Wednesday, September 4, 2019

To Stay or To Go

Something to think about!

Men Want To Feel Wanted Too

If I have taught you anything it is want to feel wanted and desired too!

Let me explain...I was speaking to a friend. She would kill me if she knew I was writing this. We spoke about dating and men and yada yada. After our discussion I pushed her to reach out to someone. She did. Within seconds she’s like I got a date. I said you just made his night. She’s like I did? I said yes. Men want to feel needed and desired just as much as women do! He’s smiling right now. She was like wow I didn’t think of it like that. 

Read this again: Men want to feel needed and desired just as much as women do!

I have someone close to me who always reminds me that men have feelings too and they DO!

Ladies if you’re excited for a date. He’s excited too. If he made your night. You made his. 

Men want to feel wanted and desired and I can’t push this enough. I get it. You’re tired. Raising kids. Working long hours. Have no time for yourself. Ok so.... But men don’t need a lot to feel good. Smack their ass. Tell them they look hot. Men will be eating out of your hand. 

When a man compliments us and not just asking for sex but says that shirt looks great on us or we are beautiful or our hair looks pretty or our soul is beautiful. What do we do? We freaking melt! We become mush. We blush. We flirt. 

Well men do too!

Come on gals. Do I have to teach you everything. Haha just kidding but really just take some
time to make him feel good, wanted, needed, like a man. Bet he would give you the world if you did. 

Read this:

Why Men Need to Feel Wanted by Their Partners

“All humans, not just women, want to be admired and desired...and shown it.”

Mommy Humor

Who says we can’t be who we want to be based on our audience and situation? 

Stop & Enjoy The View

The sunset was amazing tonight. I was walking out of a meeting and couldn’t stop looking at the sky. I was driving home and had to pull over to take a picture of these trees that looked like they were on fire but it was the sunset refection on them. 

When your mind is calm and relaxed you can take in the beauty around you. When you’re angry, rushed, or stressed you can’t take the time to enjoy things happening around you. I know it’s not easy. I get it but why miss out on magical moments like this over worrying or stressing. 

We All Should “Chie” I Mean Try Our Best

I have to do a focus group and one of the assignments was to decorate a box based on your life and personality. I asked my girls to draw a picture I can attach to the box because being a mom of three I thought was appropriate. Then my middle one hands me this and says Mom you try your best but spelled it so freaking cute. 

I do. I do “chie” my best. I know you all do too. It’s not easy but try to savor the moments. I know schoool drop off and pick up and homework and snack and dinner and endless paperwork then showers and bedtimes x3 can be overwhelming especially after working but then moments like this...moments of saying I “chie” made me realize they know I am trying my best and well that’s all I can do. 

Date Yourself

You have to understand how important it is to date yourself. I made some terrible dating choices. I settled. I put up with stuff no one should put up. Then. Now.  I accepted behavior that wasn’t ok or what I deserved. 

You don’t realize that until you embrace being alone. 

What I thought was love in my lifetime wasn’t the love I really needed so instead of looking for love I stopped. I embraced me. The love for myself until I find someone who actually deserves my love. 

Feel Good Song: Strawberry Swing

Whenever I meditate I am on a swing. The sun is shining down on me. Not sure why but I always have this vision. It’s comforting. Makes me happy. I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. Brings me back to my childhood. Like a childlike happiness comes over me. Strange yet comforting. This song reminded me of it. 

Live Simple...

You’re very simple my mom said to me the other day. I notice it doesn’t take a lot to make you happy or content. You’re easily happy. 

She’s right. I actually always have been. I never needed anything but structure and be able to treat myself out once a week. Even if it was just for pizza. I don’t like chaos. I don’t like unstable situations. I can be happy on a simple life. 

I had a situation in my life change. I unpacked only what I needed. I didn’t want to crowd my space. I needed energy to flow. To be able to meditate. To not over crowd my brain. 

I may not be like you. That’s ok. I will tell you the more simple a situation the happier I am. Yes I like to go out and experience new restaurants and festivals and adventures but I never was hard to make happy. A hug makes me happy. A single rose. But when chaos or I have to defend myself or prove myself I become defensive. I don’t like that. 

I like quiet and calm. I like good vibe people. I like good energy situations. I don’t like needy people. I don’t like people who constantly need reassurance. 

When I wasn’t happy I was always out. I needed a distraction from my reality. I did it even married. I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t believe when I moved how much stuff I had and held on to. I was just too tired and stressed to care. I was mad at myself for allowing my life to get that way. I mean I held on to paperwork that should have been tossed years prior. I just didn’t care. I wasn’t happy so needed a distraction and only did what I needed to do to survive. Sad. But we all do. 

I want you to go home today and clear out an area of space of your house. Now walk in and out of the room. Tell me what you feel. Tell me how it calms you. Tell me how your brain and body reacts. 

Also if you find yourself always running from staying home well your home is the problem. You’re not happy. You’re not calm or content. Your distractions are your “out” from dealing with your realities. 

Live simple. 

Go For A Walk...Switch Things Up

I had twenty minutes before my next client call. I am swamped so I decided to take a walk. Just to relax my mind. Being outside calms me.  I blast my music and walk. When I have more time I do a long walk and yesterday spotted this amazing view on that long walk. Amazing right! 

So when I walk I always keep one earbud in so I can hear cars or nature or anything else outside while listening to music. 

A song came on that triggered me. In a good way. I started to smile. Something so simple. So brainless yet so relaxing. 

Go for a walk or read or watch a brainless show or listen to a podcast. Switch things up. We become robotic in our life and how things should be or how life is. We become bored and think something drastic has to happen to make life interesting again.  It doesn’t. 

We stick to a routine and one day wake up and say I don’t like this routine anymore. Ok well then switch things up. Something simple. Small change at a time. It can make life exciting again. 

Just Ten Minutes...

Who is your person? Your happy place? Go thank them! 


You’re not responsible for everyone’s problems. You don’t need to fix everyone. 

Bring yourself back to peace and happiness. Focus within. 

Do You Know Who You Really Are?


Things in life have had to happen so we can find out who we really are. I say over and over I am not who I was... 10 yrs ago. 1 yr ago. 6 months ago. 

I had to endure pain and lessons to find out who I really was. 

You do too. If you’re currently going through your lesson I wish you strengthen. It’s an awful process. If you have come out and are intune with who you are then I praise you. 

Who Has Impacted Your Life?

There’s this book that popped into my mind today, The Five People You Meet In Heaven. If you haven’t read this book you need to. It’s a wonderful story about a man’s journey. He passes and five people who impacted his life he meets in heaven. Some he didn’t even know he impacted. 

Read some here 

I thought of it because it made me think of all the people who have come into my life these last two years. After my divorce journey I have met a ton of people. No not just men. Women too. Friends. People who all taught me something. Even if it was something so small as to why the wind dies down at night. They all taught me a lesson. Now when I am with them whenever I had an “aha moment.” I knew my journey with them was over. Some we held on to too long. Some we easily let go. 

Now think about YOUR life. Who taught you something. Who impacted you. Those people are special. Even if it was just in passing. Those people impacted your life. Sometimes more so than someone who has been in your life forever. You may not realize it but today I want you to take the time and focus everyone who comes into contact with you. How they make you feel. How your heart and soul feels around them. How many “aha moments” you get. 

Think about it and feel free to message me with your experience.