Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New You!

"All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives." Steven Spielberg 

Happy New Years Cupcakes!

Wishing you all sweet things for 2013!

Good Bye 2012...Welcome 2013

2012 has been a rough year for most of us. I have been through a lot  and learned a lot about life these last 12 months and feel like I am ready to learn from these lessons. Sometimes things do not always happen to hurt us.

My husband had to lose his job to gain a better one, arguments I had with people helped me see my life through a different perspective, it took me  a while to get pregnant so that when I did they were able to catch my cancer.  I am not trying to justify all the wrong and trust me its been a hell of a road for me to come to terms with these things and to still deal with them but a healthy body needs a healthy mind. In 2013 I need to let go of those things that Hurt me and made me weak so I can be strong for my family and kids and to get rid of the cancer in me. I need to have more faith in god and in myself for the decisions I make and I need to be at peace with what went wrong in 2012. 

So in 2013 I wish you all amazing things, wonderful opportunities, happiness, wealth and most importantly great health!

Goodbye 2012 and Welcome 2013!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Healing the Body & Mind Quote

"If you want to heal the body you must start by healing your mind" 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

I hope today and everyday you surround yourself with the people you love
and those who love you for exactly who you are!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Be Happy Today Quote

"Being happy today means you are not allowing your worries of tomorrow to get in your way!"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Have More Faith! Prayers for Newtown CT!

I encourage all my readers to take a moment and pray for all those affected by the horrific act that took place in Newton Connecticut on Friday. The Sandy Hook Massacre is a reminder that there are so many people out there filled with so much hate that it is scary they live among us in our society. We need to have more faith in our lives, we need to have more compassion for other people, we need to value life a little more.

The shooter had no right to take away anyone's life and destroy a community. It is unthinkable to image how one human being could cause so much unnecessary pain. My heart continues to ache for those families that lost a loved one and being a mother I can not comprehend how anyone could harm a child. Those poor babies who lost their life and those who witness such drama is a way of telling society to WAKE UP! Have more Faith, I highly doubt the shooter had any relationship with a higher power, I doubt he believed that one day he would step foot in front of God to confess his sins. I am not a advocate for religion but I do believe that those who do not have any faith in any type of religion seem to forget the meaning of life.

We are born to help one another, to leave a mark in this world. A POSITIVE mark. We were not born to harm others. We need to be there for our children, remind them how evil should not be a part of our life. That shooter had to be filled with so much hate and evil to not care who he hurt, because today I feel like our whole nation is affected by the evil acts caused by one single individual.

Have faith, believe in God, look for guidance in rough times. Life is not easy, life can be hard, but we do not have the right to cause another living being pain because we are in pain and do not know how to handle or control our pain. My prayers go out to the living who have to deal with this pain, and my prayers go out to those who lost their lives that their souls will one day live on.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fat-Ass Fudge Coupon

Know someone who LOVES chocolate? Need an idea for a holiday gift? Then check out Fat Ass Fudge, yep the same Fat Ass Fudge that has been seen on Shark Tank.

Get $5.00 off  with  coupon code "facebook"  Order now for the Holidays!

Happy Eats :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy Holidays!!!

Wishing you and your family a WONDERFUL Holiday!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Feel Good Song: Imagine Dragon- It's Time

Remember NO MATTER what your life experiences make you who you are! Don't let hard times break you!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Best Thyroid Cancer Surgeons in Connecticut

I met with one of the best Thyroid Cancer Surgeons in Connecticut yesterday at Yale New Haven Cancer Center and he and his staff were amazing! At first walking in there it felt pretty impersonal, it is huge. But once I met with the nurse and chief resident I knew I was in good hands. The surgeon explained everything in great detail and made my husband and I very comfortable with our decision to wait to get my thyroid removed until after the baby is born.

After my appointment they sent me for another ultrasound to recheck if anything was suspicious and I was sent to Hammers Healthcare Imaging where the radiologist and staff were great! They saw one lymph node suspicious and did another biopsy just to make sure it did not spread.

The reason I am sharing my story is that you MUST be comfortable with the decisions in life you make. I went to Yale with the intentions of calling a family Oncology to get a second opinion after I left there. However, once the staff took care of me as if I was like family I knew I was in good hands. Luckily I caught this when I did and now will deal with what I have to deal with but please if you are dealing with any health issue be sure to only make a decision when you are 100% educated and feel comfortable with the doctors you are dealing with.

This is YOUR life, you need to be happy and I HIGHLY recommend anyone diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer to go to Yale New Haven. They do at least 12 surgeries a week on this. They are educated, experienceed and very personable. This is your life. Everyone told me no matter what the surgeon who will do your surgery will determine the type of future you will have. Luckily not only are these surgeons the best in Connecticut they are suppose to be the best in the Nation!

I have two lil girls and I need to be there for them every step of their lives. I need to live to be 90 and trust the surgeon who will be helping me will help me achieve that goal! Be good to yourself and body!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Next Steps...

I am meeting with one of the highly recommended Thyroid Cancer surgeons in Connecticut at Yale New Haven Hospital tomorrow. The nerves are starting to set in.  I think I am more worried about what he is going to say then when I first found out I had cancer. I spoke with his nurse when I made my appointment and she said we would have options. One major one is having surgery now vs. waiting until the baby is born. 

At this point in my life I know it sounds silly but I do not have time to deal with these kind of things. I am a mom, I want to be there for my little girl and eat ice cream on the couch at night and fulfil my pregnancy cravings. Not worry about having cancer and surgery and the recovering period. I know it sounds crazy but once you are a mom your focus isn't on yourself anymore and now it has to be.

Of course I did what everyone told me NOT to do. I read online and forums about people going through this and it is super scary but also highly curable.

Cancer is cancer. It is crazy to feel good but yet know there is cancer in my body! I have a ton of questions and glad my husband will be with me at this appointment. I am keeping positive and have a great support system already. One thing I need to remember is that: No one ever got anywhere feeling sorry for themselves! Positive attitudes will bring positive outcomes!

Dinosaur Party for My Little Girl

With the chain of events that has been going on I came very close to canceling my daughter's 1st kid birthday party but then thought a Party is the best thing for us now. It was a great distraction and made me feel really good to see my little one happy!

She turns 4 in a couple of weeks and she kept asking for a kid party. I never did one previous to this because I did not think it was necessary. We are blessed to have so many people in our lives that it made it difficult when creating a birthday list because I wanted to keep it to a reasonable amount of people. Turned out we had 38 people come, 19 kids, 19 adults. I decided to only invite family and those kids who invited her to their birthday party this year-yes we attended a lot of kid parties. The turn out was great.

I ended up doing a Pizza Bowl at the AMF Bowling lanes. I rented three lanes, ordered 6 pizzas, brought brownies and cake and had a great time. The price included shoe rentals and the kids got to bowl as much as they wanted for two hours. It was a great offer and there was plenty of food to keep everyone happy.

I ended up ordering a really amazing Dinosaur Cake. People were shocked when they heard it came from Stop & Shop Grocery store. It was fresh and the decorations were so cool!

I ordered dinosaur items online for goody bags and Party City sold dinosaur silly bands. It was a great day and she had a really good time and seeing all the kids super happy made me super happy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Doesn't Kill Us Will Make Us Stronger

I believe in life we all have a story to tell, a situation we faced that made us who we are. Some people have more than others, some people let the bad things or unfortunate situations alter who they are. They say things all happen to make us stronger. I believe at times this is true. But we never really acknowledge our strengthens until months, or even years that the bad event or experience has passed.

This week I am 24 weeks pregnant and learned I have Thyroid Cancer!

Writing it and reading it is scarier than I feel. I mean I do not feel sick and I won't know how bad it is until I meet with a Surgeon but just the word Cancer is scary enough. I have yet to come to terms with it, which I expect since I just found out this week, but I do know everyone I know has had their share of rough times and now it's my turn! So if you are going through a rough time, you are not alone, but remember in the end "What doesn't kill us, truly will make us stronger!"

Saturday, November 10, 2012

What Life Has Taught Me...

November hasn't been a great month for me. It's funny because something goes wrong and I think I can get through it and then something else happens and I am like ok no problem by the time the next thing goes wrong I can't help to think life is trying to play tricks on me. Nope no tricks. It's just life. Some things Life has taught me:

*Children are a lot of work but so good for our soul!
* Never ever say never.
* Working for family or close friends NEVER works!
* Be good to others always, you never know who will end up helping you at the end.
* Cancer is horrible and will and can affect everyone of all ages. 
* Crying is good! Don't always try to be strong for everyone.
* Have faith in God.
* At your lowest point still try to be grateful. Someone out there is dealing with something harder than you are.
* Live for TODAY stop thinking so ahead you never know what you'll end up having to deal with tomorrow!
* You can never tell someone you love them too much.
* Be true to yourself .
* Pray and have faith to believe that whatever you are dealing with shall pass!

Life can be glorious and sometimes life can really suck. But at the end of the day life is life. We need to take it one day at time. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Get Out and Go VOTE!

As Americans we have the right to vote, although we may not always get the President we chose at least we can say we gave it a try. You can NOT complain if you chose not to VOTE so please take the time today and GO VOTE!

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's A Girl...

We found out we are having another girl! We brought our lil one to our appointment yesterday and found out the little munchkin in my belly is a girl. All along my daughter knew it was a girl. When the sonographer said girl my lil one whispered to my husband and I" See I told you it was a girl" I'm so excited because I really wanted my daughter to have a sister. I have two and think it's great to have sisters. We made cupcakes filled with pink frosting and when we saw our parents they had to eat a cupcake to find out what we were having. It was a great day!!!

It's a Girl!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Tip...

I LOVE Pumpkin pie, I could actually eat it year round. Here's a little tip that I use when making my pumpkin pie, which I must admit is pretty darn good :)

When adding the spices use a Marble Mortar and Pestle to blend well together then mix with your sugar. It really makes a difference and helps break down the clove flavors too.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

In four days I get to find out what I'm having. I can not express the excitement. With my first I knew we were having a girl long before the doctors confirmed. This time I keep going back and forth. The great thing about having a girl is you have a little me walking around. I adore my daughter and although we have a GREAT relationship she absolutely adores my husband. So this morning I was laying in bed. Still dark out and everyone was all asleep when I hear this little voice:

"Momma momma" My lil Ones voice melted my heart. 
"yes baby" I reply as I'm about to climb out of bed to get her 
" I mean pappa I need pappa"

Yep that's when I knew there better be a little boy in my belly! Soon enough I'll get to know for sure if I get my little buddy or another daddy's little girl!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Candy Candy Fun Facts for Halloween

I remember trick or treating with my sisters and coming home to us trading the stuff we liked and didn't like with one another. The funny thing is that after a week the candy phase is over and you are left with a bunch of candy and no one interested in eating it.

Below are some Fun Candy Facts:

  • How Long Does Candy Last? Milk chocolate is good for no more than 8 to 10 months, while dark lasts up to two years. Hard candy will also keep in a cool, dry place for about a year. Store soft candies in a covered dish away from direct heat and light. Enjoy them within six months. *
  • How Much Candy is Sold During Halloween? A whopping 90 million pounds of chocolate candy is sold during Halloween week** That's a whole lot of candy and I bet dentist love it!
  • Candy Corn: Candy Corn was invented in 1880 and is most popular and known around Halloween, however they also make Reindeer Corn  (red, green, and white), Indian corn (it's chocolate and vanilla flavored), Cupid corn for Valentine's Day (red, pink, and white) and Bunny corn for Easter (pastel-colored). ***
  Sources:   * ** ***

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Best Place in CT for Pumpkin Picking Is...

Every year we go pumpkin picking, some years we get lazy and just head to Stew Leonard's. Since we had our daughter we love taking her pumpkin picking where we can go on a hay ride and get pumpkins in a patch. This year I was determined to try something new and wanted to get pumpkins from a real field. After some research we decided to try Jones Family Farms in Shelton and I must say it was AWESOME.

The place is huge! There are huge tractors and a ton of people but they have it organized so well that you really aren't waiting in line too long for a hay ride. Hay rides are $2 a person and they take you out to these fields where the pumpkins were grown and you pick your pumpkin. Or if you do not want to do the hayride they have plenty of pumpkins to pick from right in the main area. They had green, gray and even warted pumpkins. They have a little farm with pigs, they sold cider and cookies. They had little play houses for the kids to play in. For the adults they had a wine tasting. This place was perfect for families, couples and kids

So if you are looking for the best place to go pumpkin picking I highly recommend Jones Family Farms.

Great Photo Album Tip...

The days of printing your pictures and filing them away in a photo album are long gone. First of all who has room for all these albums and second who has the time. However, we all do love to sit and look at them so this is the PERFECT, compact, solution for photo albums: CREATE A PHOTO BOOK.

I realized that I store all my photos on a website and the other day my daughter and I were going through her newborn pictures and 1st birthday. She said Mamma my next birthday I want to do Minnie Mouse. I said Honey we already did that for your 2nd and she replied show me the pictures. The problem was after she was a year I stopped printing her pictures and did not create any albums. I stored some in her journal but not a photo album. So the light bulb went off: CREATE A PHOTO BOOK.  I logged into and ordered a 5x7 compact photo book from her 2nd and 3rd birthday and will start a new tradition that every year I will make a photo book of her birthday events. If I get lucky with time maybe I will even make a "Year of Events" scrape book. They are small enough and do not require too much work on my part. So cherish the memories and create your Photo Book. There is nothing better than flipping through the pictures while laying on the couch with your little one.

Receive 60% off 2 or more books at with Coupon Code OCTBOOK60

Follow Your Direction Towards Happiness Quote

"Sometimes the path you're on is not as important as the direction you're heading." Kevin Smith

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a time for us to recognize that this horrible disease affects millions of people a year. One great way to reduce your risk is the make sure you do your own personal monthly exams and get your mammogram. I have a personal view on this horrible disease and personally support Awareness as much as I can. I am a great supportor of the Susan Komen Foundation and donate to local charities that support Breast Cancer Awareness. Give back today and if you can not give back then make sure to educate yourself to help prevent becoming a victom of this horrible disease.

You Can Not Plan the Unexpected Quote

"Map out your future, but do it in pencil." Jon Bon Jovi

Homemade Applesauce Tip...

Making homemade applesauce is super easy. Here's a tip to make it even tastier! When boiling sliced apples don't just boil in water, cut water amount in half and substitute other half with apple cider.

Adds extra sweetness and color to the applesauce!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Apple & Pumpkin Picking in CT

I love FALL! I love the leaves changing color, the crisp air, and of course Apple and Pumpkin picking. Every year we take my daughter Apple picking and Pumpkin picking. This year we want to try new places and after doing some searches below are some great places to spend a fun fall family day at!

Apple & Pumpkin Picking:

Where to go for Apple & Pumpkin Picking : Great article of different locations to visit Great website to find places all year round to visit and pick fresh fruit, veggies and pumpkins. Along with Corn Mazes. Site lists locations for Pumpkin picking and even recipes.

Enjoy and HAPPY FALL!!!

Apple Picking Bishop Orchards 2012


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happiness Means Letting Go Quote

"Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed." Unknown

Monday, September 24, 2012

Enjoy Today & Everyday Quote

"Wake up today and be grateful for who you are, who you are with and where you are going in life, enjoy today and everyday!"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coupons, Coupons, Coupons

I LOVE COUPONS! Below are some great coupons and coupon codes. Reminder login into your account to earn cash back from some of these sites! Happy Shopping!!!



Pregnancy Brain

Dear Readers,

I love my blog and apologize for not being so proactive lately. I have had the worst pregnancy brain- my husband is a witness and every night when I am finally lying on the couch I am determined to login and post some great finds then wake up to the sound of my own snoring. Yes, 8:30 has been my bed time these past 4 months. Although I am soooo excited and grateful and happy to be pregnant again I have to set aside time to still pay attention to the things I enjoy, like my blog!

So going forward I promise to be proactive and again am grateful for all your continued support!!!!


Mommy 2 Be Again

Also since twitter is a great app on my phone please be sure to follow me to catch all my feeds-I usually post at least once a day MommyCT2009

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Children Quotes

"Parents are Children's #1 Teachers!"

"Nothing you do for children is ever wasted." Garrison Keillor

Proud Mamma: Student of the Month

3 weeks into the school year and my little one already made Student of the Month for helping and encouraging other kids in her Pre School class. She is this little mamma bear and I hope she never ever changes!!!

Me and my lil girl Sept 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feel Good & Look Up Quote

"When I feel good about myself, things start happening for myself. When you look up, you go up." Herschel Walker

Feel Good Song: Some Nights

Great Song!! Even my lil one LOVES this song :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 A Day America Will Never Forget

Today and Everyday we will remember!
Please say a prayer for those lost,
those who lost a loved one and
those still suffering!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Peace, Love, Baby!

Going on 14 weeks and feeling really good. I actually lost a pound this past week, must have been from the busy Labor Day weekend we had!  
It's amazing how being pregnant the second time around is so different. I am still in some of my bigger size clothes and moving into maternity clothes but really have not changed my routine too much! My little one talks to my belly every morning and she still insists she is getting a baby sister. Baby names are top on our list. We have narrowed down girl names but want to pick a different, less common, yet strong boy's name so ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cherish the Friendships in Your Life Quote

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life." Richard Bach 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Learn From Your Mistakes Quote

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Henry Ford

Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh Baby...1st Trimester Cures

Being pregnant the 2nd time around is definetly hard. I want to work out, cook dinner, clean my house, grocery shop without feeling like I need to crawl into bed at 8:00. I love living an active lifestyle but being pregnant and busy does not always go so well together. My lil one has been awesome. If I need a break she'll cuddle up with me and watch T.V. or we'll read together. She is fine with staying home after a busy weekend or having quiet time after a long day. This 1st trimester was a little tough so I am so glad to see it come to an end.

Some of my favorite things that has helped me get through the1st trimester are:

  • Seabands: Yep, I walked around for almost 6 weeks wearing this bands and trust me they really work. They helped me out so much with my nausea I highly recommend them. I didn't look the coolest but when my lil one insisted she wanted to wear bands two and put scrounches on her wrists I knew I was pretty cool in her eyes.
  • Ice pops: This summer has been so hot and humid that an ice pop here and there totally helped do the trick with cooling off while staying hydrated.
  • Body Pillow: I bought an imitation one with my first pregnancy and promised myself I would get the real deal when I got pregnant again. At 6 weeks I started sleeping with this pillow and love it. Even my lil one asks to lay with it all the time.
  • Cucumbers & Tomatoes: Thank goodness for fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. I ate these twice a day. So refreshing and healthy too. Lucky me I would get these fresh from my parents and my garden. Plus cucumbers are good if you had too much salt.
  • Cinnamon: This was great for when I felt nauseous! I would buy cinnamon hard candies or have cinnamon toast. It really helped.
Being pregnant has it's ups and downs but when you realize you have a little baby growing inside of you all your worries, and complaints seem to dissapear! Cheers to have a healthy pregnancy!

Create Happiness...Don't Wait For It Quote

"Don't wait for someone to bring you happiness, go out there and create it yourself!"

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Lil One is Going To Be a...

My Baby Brother or Sister Will Be Here March 2013

Don't Take Things for Granted Quote

“Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.” Betty Smith

Friday, August 17, 2012

Feel Good Song: Jason Marz: Won't Give Up On Us

Everyone wants to find that one special person that they feel they are meant to be with forever. The key is once you find that person be good to that person, cherrish that person, love that person. Nothing is forever and enjoy every moment when you can!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Best In You Quote

"Some people will bring out the best in you, others the worse. Stray away from those who bring out the worse and embrace the ones that help show your best!"

Love, Experience, Fun...

Social Media is filled with funny quotes, silly games and inspirational stories. The other day I was on Facebook and a friend posted a word search. The concept was to write down the first three words you could find in the word search. Those three words represent what you want out of life. The first three words I saw were Love, Experience and Fun. At first I was a little set back, yes I know this is a silly game but it really did make some sense to who I am.

I'm a lover. If fairy tales were real then in my past life I lived one. I was meant to be married with kids.  I yearn for love, companionship and happiness. That was always who I was. I would pick a happy marriage and children over having a big success career with lots of money. Since I could remember I never wanted those things. I did want a good job, but was not willing to sacrifice love for a big career. People who say if they got divorced or widowed would not remarry, I probably would, although I do love my husband with all my heart and soul, I am not the type of person who likes to be alone. Love gives you a sense of security. Being in love makes me happy and brings out the good in me. I mean reality is don't  we all want someone to love!

Although I am not a huge adventurous person I do love to go through and learn about different experiences of life. I have a dear friend who always asks how I go through life always with a smile. It's about experience. Experiences make you stronger. Whether good or bad you become stronger and a better person. I love trying new food and restaurants. I love meeting people. In my old age I've been more comfortable in doing things whether alone or with someone. Every journey in life is an experience, yes there are some experiences I would love to forget but then there are others that help built who I am today.

Who doesn't like to have fun?? I am the girl who needs to go out at least once a week. Whether to dinner or out  with friends, or to a movie, something fun. I need to do something and have fun at least once a week. I tried staying in and caught myself looking to do something fun on a Tuesday night. I love surrounding myself with people who make me feel good, who aren't jealous or competitive and like having fun!
Life is about having fun. There is always so much on our shoulders and responsibilities that if we do not stop and have fun once in a while or once a week then what is the point! Enjoy life and doing the things that make you happy!

If you could play the word search what 3 words do you think would represent what you want out of life?

Love Quote

"Some people care too much, I think it's called Love." Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Make Your House a Home

Having a house is a ton of work, there's always something to do, and at times it's a big money pit.  I've been on a big home project kick and I realized minor changes can really make your house feel like a home and make all that hard work worth it.

Minor Changes Big Results to Make Your House Feel Like a Home:

  • Give them a room: Every kid should have a room, besides their bedroom to play in. If you have the room make it happen. Even if you have to split your own living room to make it happen then do it. Put a fun area rug in there, toys, an easel, a little table. Make it "their" room. That way their toys do not end up all other the house AND they have a place to play in that is not their bedroom. If you can make sure that room does not have a T.V so they really end up playing.
  • Pictures: I love pictures. I have a ton of frames and pictures all over my house. They all kindof tell a story about who we are. Since the day I moved into my Cape I knew I wanted pictures hanging on the wall along the stair case. Finally I had my hubby hang 25 frames on one side of the wall and I love love love it! Every morning when we wake up and walk down the stairs we are surrounded by great memories that we always cherished. It's a great way to start our day.
  • Storage: We all throw stuff in storage and forget about it. My storage had boxes still from college from when I first moved in with my husband 10 years ago. So I sent the man of the house out to buy new plastic bins, 10 big ones,  and we spent a weekend going down memory lane while labeling and organizing our storage space. With the unneeded items we are going to do a tag sale in the Fall.
  • Curtains: I hate curtains, the reason I hate curtains is because they can be so expensive and can really make or break a room. I love sunlight and big windows. After 7 years I changed the look of my curtains in all the rooms and  house looks completely different and I love it. No need to go nuts on prices., and even have great prices!Make sure to order through your account to get cash back.
  • Under $20 tips: Flowers, candles, even new doormats make a room feel different and give a different look to them. Put new bathroom towels with colors to add brightness to the room. Add decorative pillows to make couches look more fancy. Simple yet cheap items can really add style and comfort to your home.
Most importantly be good to your home and your home will be good to you!

Be a Good Host/Hostess Tips...

We've been going to at least one party a week and I always love how everyone is unique in their own way. My lil one is 3 so I would like to think I do not have a ton of experience with entertaining although the constant friend parties and gatherings don't always count since your friends do not to be entertained. So when I go to a party I love to see how people do things differently. Some things I tend to take note and others I make sure to avoid. Although all the recent parties we have been to were great below are some tips on how to even be a better host:

  • Don't rush your guests: I always think you need to have your apps out for when you guests arrive, serve your main dish within an hour and then dessert but the key to not making your guests feel like they have to leave is leave the main dish on the side while you serve dessert. That way guests can still pick and not feel like after dessert it is time to go.
  • Grill sooner than later: When you go to a party you look forward to the food, not just the company so while your guests are having their apps start your grill. There is nothing worse than knowing your hostess is going to grill and noticing the grill hasn't even been turned on long after the apps have been out.
  • Put things away: Let's face it guests are noisy, don't leave things around you do not want them to see and most importantly when there are kids around put away the toys you do not want them to play with. Kids are rough and accidents happen. Prevent things breaking by putting away things that can easily be broken.
  • Be Prepared: There's always that one guest that needs something that you have not put out. Be prepared and do not get frustrated when they ask for it.
  • Smile, Smile, Smile: Hosts I know throwing a party is a lot of work, you prep days before, clean the house, while the day of are running around to make everything work but take a 10 minute break, smile and mingle with your guests. There is nothing worse then seeing a host or hostess looking miserable, acting snappy towards their spouse and tired at their own party. It makes guests feel like they want to leave as soon as they can. Throwing a party is a lot of work but should be fun as well!

Difference Between Success & Happiness Quote

"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get." Dale Carnegie

Monday, August 13, 2012

Women Support One Another Quote

"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women,"Madeleine Albright

Live & Be Happy Today Quote

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." Albert Camus

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Feel Good Song: Christina Perri: A Thousand Years

I am I strong believer in past lives and old souls and being connected to one another in different lifetimes. I love this song and believe that this isn't the first time around I was married to my husband, I really believe I've loved my husband for a thousand years.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Peace and Happiness Quote

" As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. We have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness." Dalai Lama

Monday, July 23, 2012

Enjoy Your Life!

Tonight I realized time flies whether you're having fun or not so you might as well sit back and enjoy your life. I was downloading videos from my Flip when I started to view some old videos of when my lil one was super little. I started to cry, I cried because I could not believe it was the same lil girl who talks in full sentences, and can get dressed and undressed alone and is so independent. The baby on the video was a baby I will never ever gonna get back. She's older now, and will continue to get more older.

Here's the reality of life people we rush through it wondering what our next move will be, we get angry if we aren't where we think we should be. We fight with our spouses over the tiniest things that at the time seem so huge. We waste our energy watching the time pass by that we do not realize it until it is long gone. We put so much pressure on ourselves that we forget to enjoy the little things.

That baby in the video only needed my love, food and attention. That was it. And I am not saying I did not enjoy my moments with her because I truly did, but seeing how much she changed made me realize that I needed to change. I need to slow down and appreciate the little things more.

Take my lesson and enjoy your life. Really really try to enjoy every minute of it, I for one know it gets hard when things do not go our way, but please try to especially if you have children because they grow so fast, within a matter of just 5 months my lil one went from saying words to full sentences, and those moments of stress from work or having to take care of the dogs and clean the house aren't going to be the memories that stick with us. Choose your time wisely and do not regret anything. Enjoy your life!!!

Saying I Love You Quote

"You may say it but if you do not show it then saying I love you is just a phrase. To have a successful relationship your significant other must feel it without having to hear you say it."

What Makes One Person Happy Doesn't Make Another Quote

"One person's perception of happiness is another person's perception of unhappiness."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We Survived Disney World

Last year when my husband and I were lying on the beach in Cape Cod we decided that in 2012 we were going to take our little girl to Disney World and boy am I glad we did!

Disney World is very magical. It is clean and everyone is so friendly and it brings out this happiness in children. I have never seen my daughter smile so much. She lite up whenever she saw a character, every time she did that my husband and I looked at one another with a big smile on our face pleased with this big trip we took.

Luckily I had a lot of friends who helped make sure I knew what were the major things we needed to do there. Again my little one is only 3 1/2 so we did not have to go too crazy in the things we did, even though she kept asking if she could go on splash mountain-which of course we didn't let her. Below are some great tips in helping your Disney experience be as magical as ours was. We are planning on heading back in 3 years when our little one is older to have her experience different things she could not experience at this age.

Must Do Activities When Visiting Disney World:

  • Book a breakfast/lunch or dinner with the Characters. This is something you need to do 3-6 months in advance but it is so much fun! I booked a breakfast where my lil one met Jake the Pirate (which she has a crush on) Oso, Handy Manny and June from lil Einsteins. She loved it. Each Character comes to your table so your child guarantees to get a pic and autograph with them. The food was excellent and they even do a little dance party where the kids can go up and dance with them. It was a lot of fun and well worth it.
  • Character Spot in Epot. Some people criticized my idea about visiting Epot because they did not think there were things for kids to do.I say shame on them because it was GREAT and believe it or not my daughter ended up seeing most of her favorite characters there vs. Magic Kingdom. My fav is the Character Spot, here you can meet Mickey and all his buddies, you have to wait in line but it is in doors and air conditioned. Your child gets a pic with every character and an autograph. So much fun and worth the wait.
  • Disney Photopass: This is a great service they have. What you do is around the parks are photographers they will give you a photo card and take pictures of your family in the park, when meeting the characters ect...At the end of the trip log in and you can purchase these professional photos. Of course some of a little pricey but you can't put a price on memories.
  • Food: Delicious food is an under statement for Disney World. EVERYTHING is sooo good and yes  a little pricey but not too bad, figure after visiting Yankee Stadium nothing seems as pricey as there! Must eat foods: Turkey legs- these are sooo good. For $10 one can feed 2 people. In Japan they have this frozen rainbow iced flavored goodness that is so refreshing on a hot day. France has my fav ham and cheese croissants at their cafe. Even the popcorn was delicious. You can not go wrong!
Disney brings out the kids in all of us and I am so glad we took the time to do this with our little one this year. It was a great time for us to bond as a family and do something magical for our daughter!

Disney 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Be You Quote

"Be yourself, love yourself and be true to yourself, if someone doesn't agree or is constantly tyring to change you then they obviously aren't meant to be in your life and you do not need them in your life."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Vacation Bucket List

Every year we rented a house in the Cape with my little one, which we love but wanted a change. Last year we decided this year we needed to do a big trip so we went to Disney World and let me tell you my little one just loved it. So my husband and I decided to create a vacation bucket list. This list is something we thought would be cool to do with our child every year, something different, somewhere new for her, something special she could look back on and say I went here and thanks mom and dad for taking the time to expose me to different things. As a child my parents took me all over the place. Every year we went somewhere new and even though as a kid all you want to do is play in the pool I am glad I got to see all the different places.

So I started my research and there are sooo many really cool places to go to that I hope to be able to bring her one day. Below are just a sneak peak!

  • Yellowstone National Park: My husband always wanted to go here. I figure this is a trip we can take when my little one is a little older and will appreciate the great outdoors.
  • Down South: I love down south and road trips so after a horrible flight to Florida we decided next trip we will drive down south and stop is Georgia, Myrtle Beach and end up in Florida.
  • Amish Country, PA: As a kid my parents took me here even though at the time I wasn't too crazy about it's the experience stayed with me and I still always talk about it. Then we could head over to Hershey park and Sesame Place for some child like fun!
So even though my list seems silly and not that adventurous it's a list we made together and look forward to sharing the experience with our child. Being a family means creating experiences and memories with one another and vacations are a perfect time to do just that! Be creative with your own family and create your own unique vacation experiences.

Try not to be like the others and try to do something adventurous that your child will appreciate experiencing!

What's on your Vacation Bucket List?

To Be Young Again Quote

"Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life." Herbert Henry Asquith

Welcome to Connecticut: Great things to do with Kids

We always think we need to go on a plane of drive hours and hours away to entertain our children. Well after some research I found there are a ton of GREAT things to do right here in Connecticut. Many parents can not afford big trips or to send their kids to camp, but these day trips are just as fun and do not cost that much to do.

Great Activities to do with kids in Connecticut:

Mystic: I love Mystic, CT! The aquarium is always tons of fun and the Steak Loft is a great place to grab lunch or dinner.

Maritime Aquarium: Located in South Norwalk is filled with awesome animals and sea animals. You can spend a whole day walking around and even get to see Seal feedings and if you want their IMAX theater has awesome shows.

Stepping Stones Museum:  Located in Norwalk. This Museum has a lot of interactive, fun, learning activities to do with your children. They hold Summer Jams and puppet shows. Really cute for kids of all ages!

Quassy Amusement Park: Located in Middlebury, CT. This amusement park is filled with activities and rides for children and adult of all ages.

Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo:  Located in Bridgeport, CT. They have over 300 different types of animals and even a carousel.

Learn more activities to do in CT here: 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

8 Years Today

A great home, beautiful child, two crazy dogs and 8 years of good times. Happy Anniversary to the guy you stood by me through it all!

Monday, July 9, 2012

S'more Brownies

These brownies are awesome and a crowd pleaser for sure.


  • Box of dark chocolate brownie mix
  • chocolate chips
  • 24 marshmallows cut in half
  • 7 sheets of graham crackers (I separate them into individual pieces)

Follow the recipe behind the brownie box and bake. Once toothpick comes out clean when testing them take out of oven. Coat top with a layer of chocolate chips. Put cut marshmallows over chocolate chips and top with a graham crackers. Bake for 3 mins, or until marshmallows are melted. Cute into bars with a plastic knife once cooled. Amazing!

Parents Stop Comparing!

As an adult I see more and more how parents cause so much harm when they compare their children to one another and I do not mean just their young children but their adult children as well. As children we are compared with siblings without even thinking it will do harm, who walked first, who is more musically talented, who is better in sports etc...What parents tend to forget is that when you carry on as your children are adults it is causing harm in these siblings relationships.

I notice it doesn't just happen with the same sex children either, if you have a sons and daughtesr I see parents comparing what their children do with their own families and it is wrong. We are ALL different. I come from a family of three girls. All three of us are very different. To compare is silly because what one person enjoys is not what another person would enjoy.

I started reading some articles about this and it happens alot when one sibling is more successful than another or if a parent feels one child should have the experience another child is having. I say Parents Stop! Love your children for who they are, be glad they are all different, just because one person is doing something does not mean you need to push the other to do the same. What parents do not realize is that you are causing competition between these siblings, you are causing jealousy and we all know jealously does not lead to anything good. You are causing them to compete which is what causes tensions in families. What you need to do is push your child to be independent, rely on themselves and be original.

It is ok for one person to have more or do more over another as long as they work hard to earn it. Just because a parent thinks they know what a child needs doesn't mean it is what the child wants. Back off and let your children be individuals. If you want them to get along them stop trying to make them get along!

Especially with your adult children. Stop comparing what they do with their own children, stop making them copy everything their sibling does, stop making everyone feel like one is better than the other. You are causing damage in their relationship and friendships! To be a happy family stay out of it, stop pushing your kids to do what you think they should do. That is what creates a happy family: when you fully accept what and who your children really are!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Connecticut Fireworks Schedule for 2012

HAPPY 4th of JULY Everyone! Below is a schedule of upcoming fireworks. Have a happy and safe holiday!
Tuesday, July 3rd 2012:

Danbury Mall

Wednesday, July 4th 2012:

Rowayton Civic Association

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

New Milford


Believe Quote

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." Audrey Hepburn

Monday, June 25, 2012

Believe in Your Dreams Quote

"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Taking Risks Quote

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?" Robert Schuller

Life is about taking risks, risks that are to better yourself and make yourself happier. We are all creatures of habit and do not like change. Change adds stress but change always allows you to overcome fears. Change actually makes you stronger. If you are not happy then fix your happiness. If you had nothing to lose what would you do differently?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Laugh More Quote

"Laughter is the key to staying young!"

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Depend on Your Disposition Quote

"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances." Martha Washington

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing fathers. I was blessed to have a great father and love that my hubby is an amazing father to my lil one. Being a father takes a lot of responsibility and patience. You know a good man when you see him being a good father!

“Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be very rough” Wilhelm Busch quotes

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Birthday...

I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to Hubby,  may today and everyday you be happy and know, even though I do not say it enough that I appreciate you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do What's Right for You Quote

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't." Eleanor Roosevelt

Crazy Things Kids Say

My daughter is at the age where she is too smart for her own good. I love watching her and listening to her speak. She loves to make up stories and her "why" stages are slowing down.  She cracks me up and I sometimes wish I had a constant recorder on to capture these funny moments. Below are just a few "crazy things" she has said or asked recently.

- I was trying on bikini tops when she turned to me and asked "Mamma why do your boobies look so sad?"
- Whenever she has to goo potty she sings it " Mammmma I gotta go Peeee Peee, Mammma I gotta go   Peee Pee."
- She let out a big Yawn the other day said "Mamma I'm yawning because I am hungry."
-Whenever we go through the pharmacy drive through she asks for chicken nuggets.
- We were at TJ Maxx and she wanted to know the name of a little boy so the other mom told her and when the mom asked my lil one her name she told her and introduced me as Kinky Cat.
-At the grocery store I went to pay and she said "Hurry up you old bag"

As a parent it is hard to keep a straight face when your child says something embarrassing. You do not want to laugh because that will encourage their behavior but I must say my sisters-who do not have children-enjoy my embarrassing stories. I hope you enjoyed the laughs and remember if you are a parent to cherish these moments because they are short and life is short!

What "crazy things" has your child said recently?

Move Forward Quote

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King Jr

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ways to Release Stress

Let's face it I do not know one person who can honestly say they do not have any stress in their life. Some have more than others but it is a fact of life. I can say that everyone handles stress in different ways. Some people read, some people shop, or workout.

For a while I was doing P90X and running to release stress and then I had a knee injury. I was down two weeks and feeling really frustrated with the set back that I decided that I needed a new way to release stress. My doctor and trainer told me my running days were over for now and I knew that there had to be something I could do to improve my health while releasing stress. My nutritionist recommended I drop another 5-10 lbs to get to my perfect weight and I knew sitting around with an ice pack on my knee would not get me there.

Lucky for me my sister bought a house closer to me and converted her garage into a gym. Once I saw her pink boxing gloves and the boxing bag go up I knew what was my new "stress releaser" yep Boxing! It is amazing and I must say I feel numb after. I put my knee brace on and my ipod high enough to distract myself and box. After ten minutes I am soaked in sweat and loving it. I do it a couple times a week for 25-30 minutes and have a huge smile on my face after. I still hit the gym and do my weights and walks but since I can no longer run for now I needed to change up my routine to benefit myself.

We all need to find a "GOOD" way to release stress. By good I mean by doing something beneficial for our health, not by abusing alcohol, smoking and drugs. Find your way that makes releasing stress work best for you and you'll start to look at life differently. You'll also add years to your life since we all know stress leads to high blood pressure, that leads to heart disease. Be good to your body and your body will be good to you!

What are some ways you recommend releasing stress? 

Don't Base Your Happiness on Material Things Quote

"He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has." Henry Ward Beecher

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Compassion & Understanding Quote

"It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding." Erma Bombeck

Use a Better Line of Communication For Better Results

I remember 5 years ago if you left me a message on my cell phone I probably would not have heard it for a week or two. Before working from home I never used my cell phone. I checked my email once a night and if someone needed me they never texted me they would call my house phone. The line of communication back then was clearer, stronger and more effective.

Today, with all the forms of communication we use things get said wrong, interpreted wrong and these avenues of communication can cause more harm than good. The other day I noticed it with my client. She received an email with a choice to make and her response was ok. She didn't realize her client was asking her a question. Another situation is when you type one word and mean another, because face it we all multi-task all the time and how many times do we text, or send an email later to reread it and say "shoot not what I intended to say" then if you go correct it you look even worse so most of the time you let it go.

I can not begin to explain situations where I've seen texting and emails go wrong. But I do want to say the most effective way to communicate with anyone is to pick up the phone. I know I am the worse at it, I rather email someone then dial their number because it's faster BUT that is where all the errors occur. So even though it's time efficient it isn't always the most affective form of communication. You waste more time correcting what you "meant" to say then really saying what you need to say from the beginning.

So moral of all of this, we all need to stop depending on our hand held devices and use a better line of communication to prevent error or misunderstandings. Technology does make communication faster BUT also makes our line of communication weaker and causes more harm then good sometimes!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our Children Are Our Future-Parents Do Your Part

There's been an increase in shootings and crime in the town I live in. I grew up in this town and always felt safe in it but once I had a child my views changed. The other day there was a shooting in my neighborhood and they had to lock down the area schools. Luckily my daughter was not in school but the thought of the fear our child had to go through is what really got me upset.

I hate to say I blame the parents of these people who are mixed in with the wrong crowds but I must say as a parent it is our role, job and duty to step up to the plate and guide our children into the correct path in life. Being a parent comes with great sacrifice but it also comes with a great duty to make sure our children grow up to be a positive influence in our society.

For these kids who are shooting one another, causing crime in our town and creating a life of disaster for themselves need to take a closer look at themselves and realize their actions effort a lot more people then themselves. No child should have to be in school and hear about a shooting. We enroll our child to get an education thinking they will be safe and when a situation like this occurs it really gets me angry to think that our peers, and people in our neighborhoods are out to harm one another.

Parents own up to your duties, and people who are filled with hate seek help. Crime will always be around and you can not run from it but it is our duty to try to put an end to it. We can start today but being their for our children and teaching them not to harm others and how to handle hate and anger. I have never feared crime around me but as a parent I do fear that there are more and more children being raised in broken homes or depending on themselves and it makes me sad that adults out there aren't doing there part to raise better people! Step up and if you can't then seek help.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baking Tip: Bananas

I am always throwing out bananas since they get ripe so fast so here's a great tip.

Mash up the ripe bananas and freeze them in a small Tupperware. Use them to make smoothies or defrost them and use them for baking banana bread, banana pie, banana muffins or my new favorite banana cupcakes.

Happy Baking!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day is a day to remember all of those who have fought and continue to fight for our country. Join in for a moment of silence at 3:00 pm on Memorial Day. May we continue to keep those who fought for us and those who lost a loved one in our prayers!

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Joseph Campbell quotes

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Set Goals to Change Your Life Quote

"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor." Brian Tracy

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fun Memorial Day Facts

As Memorial Day is approaching I thought it would be fun to post some facts:

  •  Memorial day was first celebrated on May 30, 1868. It was observed by placing flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers during the first national celebration. *
  • Memorial Day is the 2nd most popular holiday for barbecuing. Fourth of July ranks in at #1.**
  • Red Poppy flowers are worn on Memorial day in honor of those who died serving the nation during war. Moina Michael was the first one to start this.***  
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Everyone!!!




Monday, May 21, 2012

RIP: Robin Gibb, Bee Gees

Robin Gibb, with the Bee Gees, passed away over the weekend so I thought it would be fitting to post my fav Bee Gee songs.

Depend on Yourself Quote

“Enjoy everything that happens in your life, but never make your happiness or success dependent on an attachment to any person, place or thing.” Wayne Dyer

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Great Side Dish: Lentils & Brown Rice

I've been on a kick with eating Middle Eastern food and one of the side dishes was lentils and rice. Of course this is not as good as the restaurants but still makes a great side dish.

Lentils & Brown Rice Recipe:

  • 1 cup of dried lentils
  • 1 cup of brown rice
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Saute onions, set aside. Boil a pot with water, add bouillon cubes. Add 1 cup of rice. Let boil for 20 minutes (if you use white rice you do not need that long, brown rice takes longer to cook) Add lentils to rice in pot cook until lentils get soft. Add sauteed onion to pot and let simmer all together.

Perfect side dish to serve with chicken kabobs and hummus!