Monday, March 30, 2020

Social Distancing...These Are The Times Of Your Life...Accept It

I am not one to stay home but I do and sometimes I drive around blasting a song. Sometimes I stop by and hang on a friends porch 6 feet away from eachother. We walk on opposite sides of the road and every time I leave we can’t hug. Instead they thank me from a distant and tell them how much I mean to them and this meant to them. A distraction. 

See we don’t have to be perfect. We have to be real. Human. Tell people we love them. Ask how they are. Know we are thinking of them. 

When was the last time you did that?

One day we will look back on these days and laugh and cry. This is your current life. Make the most of it. 

Pumpkin Pie Time

I was in line at the grocery store and I saw a woman grab a can of pumpkin pie. Great idea I thought. 

I grabbed a can. A can of condensed milk. Two graham cracker pie crust and found the activity I would do with my kids yesterday....Make pumpkin pie. 

It was the best pumpkin pie I ever made!! 

Here’s the ingredients 

1 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 can of Libby 15 oz pure pumpkin
1 can of condensed milk
1/2 cup of milk 
2 large eggs

Get two bowls. In one put sugar and spices. In second put eggs. 

Whip eggs. Add pumpkin. Add condensed milk. Mix together. Gradually add in sugar mix. Add milk. Whip together. This will fill two pie crust. Bake 10 minutes At 400 degrees. Bake 50 minutes at 345 degrees. 

Let it cool down and serve with whip cream. 


Be Kind...Now More Than Ever

We are all living with some fear and stress and it’s now the time to be kind. To know we are all having our our doubt and struggle. 

Yesterday I went to the grocery store. It’s so surreal. Masks and gloves and you feel you’re all zombies. Scared of one another. They have x marks on the ground. Plastic bags are back now for free. It’s just a weird experiences. Cashiers have plastic shields infront of them.  

My cashier cleaned the surface. Screen. Credit card machine and changed her gloves. She said it was due to a spill but seriously I was super grateful for it. We spoke as she rang up my stuff. She told me when gets home she leaves her shoes outside. She changes and showers. Clothes go right in the wash. She said how everyone really has been extra kind. I loved hearing it. I thanked her for wiping the stuff down. Tipped her and left. As I tipped her she looked at me in shock. I said stay safe. 

I swear we are all getting by. We are all affected somehow. Just be good to one another. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Making Ice Cream

Keeping busy is what keeps us sane. Making memories is what makes us happy. I always used to make ice cream with the kids. I used to make egg nog and candy cane ice cream for Christmas. I made ice cream whenever my nephews slept over. It’s so easy and fun. 

It’s been a while since I pulled out my ice cream maker. So last night I said tonight we will make ice cream like we used to. This time was just vanilla. Next week we will make chocolate. 

I follow the Cuisinart recipe because it doesn’t require eggs. Check it out here:

How do you take your ice cream?

Pray For The Helpers & Know Your Role

Pray for the helpers. The ones that have to go to work to keep us safe. To heal the sick. To protect our community. To the doctors and nurses, policeman and fireman, to the cleaners the grocery store employees. To the pharmacies. To even the restaurants that stay open to feed us. Pray for them all. We all play a role 
A role that makes us go out there and work everyday or the role that keeps you home to not spread this virus even more. Know your role and play it. ❤️

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

One Day At A Time

It’s not easy what we are going through. Just remember it’s temporary 💗

Craft Time Bead Fun

This was actually really cute. You get these beads and make a design. You place their special paper on top and iron it and it fuses the design together. 

Today’s Humor To Get You Through The Day

Priest in Italy live streams mass, activates filters by mistake

Social Distancing...What The World Is Telling Us

This is tough for all of us. But the world is healing while we keep our distance from one another. Life comes to a halt. Our jobs. Our social lives. Our kids activities. Our routines. Are all changing so we can save lives. Ironic that the earth can heal while we stop allowing so much pressure on it. While we give it space. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

What’s Your Community Doing To Give Back?

I heard Sono 1420 is giving away small bottles of hand sanitizer and will refill your empty ones too. They also sell their liquor if you want to purchase it. Sanitizer is free.  Check out their social media for hours 

Norwalk Birthday Page is a page on Facebook that someone created to help kids get some love on their birthday since they can’t celebrate with their friends or peers. 

What have your community been doing to give back or show support?

Love Yourself First

Let go of any insecurities or fears or past relationships doubts. Be happy now. Enjoy this moment. 

When Times Are Tough Try To Make Others Smile

The news is so overwhelming. The stories. Social media. Everything is filled with fear. It’s hard to stay positive. It’s not easy to be happy or laugh or smile. But I will tell you it helps distract the fear and worry. Laugh. Smile. Tell a joke. Watch a funny movie. 

A guy I have been seeing makes me smile.  He always calms me and makes my heart happy. He’s been in my life for a couple of years on and off and every time we get the opportunity we make each other laugh. He’s really good for my soul. I am actually really grateful for that. I am also grateful that after all this time he’s been there, right infront of me and well I never realized until a couple of months ago how good he is for me. 

I have a friend. She’s hysterical. She makes me laugh. She’s real and we are very similar. I am grateful for her. It’s hard not having her big heart filled hugs. It’s hard not being able to see eachother. But we still talk all the time and send eachother silly memes. 

My kids have been goofy this week and I encourage it. I encourage laughter. Because they too are having a hard time and laughter keeps us young. 

My parents. I try really hard to be happy around them. To discuss funny stories and situations. We crack up. We joke around. It lightens up the situation we are in. 

I have always been the silly one in the group of friends and family. I continue to mass text my crew with funny memes. Even if for one moment it makes them smile then it is worth it. 

All these things distract us. They help shift our mind. Our mood. Our fear. Our worries. Even if it’s short lived. 

Do it today. Make someone smile. Laugh. Tell a joke. Be silly together. Let’s all try to help eachother get through this situation. 

I hope you and your family and friends and loved ones stay safe and healthy. ❤️

Wake Up & Start Your Day...Inside

I won’t lie. I have been doing this. I get up every morning and make sure the kids and I are dressed as if we are actually going someplace. It helps create a routine even if we aren’t going outside into the real world. 

Of course the one morning I decide not to do my makeup the doorbell rings but really these little
steps can help us not get in a funk. So ditch the pajamas and yoga pants and leggings and get dressed everyday. 

Support Your Local Healthcare Workers

Put a pink or red heart on your window or mailbox to support the local healthcare workers. So when they drive by or walk by they can see you thinking of them. I can’t even imagine what they see or go through. I had a hospital committee meeting briefly through video chat and even though they all remain calm it’s not easy for anyone working in the healthcare industry at this time. Show some support ❤️