Monday, September 30, 2019

Pain Teaches You A lot

We all have dealt with pain in our life. Some are worse than others. Some we have actually caused on people. Whether intentionally or not intentionally it has happened. 

Pain isn’t just from a companion. It can be from a friend, a family member, a work colleague, a situation, a worldwide event or disaster. Pain comes from different avenues. 

It’s is our job to take this pain and learn from it. When we suppress it it’s like putting clean laundry on top of dirty laundry. If you never get to the bottom or root of the problem the dirty messes up the clean clothes. See where I am going with this. It all blends. We can’t enjoy the good or clean clothes because those emotions are blended with the bad or dirty clothes. 

Clean out your basket. Clean out your core and start over. Start filling yourself with positive experience. Pain isn’t avoidable.  But healing is your responsibility. Pain will always happen. But deal with it at the moment and move on. 

What To Do With Apples After Apple Picking

There’s no school today so I told the girl’s in the morning we would bake. There’s a ton of my favorite Apple recipes to make like...baked crisp- recipe here and apple pie in an apple- recipe here, apple turnovers- recipe here. There’s even an Apple detox blend you can make- recipe here

But this morning I decided to look up some new recipes and have the girls decide on what to bake. 

15 Things to Do with All the Apples You Pick This Fall

Being A Good Mom...Doesn’t Always Mean Being THAT Mom

I have been blogging for over 10 years. I started out just about my journey of motherhood. But now I am
not just Mom. I am a foodie. I am Jay. I am a divorced mom to three girls. I am an entrepreneur. I am a girl who dates. I am a girl who has dealt with heartache and crazy life changes in such a short period of time. I am so much stronger, independent and wiser than I have ever been in my life. Self love is a major goal. Self acceptance too. I am so many things...that years ago if you told me who I would be today I wouldn’t believe you. 

So I sometimes read my old posts. I like to see who I was verse who I am today. I came across this post. I swear I still am her yet so different. Things that used to have to be a certain way no longer have to be. I let go of some things and some things still remain the same. Of course my kids always come first and I still have wipes in my car and snacks well of course I carry so many snacks so much that even my mom jokes my “4th” daughter knows to come to me when she’s hungry because I always have enough for everyone. 

So maybe I am sort of still that Mom but now I am so much more and I kind of really like her and hope the world does too!

February 2017 I wrote 

Yes I Am That Mom...Well Maybe Just A Little Bit...

Blue Jay Orchards In Bethel

This is one of my favorite orchards for apples. You pre pay for a bag and go picking. There are a ton of different apples. You have to be careful because the bitter ones are the better ones for baking and the sweater ones are better for eating. My girls love apples and I love packing them for lunch so I kept going back for more fugi. 

I love this orchard because across the street is where you can go on a tractor ride and their store is filled with awesome goodies. Best Apple cider donuts ever. 

The tractor ride has these cute signs of how an Apple tree grows and no matter how many times I go on these things one fact always sticks with me. 

This time it was this: it’s takes an Apple tree six years to grow before it producers apples. 6 YEARS. 

Can you imagine? I would be like after three years thinking yeah this tree was a dud. But nope. You have to wait six years before it’s gives you apples. This is where patience needs to set in. 

I was that mom reading out loud about all the fun interesting facts. After we started to joke around with the kids and quiz them. 

It was a perfect Sunday morning. Next up to will be pumpkin picking. 

What Do You Release So You Can Attract?

It was this cool video my friend sent me. You do a screen shot as all these words fill in. Whatever you land on is what you are suppose to release to attract. 

Above are mine. 

Everyone Crosses Your Path For A Reason

Whether it’s to teach you or show you something within yourself, everyone you meet is for a reason. 

Sometimes it’s to show you how to love or receive love. Sometimes it’s to help heal you and turn your life around. 

Appreciate everyone who comes along your journey. Also be sure to leave a positive mark on other people’s journey too. 

What A Soul Mate Does...

Someone who comes in and changes your life...for the better. Who helps you see what you deserve and your full potential. Who brings out the best in you. Who connects with your core. 

Oh Sunday’s...How I Heart You!

I don’t have them every weekend so weekend Mornings I do I try to make them special for them. I woke up my oldest and she rolled over and sniffed. I swear like a hound dog and I couldn’t stop laughing. Is that maple bacon mom? Yep. 

She comes into the kitchen and loved seeing the cinnamon buns in a heart shaped pan. I used this pan a lot at our old house. The girls always loved it. I could serve anything in it and they would be happy. 

So I whip up breakfast and start to experiment. This time I added Nutella to the pancakes. I must say was delicious. You didn’t need syrup or whip cream with it. They were delicious alone. 

My youngest woke up with a sore throat so I made pasta soup. My oldest sees the pot and asks “did you really make pasta soup at 6:30 this morning?” yep!

I have done so much for these kids while younger that as they grow you tend to forget to refresh their memory with doing the same type of things. The same traditions. At times I ask if they remember all the activities and crafts and baking we did. Sometimes they forget. I am determined to bring it back into their life to recreate our memories. Just because some situations in our life are different doesn’t mean you have to stop doing the things that make your heart happy. 

I hope your Sunday morning is as rewarding as mine was. I hope you wake up and do the things that make your heart happy. ❤️

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What’s For Dinner...Be Creative..Wing It!

I thought I was in the clear for dinner since we had a big lunch. Boy was I wrong. I always try to have a carb, protein and veggie or fruit available. I didn’t have any meat defrosted so I usually serve a yogurt or cheese. 

They love those vanilla yogurts with fun toppings so tonight I decided to make my own for them with Oreo thins. Then was carrots and orange pasta to go with their pasta. 

Parenting and feeding kids can be a battle. Luckily I have some tricks up my sleeve and my girls are actually really good at eating whatever I put in front of them. You have to just use a little creativity and dinner can be a success. Even when you’re winging it. 

Saturday Funday...Skyzone...Sushi...Splash pad

How lucky am I to have these three to have fun with? I picked them up from their dad’s house and had a whole day planned. I bought them those Skyzone passes here it’s perfect. Paid for and they can enjoy 1 hour a day for three months. 

Then was lunch at Wild Rice where all three asked to try my crunchy spicy tuna rolls. Which is my favorite. They dipped it in soy sauce and took a bite. I was cracking up as they spit it out and said was spicy. I must admit it’s is best to eat in one bite which was too big for their little mouths. Just meant more for me. I will admit I love that all three wanted to try it. I really try to push new food and different cultures on them and well it is rewarding as a parent to see them wanting to try them. I am such a foodie and it’s great for them to be adventurous with food at a young age. 

Then we went to the Splash pad near Stepping Stones. It’s my favorite and so fun. Learn about it here 

The pool is closed for winter so it was perfect to take them to the Splash pad to cool down. 

I must admit was a great day. My heart was happy. 

Hope your Saturday was full of fun and sunshine!

Want To Stop Aging? Go Dancing!

Who knew? I love to dance. This just proves why I need to do it more and so do you! Check out this article.

Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain

Be Kind You Don’t Know What People Are Dealing With

Do it next time you’re with a crowd of people. Look at their face. You can almost sense their pain. Their worries. Everyone has a battle they are dealing with. It may not be visible but smile at them. Smiling helps you and them. For one second it takes their pain and worry away. It even makes you happier too. Try it ๐Ÿ˜Š

But Mom...You’re Beautiful

I am far from perfect. I have three kids. I don’t have a thyroid. I am slowly approaching a big birthday but I look back on that last 9 years of my life. The transformation. The heartache. The pain. The joy. The memories. The scars. Visible and non visible. 

One morning I was bringing my girls to school. We started to talk about our looks and personality. I hate to say my girls are pretty, even though they are. I rather say your beautiful inside and out. You’re smile makes you beautiful. Your love for life and kindness and sweet voice makes you beautiful. We have this image we have to be perfect to be pretty. Pretty isn’t enough. You need to have a good solid core. Be a good loving person. 

The little ones said mom you’re so beautiful. Thank you girls you are too I said. They replied it’s because I came out of your body. Yes you did and you’ll always be beautiful no matter what. But being nice and kind also makes your beautiful. Loving people and not being angry makes you beautiful. It’s not your face or hair or body. It’s your whole. 

Why haven’t we taught this more. I am not perfect. My body is no where close to perfect. I can count my flaws over and over but I think what makes up the “whole” me and you and everyone is what makes us beautiful. 

Beautiful is their soul, their core, their love of life and peace and happiness. It’s yours too. 

That is what makes your entire being beautiful. 

Don’t Burn Out! Relax and Enjoy Your Day!

Take a time out and enjoy your weekend ๐Ÿ’—

90’s Mom Humor

It’s all about balance! Be sure to give equal attention to all of you!

Find Your Gift...Share It!

Maybe it’s to help others. Maybe it’s to spread love and happiness. Maybe it’s to educate people. We all have a gift in us. We all leave marks in people’s lives. 

I am trying to be her hero a friend said to me. I had mixed emotions about it. I care about him and I said at what extend do you sacrifice yourself and self happiness to help someone else. 

I learned this years ago. I tried hard to love someone who needed saving. I couldn’t save them. I wasn’t his hero. He had to be his own hero. 

I think we have to know where to draw a line. To what extend do you give yourself up for someone else. To what extend does the damage no longer cause pain. 

I love being there for people. I love saying let’s talk. Let’s look a situation head on and be real. Let’s have fun and enjoy life. It’s simple yet demons in us complicate things. 

At times we do live in a la la land. I have people I want more involvement  in my life and they just can’t give it to me. But they give me something else. They all have a gift. They make me feel a void I feel. One friend calms me. He makes me feel safe and calm and cared for. Sounds strange but it’s hard to not imagine having that. 

That’s what I want you to do. After reading this I want you to look within and see your gift. I want you to see gifts in others. Then praise them. Say thank you for being my safe place. Thank you for being a great friend or husband or spouse. Thank you for loving me. Thank yourself for your gift. I can look at people in my life and list their gifts and talents. Can you? Can you look within and list yours?