Sunday, July 31, 2016

What You Accept They Will Accept

This is 100% true. We are all rolemodels
to our children. The type of behavior we display and accept will most likely be the type of behavior they portray and accept. 

Learn to fight for what you want your children to fight for. I notice this a lot with myself. I notice things I won't tolerate are things I may let go of in the past before I had children. They will copy you parents. They will turn to the same type of relationships they witness. It's what they know. They will react to situations the same way you react. Be sure to keep this in mind. It's scary but true!

Think about yourself. Did you marry someone like your parent. Is your significant other similar to your parent? Do you react to situations like your parents did? 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Go To Bed With A Smile

At the end of the day you need to be able to go to bed with a smile. Regardless of the decisions you make for yourself or your kids. If you can go to bed happy then all the decisions of the day were worth while.

If you can't then tomorrow is another day to get it right. 

Sleep Well My Friends!

The Best Food Trucks in Fairfield County: Did Your Fav Make The List?

The food truck industry has skyrocketed over the past couple of years. Now most of your favorites can be purchased from a food truck. Pizza, tacos, crepes, lobster rolls...Meals on wheels has a whole new meaning. 

Check out this fun list. What trucks have you tried? Has your favorites made the cut?

10 of the Best Food Trucks in Fairfield County

Children Protect Your Heart: The Love Of Baseball

Whenever your child decides to do a sport we would never think it could cost them their life. We think it's encouraging team building, social skills and benefiting from Exercise but their life never. 

My daughter's favorite position is catcher. A couple of games I had parents come up to me and say wow did you freak when that bat came near her or thank goodness that ball did bounce back. It does make me a little nervous. At her last game a ball popped up and hit a kid in his chest. He was fine but I told my husband I was starting to get nervous and wanted her to wear more protection especially for her heart. He told me they have shirts with padding gear to protect the upper body. 

A store in our area was going out of business I go and find a "heart protector" this shirt has a shield in it to protect the heart. A few days later I received an article from the Babe Ruth Baseball Little League that a child went into cardiac arrest after a ball bounce up and hit side of his heart. It's every parent's nightmare. What is suppose to be a fun, team building, experience could turn tragic ending. Luckily the boy end up getting out of the coma and survived thanks to a brave teammate who performed CPR as soon as injury happened. 

Parents protect your kids. There is gear out there for under $50 that will safe their life. Accidents happen. No one is to blame. But it's our duty as parents to do whatever we can to keep them safe. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Free Admission Dates and Days for Zoos, Museums, Gardens & More in NYC

Let's face it sometimes it too hot to do something outside. Check out this awesome list by NYMetro Parents of places to go to for FREE. Yep the four magic letters that makes parents happy!

The Bronx Zoo – General admission is free on Wednesdays. Visitors are asked to donate what they wish to support the zoo’s mission. Total Experience activities cost extra.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden -Free all day on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 10am-noon. Free on winter weekdays November-February.
Brooklyn Children’s Museum - Free Thursday afternoons from 2-6pm.
Children’s Museum of the Arts - Pay-what-you-wish Thursdays, 4-6pm.
Children’s Museum of Manhattan - Free the first Friday of every month, 5-8pm.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Stepping Stones Get In For Free August 6 2016

Beat the heat and check out Stepping Stones Children Museum in Norwalk.  Always filled with creative and educational fun for kids of all ages. 

Thursday Night August 6th is Get In For Free. Check out all their upcoming events:

To learn more visit their website:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lesson In Life

It's sad to know how true this is. But look at yourself and then look at those around you. Whether intentionally or unintentionally this will happen. I have done it. You have done it. Those we love have done it to us and others. What we really need to focus on is not repeating the same mistakes. Be good to others and they will be good to you. 

Pancakes 3 Ways, Let's Get Creative

What's for Dinner? I had no clue. Was just me and the two little ones so figured what's fun and easy to make: Pancakes. Of course I needed to add a twist: Three Ways! Plain, Banana and Blueberry! Now here's the secret twist for the Banana and Blueberry add cinnamon and sugar to batter. 

Here's what I do:

Mix any pancake mix you like. I use bisquick. Divide the batter. 

Add cinnamon and sugar mixture (equal parts of each in a container, I always have this in the cabinet) to one bowl with regular batter. Other batter keep plain and use for making plain pancakes. 

Now divide cinnamon mixture batter into two bowls. Mash two bananas in one bowl. Pour half cup of blueberries in the other one.  Pancakes will look lumpy but cook on low heat and will come out perfect. 

Start pouring and flipping. Amazing. 

I serve with whip cream and syrup. The banana pancake taste like a banana foster. They are super filling. I can not eat more than one. The blueberries in the blueberry pancakes pop in your mouth. Delicious! Enjoy!

Creative Minds: Let Your Children Use Their Imagination

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities." Dr. Seuss 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Best Water Balloons EVER!!!

I bought these last week for a play date at my house. It is the coolest concept ever!

Hook up to a hose. 
Once they fill turn off water.
Shake over a bucket and they tie automatically. 
So fun and easy!!! 

Buy ZURU Bunch O Balloons on sale now at Walmart and Toys R Us. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

St. Ann's Feast This Weekend

This is a fun Italian Festival located right off exit 16 on I95 in Norwalk CT. Great food. Fun crowd. Be sure to check it out and grab a pizza fritte. Yum!

July 28th-July 31st

Image Source:The Hour 

Lessons Learned In Life

Whatever was let it go. Start over. It's liberating!

Sometimes Having A Strong Voice Isn't A Bad Thing

"I need you back on the committee. I won't ask too much of you but need you to back me up. Your voice is my stronger and louder than mine."

This is the text I received a couple of weeks ago from a friend. We had a strong committee that fell apart once the leader wasn't being supportive. Why do good if no one was appreciating it. We all got burnt out and took a year off.  Now that the leader is gone and change is taking place my friend is rallying up the crew again. 

"My big, strong mouth gets me into trouble at times. But I can't a position but will be more involved and help. I promise." Was my response. 

I wanted to take a position. I wanted too. But with work busy and having two kids in school in the Fall. I just can't. I need to make other things a priority.  It did feel good to have her think my aggressive strong voice could be put to good use. Which as I have grown I try to aim for that. 

I have learned through years to control it. To think before you speak. Actions cause a reaction so if you are going to fight for anything be sure to be passionate about it 100%. Like 100%. I have voiced my opinion across this committee and others to do with my children education and sports. When you see them implement that change it makes you believe that Speaking Up Does Matter!

So if you too like to share your opinion and have a strong loud voice. Not ones that insult others or try to give someone a bad rap. But one that makes people think and take your input into consideration. Then don't change! There will always be a team rooting for you!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Fun Craft With Paper Towel Rolls

I love doing crafts and I have been collecting toilet paper and paper towel rolls for our fireworks craft I posted last month. We have a ton and I found this new fun craft on Pinterest. 

Castles! Perfect for my girls. My goal is to attempt this week. What crafts do you recommend to do with empty rolls? Let me know and I will test them out with my girls. 

Stop Chasing The "Joneses"

I see this a lot now that my daughter is older. Parents and peers trying to keep up with competition. Doing and following what other families and parents are doing and saying and I personally want NO part of it. 

I don't do well with competition. Growing up I was never a jealous or competitive person so the minute I feel an urge to compete or someone is competing with me I back away and detach myself from that person.  It brings out the ugly in people and personally doesn't make me feel or look good. 

So being a parent can suck sometimes. I get it. Your children start to compare themselves to others and want what others have and personally I don't see it a lot in my kids yet because my husband and I don't do it. Parents stop trying to keep up with the "Jones". Stop trying to be something you are not. It's ok to NOT follow the pack. It's ok to live within your means. It's ok for your kids to not have and do what other families have and do. It's life. They will learn the lesson now or later. 

Vacations. Trips. Gear. Toys. Give it up. We can't always do what others do so don't expect to copy and do it.

The number one reason couples fight is money. It ruins marriages. It's hard to avoid it. Trust me I know. But if you're neighbor is doing something and you can't let it go. Stop competing with yourself. People see through it. Be you. It's ok. 

I have a strong fun mommy group of friends. We are always pushing advice and tips and suggestions to one another. We have different level of incomes and careers. We have NO competition. We praise each other. We hurt when someone hurts. It's real. We don't always agree and it's good. Find those types of friends and peers. Those are the type of friendships you need in your life. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Change Your Thoughts! Being Positive Brings Positive Things To You!

My goal this year was to get more clients and hire more help. All of a sudden things started to happen and fall into place. Two months ago my work load increased. I was off on Wednesdays and working nights to make up for it and it wasn't enough to do what had to be done. After taking on another client I knew I needed more time and wanted to give up nights. I posted on a mommy site and an hour later had a name for a babysitter. Ironically I went to school with her children. A week later she came by and started. She's been an amazing addition to my family and help for me.

Then my husband came home said he met a girl who wants to work
from home. She was looking to start her own virtual admin business but needed clients. I took her information and said if I got one more client I would subcontract work to her. Sure enough I got a referral. Client signed agreement and last week started subcontracting work.

I was a bit crabby this week. I walk around the front of my house to do something in back yard. As I walked a breeze came through. I stopped  and  took it all in. Wow life can be beautiful I said walking inside. From the corner of my eye I see a tag. I reached for it and realized it was the bag of candy I bought my sitter and couldn't find. I was so happy

I researched gifts for my soon to be two year old. I had no clue what to get her. I thought maybe a small trampoline would be fun since they use big ones at our gym class. Today after my daughters baseball game I picked up my little ones at my inlaws and didn't feel like cooking lunch. As we pull up to Wendy's my daughter asked for a frosty. No I said. Then as I ordered I figured why not. She just played baseball for two and half hours in the heat. I ordered three jr ones and drove home. On our side street was a trampoline. No sign. Empty house. I stopped the car. Got out and asked a neighbor was this free and he said yes. Well that just saved me $100.

Now this could all be a coincidence really but man after a crazy beginning of the year everything seems to be back on track to good fun positive outcomes. Change your outlook. Change your life.

We Hit 70,000 Views!

Next month marks 7 years writing this blog and I am so amazed that we hit our 70,000 view Mark!!!

Thank you readers and visitors for coming by and for coming back. I started this 7 years ago when my oldest was only 9 months old. I hope you all enjoy my posts and please continue to come
back. If you have any feedback or suggestions you would like to share please contact me at

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!

Darien Sport Shop Needs Families For Their Commercial

Ever dream of being in a commericial? Well now may be your chance. I saw this posted on website and figured why not share with readers!

What They Are Looking For:
Families to be able to appear together with their children ages 5-13 years old
Groups of women friends - may apply individually as well

Must be available the week of August 8 for fittings and all day for filming in Darien on August 17. **Compensation will be in the form of product and photography.

Learn More Here and Get Contact Information Who to Submit Images and Info To:

Casting Call for Darien Sport Shop Commercial

Trader Joes' Must Try Products

I have become a huge fan of this place this summer. It's a fun little store packed with amazing healthy treats and for a bargain price!

It all started off with a play date. My friend brought over a huge bag of puffs that I couldn't stop eating. Double the size bag of regular pirate booties for $2. Yep $2. 

Then it lead to a biweekly trip. My sister moved back to CT and well play dates with her little ones and then retail therapy for the mommies have become a biweekly fun adventure.  

Needless to say I went today. Bought two groceries bags full of groceries for under $50. And full I mean not your typical plastic bag full. Try extra larger brown paper bag full.

Be sure to get the milk and dark chocolate covered almonds. They are mixed so you get a fun treat. All I need are two to fulfill my chocolate fix. They are huge. 

My new favorite treat:

Trader Joes is throughtout CT. My favorite locations are in Darien and Westport. Needless to say they all really rock!

Check out this awesome article I read for more fun treats.

Best Products From Trader Joe's:

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Simplify Your Life!

After a relaxing getaway I thought I would come home refreshed. I did but it lasted a couple of hours. Today was rough. Work is super busy which is great but juggling kids, a job, being mom, a wife, a cook and a maid (don't we all feel this way) seemed to really get to me today. Like REALLY get to me.

Why can't I relax even with thoughts of the mountains in the back of my mind? 

So I decided I need to do a couple of things. One dinner time sucks the life out of me. I love to cook but after working, picking up the kids standing infront of a stove cooking while they run wild isn't much fun. So easy simple dinner menu is something I need to come up with. Even if it's pancakes for dinner who cares. I love to make sides and take my time and well at 5:00 on a week day that needs to stop. So I will pull out my crockpot recipes and see what I can come up with. Any quick dinner tips is welcomed!

Next I need to put my phone away. Yep shut it off. From 5 to bedtime it's no longer going to be by my side. Whatever needs my attention will have to wait. 

Read: I miss reading. I get my news off social media. I don't have ME time. I couldn't believe I didn't think to pack a book for my weekend getaway. It proved I don't put me first. So I need to set aside at least 30 minutes a night and read a good book! Any suggestions help!

I need to simply my life. This running around and being stressed out is taking a toll on me. It's time to let it all go and be a little selfish and embrace the things that make me happy! I need to wing dinner. Read a book. Not care what emails are coming in past five and enjoy the little things. Like the view of the mountains in my head!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Copacabana Brazilian Restaurant In Port Chester NY

Meat Please...

This place is amazing! I have been to a Brazilian Steak House In Massachusetts before and have been wanting to go back. I found a Groupon Online and figured let's give it a try. You get a salad bar full of cold salads to choose from. Then you get a bowl of rice and beans and fried plantains- the best I have ever had. 

Then the fun begins...

For those who have never been to a Brazilian Restaurant be sure to come hungry. You get a card. Green side signals servers to ask if you want the type of meat they are hand carving at your table,literally slice a piece and you pull with your tongs. The red means No thanks. I personally like to keep mine on green so I see the different types they are offering. 

I had lamb, beef kabobs, steaks, chicken wrapped in bacon, pork, filet wrapped in bacon and on...all delicious. Now if you are like me and like your meat cooked on the more well side you can tell the server and they will give you a piece more cooked. 

It takes the term "Meat On a Stick" to a whole new level!

If you're a meat lover then book a reservation. You will not be disappointed. 

Peace Please: Ben and Jerry's Factory Tour

This past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting the Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in Vermont. I was like a little kid in a candy shop. Was so cool and what an appropriate time for "National Ice Cream Day."  They had this sign up in their tasting sample room and it was so fitting for the events taking place across the world. 

If you ever have the pleasure of taking a trip to Vermont be sure to take the time and visit here and do a tour. Super cool and smelled amazing!!!

Come Out And Let's "Pley"

We live in an era where you can rent cars, rent furniture and now can rent TOYS! Yep! Pley is an amazing new concept where you rent toys. For as low as $12.99 a month, they will send you a toy to play with for as long as your child would like to. When finished return all pieces in package and return item with self addressed label they provide. Then wait for a new toy to arrive.

So I know what you're thinking: 
What if you loose pieces? No problem they will replace them.
What if you want to keep the you? No problem you can purchase it. 

All toys come sanitized so you do not need to worry about germs- because we all know kids do carry them. 

How fun would it be for your little one to receive a package with a new toy? I know I just helped you get the award for best parent around! Check it out!

Bucket List: What's on Yours?

We all have goals. Some are bigger than others. My ultimate goal is to travel the USA not the world but the great states that are surrounding me. Think about it. How many states have you visited? I probably visited maybe 20 of them in my lifetime. How amazing would it be to travel to almost all of them? 

This is my biggest goal on my bucket list right next to visiting Australia. I originally planned this with my hubby for when the kids all finished college but maybe one day I can pull it off with them and live out my ultimate goal. Take 3 months off and drive. Stop at landmarks and little mom and pop stores and restaurants. See the world our neighbors are living! Sounds awful to some people. Not me. I want to see how others are living this "American Dream!"

What's on your bucket list? 

Scientist Figured Out The Ultimate United States Road Trip:

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Live In The Moment

Source: One Fit Widow on Facebook

Be The Love: Heal the Hurting:Let's Have More Peace!

With all the tragic news feeling the air it's hard to see the world as being a beautiful place. We need to have more compassion for the human race. When you hurt someone it's not about the message you are sending it's also about the millions of people directly and indirectly affected by your actions. Spread More Peace. Let Go Of Hate. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Get Out There And Explore!

I love this and even if it's in your town or state just do it! I try so hard to bring the kids to new places. It's fun for us all. Explore!

Book Club With A Twist

How I miss laying on the hammock and reading a good book. This concept is so cool and just reading about it makes me want to start reading again!

Picture getting a new book every month along with teas and fun homemade treats and goodies! It's a little pricey but why not treat yourself once in a while. 

Check this great article out and learn how to join the Cozy Reader Club

Have Some Confidence

It doesn't matter how great you look. If you walk into a room in sweats with a smile one your face you will be perceived well. It's not what you're wearing it's how you carry yourself. One advice my mom always taught me and ironically I am now teaching my own daughter. 

She's been sluggish about attending camp. She doesn't enjoy been in the heat even though it's only a couple hours a day. She doesn't like being the youngest. Finally I noticed when I dropped her off she was all moppy. Pull it together girl I thought to myself. 

So this morning while we were getting ready I mentioned how I didn't like how she looks going into camp. She's going because she asked to go and dropping her off makes me feel like I am making her do something she doesn't want to do. Plus she doesn't come off approachable. She looks sad and timid. 

I asked "how do I look to you" and I walked by all moppy. Then I asked again "how do I look to you". This time I raised my head up and smiled, walking by tall and proud. She started to smile. Try to work on it I said. 

Tonight at her summer league baseball game as she's getting ready to hit she shouts "mom look how confident I look" and she holds the bat up and smiles. I smiled back and realized that it doesn't take much to help someone change and built confidence. Sometimes you have to just point it out to them. Now let's just hope tomorrow at camp she remembers the lesson. 

Repeat Daily...

To learn more read The 7 Chakras for Beginners 

Do You Suffer From PCOS?

Everytime I meet a doctor and go through my medical history they look like they want to lean over and give me a hug. 

One thing that many woman experience having and many go undiagnosed is PCOS, Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a common endocrine system disorder among women of reproductive age. There is no cure but treatments can help. 

A couple things that I know helps with this is being on birth control pills and doing the South Beach diet to regulate insulin levels. I am not a doctor so any changes to your diet and lifestyle you should address with your doctor. 

Below is a great article to manage the symptoms. 

PCOS: The Symptoms And Management Tips Every Woman Should Know