Monday, November 29, 2010


Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” James Dean

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feel Good Song- James Blunt

You're Beautiful (Live at the BBC) Not Edited!

I love this song and the story behind it. He really did write this song about a girl he saw with another man and he was struck by her beauty. The reality is that he knows he would never be with her but for some reason she struck him to inspire him to write a song about her.

Now I am a believer of old souls, soulmates and love at first site. Maybe this is one of those situations! I mean how many times do you meet someone who you do not know and can't get them out of your head?! When and if it does happen it is a pretty crazy experience. Your not sure why, but they were placed there for a reason. Like that person somehow was meant to be in your life. It is like you are connected but you don't know how or why.
This girl was one of those for him. He wrote a hit song just from his encounter with her! Amazing!!

How Old Are You "Toooo"

I love when I ask my daughter how old she is and she says "Toooo" she doesn't say two, she drags out the "ooo" It is amazing that she is two. Two years ago I could not image what kind of Mom I would be or person. She has helped me grow these past two years into a more patient, understanding person. She has helped me see life in a totally different and new light.

Being a mom and watching your child grow into this amazing little person is the most surreal experience. I see alot of myself in her although she looks just like her father. She brings out this kid in me, this person who wants to conquer the world and see life differently. I never get angry if I am up all night with her, I try not to yell at her unless she is really doing something wrong. She is this little person eager to learn and see what life is about and I love being her 'teacher.'

I can't wait to see what the next year and years bring. I feel like we are growing together and it is truly a blessing. I love the person I am when I am with her.

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl and thank you for picking me to be your Mommy!

Minnie Mouse Cake

For my daughter's 2nd birthday this year I wanted to do a Minnie Mouse theme. Even though the whole time I shopped with her she was fighting me for Dora-which I did for her last year-I managed to convince her to have a Minnie Mouse theme party.

I was able to find Minnie Mouse balloons, plates, invites, and candles but I could not find a Minnie Mouse cake pan anywhere. I searched for Minnie Mouse molds, pans, cake pans, and had no luck! So I bought a Minnie Mouse candle and decided to make my own Minnie Mouse cake. It didn't come out exactly how I planned but it was really cute!

It was a small cake, but we took our sisters and parents to brunch and after that huge meal who really was going to eat cake besides the kids?! Below are some pictures.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Chocolate Mickey lollipops

While most of my friends were out partying I was home making these awesome Mickey lollipops for my daughter's 2nd birthday. I wanted to make Minnie lollipops but I could not find the mold.

It was soooo easy to make and fun!

  • Molds
  • Lollipop sticks
  • 5 bags of Ghirardelli semi sweet chocolate chips
Wash molds, let them air dry. Spray with cooking spray. Melt chocolate, I like to melt it on the stove top using a double burner. Spoon into molds. Place lollipop sticks in mold. Freeze for 20-30 mins until dry and dull.They should pop right out. Makes 45 lollipops

Wrap in plastic and tie a festive ribbon around them . The left over chocolate I dipped tangerines into them and used them as a toppings for the cupcakes!

Pictures below....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! This year I am especially grateful for everyone in my life,
everyone who have touched my life, and everyone who I love and cherish.
I wish you and your family and friends a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Eat up and enjoy your day!

Feel Good Song-Train

Hey, Soul Sister (This is my daughter's favorite song)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day

I love Thanksgiving, I always have but I especially love it since two years ago on Thanksgiving is when I went into labor. It was funny too that the doctors told me I was due on Thanksgiving, my husband and I always loved the holiday-then again I am not sure how many people I know who DON'T like Thanksgiving. You hardly reach your "due" date so I never imaged I would actually go into labor on Thanksgiving.

I remember feeling off that day and came home early from having Thanksgiving lunch with his family and took a nap. I woke up, ate leftovers-big mistake- and by 10:00 that night my water broke. Man, I will never forget that night, I kept wishing I never ate those leftovers. But the next morning- 6:00 am- my bundle of joy was born. Yep, she was born on "black friday" the busiest shopping day of the year...that is probably why she likes to play with my credit cards whenever I pull them out.

How lucky am I to always have this wonderful memory of my daughter being born every time Thanksgiving rolls around!

Happy Turkey Day to you and your family!

EZ Sox- Training Socks for Kids

These are the cutest socks I have ever seen for Toddlers. EZ Sox, the first and only training sock on the market today for children ages 2 to 5, come with two grips on the top of the socks making it easy for kids to pull their socks on. When my daughter first saw them she said "Aww so cute. " She loves her cat socks!

The best part about these socks is that they come in 10 different designs so matching socks are very easy- you can also purchase them in solid colors too.

Check out their site to order a pair today!

Monday, November 22, 2010


As a child I always thought falling in love would be having my prince charming come sweep me off my feet. I believed in love at first site. As you get older you realize that love is a wonderful feeling you have for people you care about. Falling in and out of love happens fast but when you find that one person who makes you feel good about yourself and helps you become who you are and who you want to be, that is when falling in love really makes a difference.

Someone once said when you are with the person you love does anything else matter? Yes, reality of life is that some many things conflict with what matters. Problems occur, people grow and change. But love should remain the same. We get caught up in our daily routines; we get caught up in what we have to do. But when you are with the one you love you have to work through it. Falling in love and loving someone are two different feelings, two different ways you feel. Everyone should experience falling in love; it is those who stay in love who really get to appreciate what it truly means! So I came across some 'Love' quotes since I am feeling in a 'Love' kind of way.

“Trying to make someone fall in love with you is about as pointless as trying to control who you fall in love with.” Similar Quotes

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” Similar Quotes
“Every man is afraid of something. That's how you know he's in love with you; when he is afraid of losing you.” Similar Quotes

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Easy Dinner: Paninis

Who does not enjoy a yummy Panini once in a while! I love making Paninis out of leftover cold cuts I have in the fridge.

  • Cold cuts- prosciutto, salami, provolone are the best
  • Arugula
  • Italian bread- rolls, wedges work too
  • Balsamic vinegar
Spray your griddle or pan with cooking oil, stuff the bread with all the ingredients, sprinkle balsamic on it, top with bread. Spray the top and bottom of the panini. Place on hot pan. If you do not have a panini press use another pan to apply weight, or a brick wrapped in aluminium foil. Once golden brown and cheese melted serve with a salad and fries. YUM!!!


It's a hard lesson in life to learn and to accept but the truth is you can not,
 no matter what, make everyone happy!

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."
Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Best Day of Your Life Quote

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.” Bob Moawad Great Job Search Site

Although I do believe the economy is getting better everyday, there are still people without a job. With the holidays coming it only makes it tougher emotionally on those looking for work. I must say I have been unemployed around the holidays before and although you may think people will not hire they will. I actually got a job offer beginning of January when I was seeking employment so sit back and enjoy the holidays and pick up your search after but you will find the right position!

In the meantime this is a GREAT site and resource for job search in your area. combines all the job posting on other sites into one. Type in your area and job description and it will pull your matches from all different sites. I love this site and actually found my current position on so I HIGHLY recommend it.

Happy Hunting! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sometimes you have to just laugh it off!


In life women tend to need certain things to make them happy. Some people need a lot of money, some people need a lot of material stuff, some people need a lot of attention and others need a busy social life. It is funny that we are never 100% fulfilled with what makes us happy. If we make more money we still want more, if we have a lot of stuff we still go out and buy more, if we are in a relationship we always second guess if it is going ok, if we always have plans we find ourselves double booking ourselves. It is as if we crave to fulfil  a void in our lives.

I think women in general have a lot of emotional issues, I mean that as kind as possible. I mean our hormones play a huge role in our life and men and women are completely different. Men do not read into stuff like we do, they want something they go get it, they crave a burger they eat a burger.

Girls over look and over think things. We make plans and change them over and over again, we look at every situation from every possible angle and analyze it and usually vent to a couple of girlfriends about it- asking for their opinions and what they would do, we crave a burger and end up eating something healthier and still end up craving that burger.

Being with my husband for as long as I have I kind of envy how guys are. They don't stress the small stuff, if they are not happy they fix it, they don't overlook situations-they see things as they are, not all the "fluff" around it. I mean I can be upset about something for weeks and my husband can't understand how I can't get over it. The reality is why can't I get over it? How can he get in an argument settle it and an hour later be ok with it? I on the other hand, get upset, we talk about it, we talk about it some more and when it settles I am still upset about it. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

I guess we are always too busy analyzing the life we are that we need to stop and be happy for the way things are now. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?! We all know we can try to plan for it but that doesn't mean it will work out that way.

I think women are so afraid of missing an opportunity or staying in a situation we are not 100% percent about. We always think about long term, not short term and we end up missing out on all the good that is happening in the current time. I know I do it and I am sure you have to.

So we all know no one has the answers in Life and no one can change something we are unhappy about in our life except for ourselves. We need to stop analyzing and confusing our lives. We need to try to let go of the things we have no control off and enjoy today! We need to focus on the core problem we are unhappy with and stop trying to fulfill it with material things or relationships or money.  Before you know it will be too late and it's over before we know it! “Life's a journey, not a destination” Steven Tyler

Thursday, November 18, 2010


It is funny how music soothes the soul. I love to sing to my daughter and with her. So it is funny how the songs I choose to sing to her are feel good songs. I always compliment my daughter and when I put an outfit on her ask her if she feels beautiful.

I am 1 of 3 girls so we grew up relying on ourselves and were taught to be confident and strong women.  I notice I push those traits on my daughter even though she is so young I want her to grow up to feel confident in who she is and how she looks regardless of what others around her may say. I want her to depend on herself and be self sufficient. I want her to marry someone one day because she wants to not because she depends on him financially or emotionally.

My father always made sure whenever we went on a date we had money in our pocket and didn't expect anyone to pay for us. He wanted us to depend on ourselves. Those lessons stuck with me through my whole life. I mean after all I was not elected class feminist for no reason, I am a believer in equality and women rights.

I also believe we all have this vision of who we should be and not who we really are.  We all need to realize that "Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."George Bernard Shaw

So I will posting some feel good songs that I think you too will enjoy! Please feel free to suggest any feel good songs you enjoy and I will post them! Thanks!

We Go Outside?!

My daughter loves to play outside, no matter what the weather is like outside she is constantly asking me to go outside. I noticed that she is repeating me alot too. I have two dogs so I am constantly asking them if they want to go outside. So my daughter's daily new habit is to ask me every morning and after her naps "We go outside?...We go on slide?...We go on swing?" Normally my answer is no not yet it's too cold or it's dark out. But when I do say yes her face lights up and she runs off to get her shoes.

It is funny how relaxing it is for me to play outside with her. Normally we jump around from the baby swing, to the slide, to the kid swing, then the tire swing. She sits on my lap and asks me to sing to her while we are swinging away. It is those little moments I cherish...mommy and daughter hanging out on the swing together and it is sooo peaceful.

She loves to explore too. She will run down the hill and pick up pine cones or play in the leaves. She is totally an outdoors kindof girl. Now that the weather is getting colder once the sun is out we run out there for 20 minutes until I notice her little hands and nose turning red from the cold.

Joke of the Day: The Italian Secret to a Long Marriage

At St. Peter's Catholic Church in Toronto, they have weekly husbands' marriage seminars. At the session last week, the priest asked Giuseppe, who said he was approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, to take
a few minutes and share some insight into how he had managed to stay married to the same woman all these years.

Giuseppe replied to the assembled husbands, 'Wella, I'va tried to treat her nicea, spenda da money on her, but besta of all is, I tooka her to Italy for the 25th anniversary!'

The priest responded, 'Giuseppe, you are an amazing inspiration to all the husbands here! Please tell us what you are planning for your wife for your 50th anniversary?'

Giuseppe proudly replied, "I gonna go pick her up...."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tate's Cookies Coupon

These are by far the best cookies out there.They are light and crunchy and always taste so fresh. My favorite are their wheat chocolate chip, my husband loves their chocolate chip cookies. I am also a fan of their oatmeal and sugar cookies. The only place we used to be able to get them was in the Hampton's but now you can buy them online at or at Whole Foods and Balducci's.

To receive $5 off visit their site and use coupon code THANKS2010 Good until Nov 25th so hurry and order some soon!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Party Quote

"Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home and never, never be both”  David Brown

Event Planning

I LOVE TO PLAN EVENTS! I love throwing parties and gatherings. I think that may be my next calling in life. Don't get me wrong it is a lot of work and stressful but I love to party, and most of the time they turn out great!

My friends always joke that they need two days to recover from one of my parties. I am like a social butterfly and like to connect with people in different locations and areas so whenever a party comes up I can refer them or work with them.

I love being a resource to where to go or eat or book a party. My husband's friend contacted me yesterday to provide a list of locations for his company's holiday party. He knows I have been to a ton of places so I sent him a list of places to look into for his holiday party. My friend came back to town for dinner and she was going out with a girlfriend and texted me for suggestions of where they should go. Within minutes I provided a list and my favorite dishes at each place. She ended up going to my favorite restaurant-Brasistas and they loved it! My girlfriend just got engaged and asked me to email her a list of places she should look into. She was cracking up because within 20 minutes I sent her a list of 10 venues and what I liked and did not like about them. I have a very busy social life and go out to dinner almost once a week. I always seem to take in everything around me, and love chic places. I am very observant and like details. I also like to try new places, yes I do go back to the ones I like but for the most part I like to try new restaurants and new places.

As a Virtual Assistant I have to work with so many different people at different levels so my comfort level with communicating with others is pretty high. I also have learned to ask the right questions when picking venues for my client's events since I am not local and can not see the venues for my self.

I think I am a great communicator, people may say I complain a lot but the fact is I like to express my opinion-not that it is always right but I am very open about what I like and do not like. Yes, at times I should keep my opinion to myself but most of the time I have a loose tongue!

So for any of you out there who need help with planning an event or need ideas for locations please feel free to contact me. I will be sure to give you my honest opinion and would be more than happy to help!

Monday, November 15, 2010


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson

Fruit Nut!

My daughter is addicted to fruit. Every morning she wakes up and goes to the counter and says "BANA" I used to think she was saying "Pane'" which is bread. Nope she wants a banana every morning. Then at breakfast she will have pancakes or cereal with either a baby bowl of strawberries or grapes. Throughout the day she will eat another banana, watermelon, grapes, and or strawberries. Her new obsession are oranges and tangerines. Sometimes she will ask for applesauce. Sooo being the curious mom I am I decided to do my research on the fruit she is eating.

Fun Fruit Facts:

  • Fruit and your brain: it makes you think faster and recall information more easily
  • Fruit is full of fiber and a diet with lots of fiber can help against  high blood pressure, and other factors that increase the chance for a heart disease.
For more Fruit Facts visit:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Easy Dinner: Chicken Wraps

I am all about the PERDUE Fully Cooked Short Cuts Chicken. For $5.00 or when they are on sale you get a pound of chicken already cooked and seasoned. I love to use these for chicken wraps.

  • Package of PERDUE Fully Cooked Short Cuts Italian Seasoned Chicken
  • Wraps
  • American Cheese
  • Barbecue Sauce

Assemble wraps with chicken, top with American cheese and barbecue sauce and roll. Bake until golden brown at 350 degrees.

Serve with fries and a side salad. This is a great product to even toss in a salad, or if you are short on time mix with lettuce and Caesar dressing and make wraps with it. Enjoy!

Destination Wedding

When my sister first got engaged she told me that they wanted to do a destination wedding. My thoughts at first were a little uneasy!  Image 100 people you know on vacation together, flying with a wedding gown, tuxes, all your wedding items, favors, meeting vendors through the Internet and unsure of how it will all turn out all seemed a little too overwhelming to me.

I had a traditional wedding, I got married in a church had 300 guests at a country club in New Rochelle. So when I think of weddings I relate it to mine, so it was hard to relate to my sister's when she said she wanted to do this. We all went along not sure what the outcome would be...there were date changes and vendor changes that gave my sister second thoughts about what she wanted to do!

When she finally booked it and finalized a date we all were pretty excited about it. It was something new, and different. At first it was hard to help her plan, pick menus, flowers etc...when we could not envision the hall, food, island.

But with that all said it was a really cool, easy, unique, amazing experience. Forty  family members and friends all stayed at the same resort, we partied every day, we gathered together on a private island to witness two people who we all love dearly exchange vows to love and honor one another on a white beach, with the ocean two feet from us. Best of all my husband, daughter and I were all in the wedding, our close family and dearest friends were all there, and I finally got a chance to see Aruba!

The wedding was amazing. We took a private boat to a private island. They exchanged their vows while flamingos were walking around the beach. I loved how you could hear the ocean in the back ground. Their pictures look like they came out of a magazine. We danced in the white sand, surrounded by palm trees and we all; bride, groom, wedding party and guests ended the night dancing in the ocean, with their tuxes, gowns and all under the stars.

So for all of you out there who are engaged or are thinking of getting married keep all options open and best of all do what works best for you! My sister and I both had equally amazing weddings but completely different from one another. I am proud of her for taking the initiative to do what made her happy, it was an amazing and unforgettable experience for all of us!

Aruba September 25, 2010
Jess & Pete

'Tis the season

With Christmas 6 weeks away...yep only 6 weeks away, I have decided to get organized and begin my holiday shopping. I have about 30 plus people to shop for so I took out my spreadsheet from last year and started on a clean slate.

I am usually good with preparing a head of time so I started to take out all the outfits and toys I have already purchased and realized I have about 24 people to shop for, 6 down 24 to go.  I always feel I am crunched for time since my daughter's birthday is around Thanksgiving and my mind is focused on preparing for that.

It is amazing the sales that stores have going on. I have said this before and I will say it again, spend the $1.50 on Sundays and buy a newspaper. It is filled with circulars and coupons, deals and specials.

The Internet is filled with deals! Whenever I shop on-line I always Google coupons for the stores I am shopping at and 9 out of 10 times there is a coupon online. No one should have to pay full price and no one should feel stressed financially when it comes to the holidays. It just takes some preparation and organization and you will find that the holidays can be enjoyable after all!

Need help organizing a spreadsheet then click here!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Easy Dinner: TACOS

I cook a lot, I probably cook at least 3 to 4 nights a week...I know some people cook everyday but for those of us who want some easy, cost friendly meals I will be adding some easy dinners to my blog to help make your night more enjoyable with spending less time in the kitchen.

  • 1 1/2 lb of ground meat or turkey meat or meatloaf meat
  • 1 package of Ortega taco family pack- this includes taco shells, cheese sauce, taco sauce and seasoning

Brown meat, drain, add taco seasoning with water (follow directions on package) I like the taco shells crunchy so I bake them for about 15 mins in a 350 degree oven.

Serve with salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese-moteray jack is good, chopped tomatoes and chopped lettuce.

I love side dishes, so I served this with white rice, nachos ( just use Tortilla chips and top with shredding moteray jack and put in microwave) and a salad.

I would say this dinner costs no more than $7.00 for a family of four. You can get fancy and add as many toppings as you like but I like to keep it simple. These left overs are great just mix the taco meat with white rice and snack on it with the left over tortilla chips.

Who said making dinners had to be complicated?! ENJOY!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Everyone needs a Best Friend

I have been blessed with so many wonderful, strong, successful women in my life. I also have been extremely blessed to say I have a best friend who I have been friends with for 24 years-wow 24 years and we still could talk for endless hours at a time.

Throughout our friendship we have had our ups and downs, we moved away from one another and took different turns in our lives but we always seen to make our way back to one another. She brings out the good in me, she makes me laugh so hard that it makes me want to cry. She is honest without hurting my feelings and she has always had my back. I love her like my sister and feel God gave us one another to get through the good, the bad and the tough times in our lives.

I am glad to know that we will grow old together, we"ll stay young together and we'll always be there for one another even when things get too rough, tough or when we need a shoulder to cry on, laugh on or just because. I think everyone needs that one, special person to turn to, to laugh with and cry with and even "jump around the room with and sing into the back of a hair brush" with!

I hope one day my daughter finds that one special person, of course she'll always have me, but she needs that one person she could rely on to help her be a better person. I am glad I do and I honestly believe that my best friend is a part of me and I am a part of her!


Tell me "How do you make your busy morning routine special for your family?"
and you could win a prize pack from Kix through MyBlogSpark.

Respond to this blog post by November 15th for a chance to win a prize pack including a 24-piece counting-themed floor puzzle, fun learn-to-count flashcards, a sippy cup, a portable snack container and a box each of Original Kix and Honey Kix cereals.

Prize pack was provided from Kix through MyBlogSpark.

True Intentions

I have this one person in my life that is not quiet happy for anyone unless they are happy. I hate to admit it and personally think it is a sad thing. For a while I thought deep down they had good intentions but don't know how to really show it, so they behave in a strange way.  Well I notice they are coming around more and it just so happens that things are looking up for them. It is tough not to look past the things they have done in the past when they were not in a good place and to restart a relationship. Even though their current actions are kind I somehow can not help to think their intentions are not true.

Then again I know we are all guilty of it. How many of us do things without the right intentions in mind?!  How many of us do things without the intentions of it resulting in a negative way? Sometime we do things without really knowing what our intentions truly are!

"We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions.” Ian Percy

Reading: One Day My Soul Just Opened Up

I decided to do some Soul searching. From reading my previous posts you can tell I am a believer of signs and happiness and I have been in a little funk and thought it was time to do some Soul Searching.

We all come to a point in our lives when what we have just does not seem to be enough or where we are at is not where we thought we would be or for some reason even though we have so much we still feel like we are missing something. I mean maybe it is a better job, a bigger house, more children, or just more happiness in our day-to-day routine.

So I began to reread One Day My Soul Just Opened Up by Iyanla Vanzant. By rereading I mean a couple of years ago before I had  my daughter I was in a funk, I lost my job because my company closed, I was involved in a really terrible accident-luckily no one was hurt too bad and I could not get pregnant. I needed a reminder that I was in charge of my happiness. So I read this book and followed their steps and woke up knowing that things would get better and by having that mind set things did get better.

I just started to reading this book again and already realized that I love to write and stopped looking for publishers for my two novels and am down on myself about it so I want to start that up again- also I need to finish the other two I started to write. I realized that I do want another child- my daughter needs a playmate and she would make a great big sister. I realized that I need to have a better work schedule, I need to go to the gym more- I have been only going two times a week and that is not enough. Most importantly I realized that I need to  find things to do on the weekends with my family that involve us three as a family.

If you need a reminder of how to deal with things or some inspiration then this is the book to read.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stop * Breathe * Smile

I can't get over that it is already November, that Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, that my daughter will be two soon and I have hardly put a dent in my holiday shopping. When I think of all of this I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep it away. What I tend to forget is that this is just the reality of life, everyday will be something. So I force myself to stop, breathe and smile. And take it one day at a time!
This song always seems to help me!

Mommy you K?!

I LOVE laying in bed with my daughter. I lay in bed with her at night and watch her Dora before I put her to bed and the first thing I do when she wakes up is put her in bed with me.

So this morning I am laying in bed with her, she rolls over on her belly, and cups my face with her two tiny hands. I could feel her breath on my face and she says "Hi Momma, U K?!" I swear I almost teared up because it was the cutest thing ever! I started to laugh, so she laughed and it was the best way to wake up this morning!

I wish every morning I could start my day like that! It's those little moments in life that are good for the soul. My daughter is good for my soul!Needless to say it was a great day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kix Cereal YUM

My daughter always gave me trouble when I tried to switch her milk from a bottle to a sippy cup. Since then she refuses to drink milk so I turn to cereal with milk everyday to help her get the calcium she needs. Her new favorite cereal is Kix.

I like to mix Kix cereal  flavors honey with original. I even find myself munching on the crunchy little puffs. As a kid I loved Kix as a snack so the slogan "Kid-Tested Mother-Approved®" seems fitting when I feed them to my daughter.

As a work from home mom I find it difficult to make pancakes every  morning, so cereal is usually the first thing I start my day off feeding my daughter. We sit down together and I make sure my blackberry is turned off to avoid any interuptions. I think that 20 minute bonding time makes a huge difference and it helps us start our day off right. Tell me "How do you make your busy morning routine special for your family?" and you could win a prize pack from Kix through MyBlogSpark.

Respond to this blog post by November 15th for a chance to win a prize pack including a 24-piece counting-themed floor puzzle, fun learn-to-count flashcards, a sippy cup, a portable snack container and a box each of Original Kix and Honey Kix cereals. Prize pack was provided from Kix through MyBlogSpark

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mommy's Mood

It's funny how I have noticed my daughter has been a little aggressive lately and moody. She is reaching the terrible 2's but I noticed there is much more than that. The reason has been me. I have been moody, so she's been moody.

I never realized it until today when I decided to put my butt in gear and be happier around her and she softened up a bit. My mom always told me that when we were younger whenever she was in a bad mood, we were in a bad mood.

Funny how kids react to the way we do, the way we feel and the way we act. Although my mood is just something that will pass, hormones, over worked, lack of sleep...I know now that I must pick and choose how I want to feel so my daughter won't be affected by it!

So when we have bad days, they will have bad days. Pick and choose those bad days because at the end of "every hurricane there is a rainbow!"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's Minnie

Halloween was great! My daughter loved trick or treating! For the houses that had lights on but did not respond she would shout "Come on..." So funny the personalities they develop so young.

She was Minnie Mouse this year and looked sooo cute. So I figured I would do a Minnie Mouse theme for her 2nd bday and headed to Party City with her to buy invites. Well, the whole time she was screaming for Dora. I couldn't help but laugh. Here I was trying to do something different and she wanted Dora.

I stuck to my guns and bought all Minnie Mouse decorations and figured if she gave me trouble again we could do Dora for her 3rd birthday. Below is my lil Minnie Mouse!