes, absolutely! But who are we to criticize and make any parent dealing with a tradegy feel worse. Being a parent isn't easy! Always remember that!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Clean Scans For Me...3 Years Cancer Free

I don't care what type of Cancer you have had, all cancers suck. The feeling you get in your gut when you hear your diagnosis is something no one should have to experience. 

There was a suspicious findings on my neck ultrasound a couple months ago and as I drove to the radiology department in New Haven I couldn't help but get a wave of nausea. Flash backs to driving to Yale for my surgery came back to me. I felt like I was suffocating. Please please let the scans be clear I prayed walking in. Today I went for a follow up scan of my lymph nodes and it's all clear. 

When I drove home I started to cry. The feeling of relief set over me. I couldn't imagine driving home thinking the Cancer came back. 

When I was diagnosed I was 6 months pregnant with my second child. The song "This Girl Is On Fire" was released. It was my song to fight the fight. I heard it driving home followed by "How Wonderful Life Is When You're In The World." 

Those fighting, stay strong through the fight. To the survivors I hope one day your brain forgets what you had to go through. Cancer is an enemy that won a lot of battles. Fortunately it hasn't won mine!

Dear Moms You're A Good Mom Even On Your Worse Days

I saw this and it's so true! The roller coaster ride of being a Mom. Sometimes you look in the mirror and hate the hot mess looking back at you but reality is we all have these days. You're a GREAT Mom You've got this...

Do You Really Need 10,000 Steps A Day?

Exercise is key to staying healthy. While it should be a priority it isn't always easy to accomplish with busy schedules. Try adding extra steps in your day and it's amazing the results you will see. 

Article: How Many Daily Steps Do You Really Need for Better Health?​

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Summer Vacation Is Here

It's officially Summer Vacation! 

Wet bathing suits drying on the deck, rolling around in the grass. Dirty piggies. Who doesn't have pants on. When I kiss them I can smell sweaty leftover suntan lotion smell on their face. Refusing to come in until it's dark out Summer vacation is here...

I remember being so pumped for Summer break. Not knowing what day or time it was. Taking it all in. Embracing wherever the day takes us.

I want them to enjoy their Summer and I want to embrace the little moments with them. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Cure Summer Boredom With Items From Dollar Store

I saw this article on Facebook. So clever and easy to do. Which ones will you be doing this summer?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Port Jefferson Great Family Getaway

My husband asked for a day out with the kids for his birthday. Now traveling any where 30 minutes or more away requires extra work on my part; having a baby in diapers and a toddler recently potty trained as well as a seven year old who doesn't enjoying walking more than she has too adds extra pressure. So he suggested we take the ferry and spend the day at Port Jefferson. Without hesitation I said sure.

Now we have been there before. Just not we all three of them. 

The night before I pack extra clothes, diapers. Prepare bottles and sippy cups. Suntan lotion and sweaters. The next morning we run a little behind schedule and I think let's just get this going. The plus side about having young kids is that you can stuff the stroller with all this stuff without having to actually carry it. 

We arrive at the port in Bridgeport and it's gorgeous out. We get our tickets which is $17 per adult and free for children 12 or younger. The sun is beaming and the wind is strong. The kids beam with delight as the ginormous ferry docks close to them. 

On the dock there's an elevator so makes easy access to the ferry levels. We settle down and kids walk around. We take a break from the sun and walk inside to purchase a snack. The kids are smiling ear to ear. 

We had no plan. I knew there was a boat show and figured we would check out we stopped at some shops. There's a farmers market taking place. Everyone is so friendly. We stop at a burger pub and enjoy lunch. Outside a band is playing. We finish up and down walk around town. It was awesome. Clean. Everyone fairly friendly. All you smell is food which even after lunch stirred up some hunger. 

There are roof top restaurants. Tons of ice cream palors. We stopped by the hotel near the dock  and the kids play in the little grass area. We stopped by the boat show and after hanging out for four hours we head back home. 

It's an easy, kid family outing that really is nice to do. Thinking of a day away then Check it out

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Non-Dairy Homemade Frozen Dessert By Nutty Butty LLC

I tried their dessert at the Westport Farmers Market and it was delicious. Their orange blossom was amazing! They use coconut oil as their base and everything is vegan, and gluten free. Be sure to check them out!

Are You Staying In Your Marriage For Your Kids?

In a recent article I read 

Why Staying Together For The Kids Is Harmful it states clearly that kids are not stupid. Kids feed off the energy they see from their parents. They see these relationships and copy them when it comes to their relationships later in life. Staying together could be harmful in the long run for your children. 

The problem I see a lot and I am not an expert but usually in marriage there's a little bit of recentment that a spouse experiences. The primary care giver takes on a new role and sometimes it's too much. I also see that the children become the full focus in a relationship. The relationship between the parents gets pushed aside. I totally understand how this can happen.

Your true self goes on back burner and you take on this new role and sometimes it's not what you expected. Before you enter a marriage be sure to realize not all good will come along with it. Do pick a companion who brings out the best in you and has mutual goals and expectations out of life. Do pick someone who respects you as a person not a possession. And for the problems that occur before marriage, they will not go away after marriage or after having kids. They just get buried and eventually will make their way to the surface again. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Moms Connect With One Another

Everyone needs friends who get them, get what they are going through and laugh about the adventures of motherhood, marriage and life. Make sure you make time for that. 

It doesn't take you away from things. It actually helps you deal with things. When you are able to find friendships that relate to what stage you are in life it helps you appreciate it. 

I am so lucky to have amazing women in my life. Whether I am with my sisters, mom,friends or mommy friends, I learn stuff and I learn about myself. We all help one another see things differently. Take a break and make time to connect with them. It's empowering to be YOU once in a while and enjoy those around you. 

Match Restaurant in SoNo Gives Back Dinner Until June 10th

Great price for a great cause! The last night for this is tomorrow night and if you can go be sure to call and make reservations, the food is amazing. We all tried all the dishes and everything was delicious.