Friday, September 6, 2019

Friends Or Lovers

Something to think about...

It’s hard to keep a friendship when you once had something. It’s hard to shift gears. Not everyone can do it. Staying in eachother lives is hard. I tried it. I tried playing the friendly friend role and I failed. I couldn’t do it especially if they are with someone else and you have to act all calm like you don’t care. Like them taking them places is great...yeah no thanks. 
Obviously one felt something more verse the other. I know people who can do this and I just can’t. It’s too hard. Maybe it’s too soon. 

I think maybe in time when emotions settle but I think once a lover always a lover and well it just gets complicated when you try to mix the two. 

Staycations... Why Not!

Who says you need to travel to enjoy yourself? How about if I told you there's plenty to do in your own State that will make it feel like you're on vacation anyway. Feel free to reach out to me for more Connecticut Staycation Ideas...I just love how much there is to do!

50 Amazing Staycations by State HERE

What’s Meant For You

It won’t be hard. It will be natural and fun. It will bring out the best in you. That’s how you know. 

It Better Set Your Soul On Fire!

*The Angry Therapist

What makes you feel alive? Sometimes a person makes you feel alive. Sometimes an activity. What is setting your soul on fire? 

Gain Clarity

I have a girlfriend who would joke she would pray for clarity for me. To be able to see things as they are not as I want them to be. To help me find the right path and not be so oblivious. 

Sometimes taking a time out is what you need to regroup. Refocus. Evaluate what’s important in your life and what is not. 

She Was Loved & That Made Her Strong

Even if it wasn’t the type of love she needed or wanted it did at one point help make her strong and brave. Brave to open up and risk being exposed to someone and strong to know that even if it wasn’t the type of love she wanted or needed she knew she could be loved and that alone is powerful. 

Just another part of her journey of discovery to what she wanted and who she was and what she needed to be. 


Rose Quartz...Mom What’s This?

Yesterday my daughter hands me a stone she found in my car. What’s this mom? I laughed. It’s rose quartz. A healing stone. 

I didn’t want to say love stone even though that’s what it is. It helps you attract love and peace. It was appropriate for the type of mood I have been lately. A mood of wanting peace and easy love in my life. Enough with things that are complicated or complex. Stressful or overwhelming. Those days are over. Easy days ahead. 




The color of a rose and the ultimate symbol of love, Rose Quartz has been used in love rituals and ceremonies for centuries. A stone for the love junkies and hopeless romantics, 

She’s Changing and I Like It

I don’t normally make fresh breakfast like fresh pancakes or homemade waffles during the school week. It’s  a lot of work and we have to be out to door by 7:45.  But my oldest has been pretty amazing lately. Something in her changed. She’s calm. Been really affectionate towards me and happy. Over the summer she was a bit of a monster at times. 

The other morning she asked if I had pancakes so last night I set my alarm early to make her fresh panacakes this morning. I would skip my workout. At 6:00 she climbs into my bed. She hugs me and says she missed me. I asked her if she was hungry she said yes. Pancakes she asks. Yep I responded. Bacon too? Of course I say. She was shocked. 

Chocolate chip and bacon pancakes are her thing. Look mom a heart she says. 

Middle school is a rough year. I notice a bit of mommy bear coming out of me. When bell rings she puts on her cell and calls me. I tell her where I will pick her up. It’s like a disconnect for me. I normally know routine classes teachers. This time it’s so independent like I drop her off and say fend for yourself. So out of my comfort zone. Of course I signed up to be involved with school so I can be comfortable with her routine and teachers etc...but honestly she’s been so amazing and mature. I think it’s ok for me to step back. 

I know this is just the beginning and I had to make some changes in my personal life so I can focus 100% on my girls until their routine is comfortable for them and honestly me. They are my world. I can sacrifice my world to make sure their world is how it needs to be. 


Stop Fixing People...

It damages you. Now there’s a difference between being their to help or making their problem your problem. Know the difference. 

What...Settling Again? But Why?

Have you felt this way? You know numb? Where you didn’t get mad or hurt anymore. You just rode it out. Went along. Did the necessary duties to get by. Emotionless. 

A lot of people go through their whole life this way. At one point I did. I did to protect my emotions and my soul. 

When I changed my life. When I chose to take ownership of my life I let go of the numbness. I dealt with the emotions. 

What ended up happening is you become a little dependent of people. You let your guard down.  You fall easily to people who treat you nicely or give you attention. Sounds awful. But you went so long being tough that you then didn’t have to be anymore so you let people in. You showed your weak side. 

Here’s the tricky part. You may lack a sense of judgement. You may fall back in a cycle. The cycle of wanting to be loved and accepted. Where you live in a la la land thinking something is different than it is. 

But then reality sets in.  You think about all you have overcome. Where you were emotionally years ago verse now. You say you don’t deserve anything less than good. Great. Amazing. You don’t settle. You don’t settle for mediocre anymore. Because you have come so far. So far in your journey of being mistreated to being numb to opening up again to then being in situations that you knew weren’t 100% right for you but it felt right at the time. 

You are strong. You are powerful. You overcame being numb. You allowed yourself to feel again. To put yourself out there emotionally. Yes you will get hurt again but then walk away. Don’t go back to hurt some more. 

I learned one lesson and you may not agree but when someone hurts you once...just will repeat again. They will hurt you again. Now it’s up to you to forgive and heal and overcome but the signs are there. The patterns are all there. 

What someone does to you now they will do to you again later. 

I am proud of you for opening up and wanting to love and no don’t feel like a fool. Don’t feel dumb for letting someone else in and hurting. Because at one time it felt good and you needed it. But know when to stay verse when to let go. Know when your journey has ended and walk away with some pride and dignity. 

Move On!

This is when you say goodbye and move on. 

How Do You Want To Be Treated?

What you allow will continue. Read this again. 

You then wake up and say wtf am I thinking or doing. How you would never suggest your friend tolerate being in your position yet you are. It is mind blowing. 

If we stopped giving people power and we had our own power we would never ever allow what takes place on our life to take place. 

I had a situation of a friend. I let myself hold on to this person for too long. To the point when texts bounced back I would say how pathetic I was. How this person liked to come in and out and how I gave them complete permission to treat me as those chose. 

What?! I know what you’re thinking. Why? Because at one point this friend made my heart happy. Not with this type of behavior but with a past behavior. I held on to this idea that one day they would treat me how they have in the past. Wrong. I allowed their new behavior to still have access to me and well that’s not ok nor how life is. 

Never ever let someone stroll in and out as they please
 Never ever let someone act like what they do is acceptable. 

I heard a lot of excuses and no apologies. I heard a lot
more of my own talking and texting than theirs. It was time to say goodbye and let that path die down.