Monday, January 31, 2011

Cry Today Laugh Tomorrow Quote

‎"The things you cry about today are the same things you'll laugh about tomorrow."

Article about Your Purpose In Life

I never realized how repetitive life was until I had a child. I woke up, made us breakfast, we played, then she had snack, play some more, made her lunch then nap time. Got her up, played, made dinner, put her down for bed and then went to bed to do it all over again. Yes, now that I am working from home in between I am working, dealing with clients, checking emails ect...But there comes a point in life when you think to yourself 'is this really it?!" You start adding different activities into the mix and make plans with friends and family so you have something to look forward to. But the reality is sometimes we need a refresher as to what really is our purpose in life.

This is a great article I came across that I thought you may enjoy. I have not read the book but I did enjoy this article.

Finding The Purpose Of Life  by John Falls

Pillsbury $1 Million Dollar Cook Off

Calling all cooks, bakers and creative tasters... Pillsbury is having their 45th Pillsbury Bake-Off®

Consumers can submit recipes in one of four recipe categories:

*The Breakfast & Brunches category
*The Entertaining Appetizers category
*The Dinner Made Easy™
*The Sweet Treats category

Recipes will be judged on 1) taste, 2) appearance, 3) creativity and 4) consumer appeal.

Enter today at, valid now until April 18, 2011. *One hundred lucky finalists will get a change to compete for the grand prize of $1 Million dollars during the contest finals.
Happy Cooking!!!

Enough Quote

"Don't ever give someone the satisfaction to make you feel as if  you are not pretty enough, good enough or worthy enough!"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Avon Voices-Online Singing Talent Search for Women

Here's your chance ladies to show off your talent and get a chance to win a record deal. To celebrate its 125th Anniversary, Avon Voices ,the company’s first-ever global online singing talent search for women and songwriting competition for men and women, are in search of two winners who will receive the chance to have a professionally recorded album.

All you have to do is sing out on a 30-second video clip from their approved song list at Pick a song from their list, create a performance video and upload your video by February 13, 2011. How simple is that!

Your video will be judged by celebrities and music-industry greats including Fergie, and Natasha Bedingfield.

Here's your chance to shine! Submit your video today! 

Be True to Yourself Quote

“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.” Similar Quotes

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Best Friend Quote

“When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there" Similar Quotes

More Snow Facts

I woke up this morning, rolled over and called my husband and asked "so did it snow last night?" his reply "are you serious?" I guess I should have looked outside before calling him since we got a foot of snow. He was already up since 3 am plowing with a buddy. I got up opened the back door and attempted to let the dogs out.

Yep, we were snowed it yet again. I did my part and shoveled my way out...well after 10 minutes I decided it was enough of an attempt and headed back inside.

Below are some more fun Snow Facts:

*  For the average person who weighs 150lbs you burn 408 calories an hour when you shovel

** The average snowflake falls at a speed of 3.1 miles per hour

*** Snow acts like a layer of insulation to the ground and can keep plants insulated from the detrimental sub-zero freezing temperatures.

**** According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest snowflake on record measured 38cm wide and 20cm thick. It was observed in Montana, USA in 1887 and described by witnesses as "larger than a milk pan".
For all of you in the East Coast make some hot chocolate and stay in!

Links to facts:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Banana Smoothie

I had this smoothie every morning when I went to Dominican Republic. Every time my energy is a little low I make it and it is sooo refreshing!

  • 1 Cup of Milk
  • 1 Ripe Banana
  • 1 cup of ice
Blend all together and serve. Yummy!

* You could always add a scope of vanilla ice cream or a tsp of sugar!

Good Day vs Bad Day Quote

"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude" Dennis S. Brown

Me and My lil one

Snowed in Craft Time

We have had a lot of snow, and yet again today it is snowing so we are snowed in. Since we can not go to Stew's or Stepping Stones I had to do something to distract my hyper little girl so out came out the craft bag of goodies.

We painted...until she wanted to paint her face.  We played with play-doh until she insisted she wanted to wear it so I had to make bracelets and rings out of it. Then was the puzzle that ended up all over my floor. With all that said it was a great morning. Once the snow stops we'll go play outside with the doggies, then it'll be time for a nap for baby and me!

Puzzle fun

Play-doh Jewelry

Paint Monster

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Multitasking- Don't Do It

I multitask all the time. I brush my teeth while I am showering. I empty the dishwasher while I talk on the phone, I even check my email while I am eating. We all do it and I notice as a mother I do it even more but as we all know when we multitask we aren't focusing 100% on the task we are working on. Sometimes we make huge errors that cost us more time to fix it then to actually focus on doing it right the first time.

So I did a little research as to why we should not be doing it:

And of course as I am writing this blog post I am speaking to my husband while checking my blackberry that keeps going off. I need to shut everything out and focus on one thing at a time. Reality is that 9 out of 10 times the things that are distracting us are the least important things we should not be focusing on.

*click on links to read more

Monday, January 24, 2011

Easy Apple Crisp

This is a great and easy recipe if you have left over apples and do not know what to do with them.

  • 2 cups of oats-raw
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1/2  stick of melted butter
  • 4 small apples
Chop apples bite size. Line bottom of baking dish with apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Mix oats, flour, brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Top with melted butter and mix well. Cover apples with mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tough Times Quote

"When times get tough you gotta brush it off and keep moving!"

Friday, January 21, 2011

Baking Quote

"If you like it then I made it, if you don't then I bought it!"

Beware-Potty Training in Session!

I must admit I am so not looking forward to this potty training thing at all. I mean I am constantly out with my daughter so it is hard to put a pull up on her, set the clock every 30 minutes and rush her to the potty. But with that said she is getting older so the pressure is up to ME to get her in the potty training mode.

I  started two months ago with bringing out her potty. At first she hated it, she cried, did not even want to look at it. The first time I sat her down on it she got up, said "no potty" and stood in her own puddle...I just mopped the floor that morning.

Now she loves it, only problem she plays on it. She will sit, sing, count the tile on the ground but nothing happens. She even likes her privacy and has said "ok, be right back" and slammed the door in my face. So now the challenge is getting her to actually do something, getting me to set the timer and to get rid of these diapers for good!

I have done my reading on tips and believe what may work for one child may not work for another, ex: bribing kids with candy or chocolate-great idea but my daughter is like me and the minute she has a little sugar she gets super hyper. She already tries to run around the house without a diaper on forget about when she has a little sugar in her!

Below are some articles I read and am attempting some of their tips. In the meantime I put up a big sign on my front door to warn all visitors "Beware-Potty Training in Session!"

Some useful articles on Potty Training...

*20 Best-Ever Potty Training Tips
*When to start potty training?
*Potty Training 101

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Welcome to My Silly Life" Pink

Rosie the Riveter Icon for Feminist Movement

How many times have we all seen this poster and never realize the story behind it? I have seen this image for years over and over again. Rosie the Riveter was an icon for the feminist movement. Funny how the designers pumped up her arms to look more masculine. She recently passed away at the age of 86.  Read article here...

100 Best Companies to Work For

Great article on the top 100 Companies to work for. Read More Here...

I am proud to say my favorite store Stew Leonard's made the top 20! I was actually there today and when I told my daughter we were going there she said "we get ice cream cone, we see cow, we see horse?" Horse?! I could not stop laughing!

Read More Here...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Girlfriend Quote

"Everyone needs a girlfriend they can vent to...cry with...and laugh with!"

xo KG, JCD, CC, CD, JK xo

The Ultimate Burger-Tastes Just Like a Big Mac

I love burgers and can name off a list of great places to eat the Ultimate Burger but if you are like me and like to cook then try out this easy recipe:

  • Burger- I make my own by making patties out of ground meat, shape them and cook
  • Ken's Steak House Lite Creamy Caesar dressing
  • Vlasic Kosher Dill Pickles
  • American Cheese
  • Buns-I like the garlic ones
  • Lettuce
  • Ketchup

Spray a griddle with Pam cooking spray, cook burgers, season with garlic salt. Mix a salad with the Ken's dressing. Once the burger is cooked top with american cheese, pickles, ketchup and salad. Tastes just like a Big Mac!

*Healthy alternative is to use ground turkey meat to make a turkey burger. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Driving Miss Daisy for The Actors Fund: Buy Your Tickets Today!

There is nothing I respect more than a person with talent. I love watching shows and plays and am always amazed with how people can transform into character in front of a crowd of people. I am very sociable but could never get up the courage to go on stage and perform...even though it seems like a ton of fun.

That is why I am glad to write about a great cause that "The Broadway company of Driving Miss Daisy  will be adding a ninth performance to their already scheduled eight-show week in order to perform a benefit performance on Monday, February 7 at 8pm. All proceeds will go to The Actors Fund, a national human services organization that helps those working in performing arts and entertainment." Learn More Here

So for all of you out there who love entertainment and respect the art of acting please visit this performance and know that you are helping contribute to a wonderful cause!

Purchase Tickets Here!

Getting Older Quote

"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." Lucille Ball

Greek Yogurt

I love yogurt, I always have. My daughter also loves it which is great since she refuses to drink milk. I am a huge fan of Chobani yogurt. I usually buy there vanilla yogurt and add a tablespoon of honey to it. I love the mixture of the plain yogurt with the honey. My second favorite is their peach yogurt. It has chunks of real peaches in it. Usually you can buy them 4 for $5.00 at the grocery store. Sign up here to receive a coupon and try one today!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote

"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Perfect Day

"Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day."Author Unknown

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Results Quote

"You don't have control over the results only the actions!" Russell Simmons

Great Article on Happiness and Success

We all work so hard but not all of us are really happy with what we do. In this article he talks about how you must be happy inorder to really be successful. Enjoy! Russell Simmons’ rules for getting “super rich”
"Learn to love what is in front of you!" Russell Simmons

Friday, January 14, 2011

Song: The Pussycat Dolls

Song has been stuck in my her voice

Let Go Quote

"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." Oprah Winfrey

Relationship Quote

"Don't go for the looks, it can be quite deceiving. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away -- go for someone who makes you smile because only a smile makes a dark day seem bright. ” Similar Quotes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Facts

It's snowing again, third time this season, so I thought it may be fun to look up some fun Snow Facts.
  • For it to snow the tops of the clouds must be below 0 degrees Celsius, or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. *
  • Snow is actually clear/transparent. Snow appears white because the crystals act as prisms, breaking up the light of the sun into the entire spectrum of color.**
  • There are five different shapes of snow crystals. A long needle shape, hollow column that is shaped like a six-sided prism, thin and flat six-sided plates, six-pointed stars and intricate dendrites.**
  • The biggest snow storm in the United States occurred in 1967 in mid-western parts of the country. In Chicago, the storm accumulated 23 inches of snow in just 24 hours!***

We're expecting another 8-15"in the next 24 hrs. Stay warm and if you really have to go out then please drive safe!!

Life Quote

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” Similar Quotes

*I always loved this quote!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Power of Prayer

I know I've said it before but I can't emphasis enough about how strong the power of prayer is. We all have different beliefs and that is what makes this world such a wonderful place, but it is crazy how strong the power of prayer really is!

Someone really close to me is in the hospital. As I waited by the phone all day for updates I noticed I was driving myself crazy.

I decided I needed to leave the house for a distraction. I got my shoes on and packed my diaper bag. Before I left I made another call to the hospital, received an update that the patient was not doing better and we were not sure what the next step would be.

I put my daughter's shoes on her, sat on the couch next to her and began to pray. She was really cute as she tried to be serious as I prayed with her. I felt a little better got in my car and pulled out of my driveway. Two minutes later I received a call. The doctor's said the patient was on their way to recovery. Yes, I know you think I am crazy and yes it is a coincidence but when I went to the hospital tonight and told everyone the story it was as if we all knew it was some little miracle.

Pray...I do not care to who or what you pray to but pray and believe in the power of prayer! Trust me even if your prayers do not get answered you will feel much better!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Don't Take Things for Granted

"It's amazing how much we take for granted and never realize it until we almost loose it!"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Feel Good Song: John M - Say What You Need to Say

I always say too much but there are some people out there
who have trouble expressing themselves or are afraid to say how they
feel or what they want. So this song is for all of you out there...
to say too much is better than to say too little.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Having a Hard Time Falling Asleep?

This is a great article by Woman's Day on foods that can help you fall asleep at night. Although some of the foods they mention like milk and decaf tea we all grew up knowing  about, they mention some really interesting foods like Edamame and Cherries which was news to me! Happy Zzz's

"10 Foods That Can Help You Sleep" by Woman's Day 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Feel Quote

    “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

Guess Who Got Into My Bathroom...

My daughter loves to play in my bathroom upstairs, it has high ceilings so she loves how her voice echos in there. So the other day I am putting my clothes away and notice she is a little too quiet in there. I walk in and find her playing with the toilet paper. The best thing is I was so mad that I brought her downstairs and later that evening when I went to the bathroom I forgot I left it like this and was cracking up!

Yep...just another day in the life of being a mom!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Appreciation Quote

" Sometimes we need to take a step back and look around to really appreciate what we have and how we got here."

Life Quote

     “The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”Flora Whittemore

Stepping Stones Museum for Children

My husband bought my daughter and I a family membership for Christmas and I must say I love this place! Stepping Stones Museum is filled with interactive activities for children of all ages. I brought my daughter there over the weekend and we spent 2 hours having a blast.

There are a ton of Exhibits for children of all ages, they even had a Science Lab and an Art Studio. The Energy Lab is so cool, it's my favorite, it is a room filled with balls and water and kids play with the balls and water shoots up. My daughter has a blast in this room.

If you're ever in the area check it out, it is well worth it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dry Skin Remedies

The winter is horrible for my skin and I hate chapped lips so these are "must" do winter remedies to fight chapped lips and dry skin.

  • Always drink lots of water
  • Apply lotion to your body as soon as you get out of the shower
  • Before bed apply hand cream-not lotion- but cream, some people even put rubber gloves on after they apply the cream so they wake up to extra soft hands
  • Before bed apply chap stick, I love the Cherry Carmex or Blistex Lip Massage
  • Also use chapstick over your lipstick when you leave the house
  • Also make sure you have enough face lotion on so you do not get wind burn when you go out
No reason why we can't look our best all year round! Stay Warm!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Beauty Quote

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Proverb. Shakespeare

Comfort Food to Soothe a Cold

These two weeks of partying caught up to me. I woke up this morning feeling pretty bad; sore throat, achy body, and tired. I am not one to run to the doctor every time I am under the weather unless I am really sick. So below are my home remedies to feeling better and comfort food to soothe any cold!
  • Tylenol
  • Tea with honey
  • Water-lots of it
  • Soup
  • Peanut butter and jelly- this is my favorite comfort food of all time when I am not feeling well
  • Sleep- lots of it
So next time you are under the weather try these home remedies to help you get through the day!

Live Now Quote

"With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." Ralph Waldo Emerson

New Year's Resolution

We all start the year off by creating a Resolution for the New Year in hopes of bettering our life and making a new start. So for this year I decided, even though it may sound selfish, to focus on the things in life that make me happy. I know it sounds silly with all the responsibilities I have but the reality is if I am happy then everyone around me will be happier!
I always lived my life a head of the game, I got married young, always worked and saved, I had a daughter young, I always focused on what was next. Well now I am focusing on the present, on a day to day basis. No more planning too ahead of time, no more focusing so ahead that I loose focus of today, the present!

I need to start living my life day by day, look forward to what the day will be not tomorrow. We need to live in the moment not in the future, because we do not know what the future will bring and I need to stop worrying about that!

Here's to a happier 2011!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 1-1-11

Happy New Year Everyone! It's the first of the year and month so make it a great one. I hope you all had an amazing New Year and shared it with everyone you love! I am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life and although I couldn't be with all of them to bring in the New Year, I was with most of them!

Cherish today and everyday!!!