Monday, December 30, 2013

Love This Moment

"Love the moment you are in, for every second life changes."

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thyroid Cancer is Not an Easy Cancer

On our way home tonight My daughter asked who would take care of "her mamma" if I got sick. Of course I told her not to worry cause I will never get sick. But I really wanted to tell her how lucky I was to have her amazing daddy our amazing family and amazing friends help me. As the year comes to an end I am reminded how forever grateful I am for those near and far who helped me when I was sick and continue to help me! 

I never really dealt with my cancer because I am a mother. I have to take care of my children and put them first. But every 6 weeks I go to the doctors and for blood test and it's at that moment I realize what I have been through. It's funny because there's this young lady at the lab I go to that is not friendly at all. But the minute she reads my lab slip and sees thyroid cancer in the notes for a diagnosis code her tone changes. 

Thyroid cancer is not easy. No cancer is easy. No disease or diagnosis or pain is easy. Yes the survival rate of a thyroid cancer is high but I hear the mark is 10 yrs before you are in the clear. Our body cannot function without thyroid hormones. So I take replacements in the middle of the night since you have to be fasting, which are either too low and make me fat or if they get too high can trick my body into making thyroid tissues which they are afraid will come back as cancer tissue. Nothing easy about that!

 I pray for us all to be healthy in 2014. I also believe that although at times I break down and vent to my husband or thyroid buddy, I truly believe what doesn't kill us really does make us stronger. 

Every lesson in life makes us stronger!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

It's not just about the presents but the magic the day brings. Embrace it and love those around you!

Merry Christmas to you all!

Merry Xmas Eve

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

From my family to yours!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Her 1st Recital

It was her 1st recital. I was a nervous wreck for her. To be on such a big stage infront of all these people is huge for a 5 yr old- you would think. But it didn't phase her. She was great and I was so proud!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cupcake Wreath- Holiday Dessert

This was so much fun to make. I did it with my daughter and I must say I was impressed with the results. 

You Need:

1 box cupcake mix
2 tubs of frosting- I got the holiday one so came already colored green
Green food dye
Festive sprinkles 

Follow directions in back of box. Once cupcakes cool. Ice. Line in a circle.

Fill empty spots with icing. Add food coloring to make a darker green. Fill a zip lock bag with icing and cut tip. 

Fill in not grooved areas with decorative sprinkles. 

Sweet eats!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Easy NonTraditional Holiday Dishes

Happy Soon to Be Turkey Day!

I love Thanksgiving, I love it so much that I thought it was SOOO appropriate that my daughter was due on Thanksgiving. Every year we throw her a birthday party I try to gear the menu AWAY from Thanksgiving traditions just so we do not get sick of it. So below are some EASY non traditional holiday dishes you can serve for the holidays or at any event.

Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwiches- all you need is chicken salad and mini croissants. Make the salad or pick up your favorite at a local store. Toast croissants and stuff with salad. Awesome and yummy, and fancy too!

Pigs in a Blanket Artist Style-Every year I make the number my daughter turns out of crescent rolls and hot dogs. This year she turned 5 so I baked it in the shape of a 5. It is so cute and yummy.

Bean Dip- This is SO easy and yet SO yummy. Let the cream cheese sit out for 30 minutes so it is easy to spread. In a Pyrex spread cream cheese on the bottom, next top with refried beans (I used can ones, I know easy to make from scratch but who has time for that) last top with shredded cheddar. Warm up in microwave for 3 mins or until all cheese is melted. Serve with nacho chips.

Spanish Rice- Yum Yum Yum. I love the Goya yellow Spanish rice. I follow directions on package but about half way before it is done I add a cup of frozen peas and a teaspoons of salt. Then finish cooking. So Semi homemade!

Happy Eats :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Path to Success Quote

"Believe in your strengthens and acknowledge your weaknesses!" 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Success Quote

"Success will never happen without some sacrifices!" unknown author 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Take Chances Quote

"If you want something in your life you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done." JD Houston

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A New Venture

I will never forget in business class learning why birds fly in a "V: and why when they do they are so
loud. Well that's because the leader, the bird at the front, is taking the impact of the pressure of the wind making it easier for the birds following to get less of an impact. They are also super loud because they are encouraging the head bird, giving it strengthen to carry on.

In life people are kind of the same way. When we go through a struggle in life or a rough patch we tend to find strengthen in other peoples encouragement. I have been through a lot this past year with my Thyroid Cancer and having a new baby. Now the company I have been working virtually for is sadly closing their doors. WELL, because of the great encouragement I have received I have decided to open a new door. I will be keeping my clients and working for myself independently doing the same thing. Hoping in the near future to expand and focus on more of the things I really enjoy.

I did not plan for this, but in a way I kind of did. I really enjoy working virtually. Have built a great professional relationship with my clients these past 4 years and taught myself a lot. I knew one day I would want to branch off on my own, this soon, no but sometimes in life you need to take an opportunity that is staring you head on.

I would never have been able to come out this past year as strong as I did without the love and support I received by so many people. Unfortunately there were some people close to me that made situations harder or felt having Thyroid Cancer was not a big deal or my treatment but luckily the ones who did help made up for it.
Never ever feed into some one else's negatively. Never think whatever you are dealing with at the moment is not hard or not a big deal. If it bothers you or impacts your health or life it is a big deal. Turn to those who encourage you. Remember like the birds to root for the one taking a big impact in life, they need your encouragement to be strong.

As for my new venture. I will add more details once there are more details. But for now I am going to take everything one day at a time!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Life Changes quote

"Your situation is never permanent. It's what you make of it. Life isn't solid, it's fluid. It changes." Author Unknown 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Trials of Life Quote

"Today's trial is Tomorrow's testimony"

Author Unknown 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blessed In So Many Ways

Her baptism was a little emotional for me. I remember planning it while I was pregnant to later put it on hold when I was diagnosed with Cancer. I couldn't plan it any more I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I didn't want to be sick for it, I didn't want people coming to this beautiful celebration with sorrow in their eyes for me so I waited. I waited until my surgey was over, til my treatments were complete and until I had a chance to heal. I am so happy I did because Sunday, the day of her Baptism was wonderful. There was a sense of peace in the air, everyone was happy, food was delicious, baby was well behaved and I felt good. It was a blessed day!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sweetest Registry Deal Ever From Babies R Us PLUS GIVEAWAY

Having a baby for the first time is so exciting. There are so many things to think about. One HUGE thing is your baby registry. This is critcal because most people only get to register once so it is important to make sure you zap EVERYTHING you think you will need for your baby to be.

 I will never forget registering with my husband. He zaped everything he saw, while I took my time researching every product. Today as a MOM of two, I can honestly say these are MUST items: -

Gerber NUK 4-Pack Bunch-A-Bowls & Lids: I still use these for my soon to be 5 year old. These are GREAT portable containers that hold their food, snacks and cereal. I ALWAYS try to buy these for new mommies to be!

Butt Paste: LOVE this product even more then I love the name. Doesn't have a strong odor and works instantly!

Nail Filers: Not sure why but babies nails grow super fast. They are so fine that you can not cut them but you can file them!

Read More of My Must-Haves Here. 

Babies R Us is the best place to register! And now for the first time ever, you can get up to $200 for purchases made from your registry. Simply create your Baby Registry here between Sept. 16 and Nov. 15!

Then you’ll receive a Promotional Gift Card e-mailed to you approximately 10 weeks after your expected arrival date, valued at 10% (up to $200) of the items purchased from your registry.*

You could win a $50 Babies "R" Us Gift Card. All you have to do is help my pregnant Readers by naming some items you feel are a MUST for their baby registery. One winner will be annouced by Sept 23rd. Post your comment below on this post to enter a chance to win! 

*The Babies“R”Us information and gift cards have been provided by Babies“R”Us.*

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11 Never Forget

Today's a reminder to never take life for granted, to spread peace in the world and to support our troops who protect us everyday!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Child's Innocence Quote

"There's a brief moment in a child's life where you can capture their true innocence, and in that brief moment your only wish is that they could stay that way forever!"

Monday, September 9, 2013

Life So Short and Can End Too Soon!

Life is short and sometimes we need to be reminded of that. It's crazy to know that everyday someone dies. You think death happens to only old people and even though its still sad we can at least say they lived a long life. Not Lately,  there have been alot of deaths involving young adults. People ranging between 25-48. It's been due to random acts like a heart attack, addictions or car accident. Some have been sick with cancer or another disease but its times like this that you stop and think man life is short. 

We, and I will even admit, are all so caught up in life that we let it pass by. We wait for the next best thing instead of enjoying what's infront of us, we complain about money and let money rule our emotions and best judgement. We live in a fast paced society where we are always trying to catch up. 

Stop, life is short. We all have a timeline that will eventually come to an end. I am not saying this to depress you. I am saying this to help you see what we are missing.

Don't miss out on life. Enjoy it and leave a positive mark on it!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

VTech Cora the Smart Cub™ & Giveaway

With so many toys and dolls on the market it is great when you find one that you can personalize without having to spend a fortune. VTech’s latest addition to its line of infant and preschool toys, Cora the Smart Cub™ introduces children to early learning skills and helps establish a lifetime love of learning. Children are introduced to valuable every-day life skills such as their daily routine, first words and emotions. Cora knows exactly what time it is and children will grow and learn with their smart cub every day through daily morning greetings, bedtime music, and holiday and birthday wishes. 

Parents can share in the developmental journey online through VTech’s app store, the Learning Lodge™, and personalize the smart cub with their child’s name, special holidays, favorite stories, favorite songs and more. 

Right out of the box, Cora includes 40 phrases, four sing-along songs, two stories and 30 melodies. Plus, parents can easily download 130 melodies, 20 stories and many more activities Perfect for Ages 6-36 months, MSRP: $19.99

This cuddly Cub can be yours! With Fall around the corner name the number one reason why YOU love Fall and you can enter this giveaway. One winner will be selected to win their very own VTech Cora the Smart Cub™ Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles are all welcome to join in on this giveaway. 

Hurry Giveaway Ends September 10th 

*The VTech product, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by VTech. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just Take a Moment

She drove me crazy today my little one. No matter what I did she wasn't happy. We played 5 minutes later she started with the "Eeeeeee". I try to find humor in it and say "i-E-i-E-i-O"but after a while the humor fades. When my husband came home even he saw her frustration. She's been teething, 6 months old and a tooth already broke through. Young but beginning of the teething journey ahead. I spoke with a girlfriend today and joked how when they are babies we blame their moodiness on their teething and when they get older we blame it on their hormones.

I think she felt my energy. I was tired and a little frustrated. They say kids feed off of our moods. Sometimes I believe it. 

She finally fell asleep. She had some milk still on her lips as she closed her eyes. I normally run to place her in her crib. But not tonight. 

Tonight I laid her on my chest. I could feel her heart beating and hear her little breathes in my ear. If felt good. It helped calm me and her. Just for a moment everything else I needed to be doing could be put on hold. This peacefulness was good for my soul. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

Strengthen me by sympathizing with my strength, not my weakness.” Amos Bronson Today I am 5 months Cancer Free! What an amazing thing to say. It's also 1st day of September which is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Something I hold dear to my heart. My experience was very rough and took a toll on me even though I never showed it. Sometimes being strong is what you convince yourself you have to be when you are afraid of being weak. But sometimes facing your weakness is what ends up making you stronger.Everyday I still battle what my day will be like. Will my body ache, can I do it all without needing a nap. It's a constant battle. We all have our own story to tell. We are surviors in life and I gratefully can say I survived Thyroid Cancer! Check Your Necks!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Being Mommy...

"Being Mommy is so challenging yet rewarding, means eating last, cleaning constantly, and turning your dining room into a kid friendly area where it's safe to eat play and paint or color all at the same time."

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Never Change...Baby Girl Starts Kindergarten

My only wish for my lil girl is to never ever change! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nothing is Perfect so Just Be Happy

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” Similar Quotes

Thyroid Meds Still Off ...Need a Nap

"I survived Thyroid Cancer and now I need a nap!"

This is exactly how I feel. My Meds are still not right so my body is living off a combination of synthroid and cytomel. I love my cytomel. Oh my its like the perfect meds to help me feel somewhat myself again. However,unfortuanelty my doctor is weaning me off of it, she doesn't recommend it be used for people who had thryoid cancer and she believes once I get the right dose of synthroid I will feel normal again. 

  "NORMAL" is the key word in my life. Not exaxtly sure what that means but not forgetting things, living without hot flashes and not having horrible dry skin sounds great to me and having a metabolism that actually works is the type of "normal" I need in my life again. I have a good 25lbs to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight but without the right amount of thyroid Meds my weight will no budge.  I am losing about a half a pound a week if that, since my radioactive iodine treatment but at that rate I will be lugging around this extra weight for another year and well I rather not. 

I must say I turn to food for comfort and I am soooo tired that I haven't been to the gym in months. I need more motivation. Being a mother of 2 definitely has put a toll on me. Along with dealing with the thyroid cancer which I will like to now believe I am a survivor. I am waiting for a blood test to confirm next month. 

I should have a shirt made that says "oh no I am not fat. I just had a baby and thyroid cancer" Not sure though how people won't look at me like I am crazy! But then again aren't we all a little crazy anyway!
So I will find out in 6 weeks if "normal" is in my near future if not she will up my meds. In the meantime I will try to sneak in a nap as much as I can. Afterall, naps aren't just for kids anymore!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Take Some Time For Yourself

I finally did it. I went for a well needed long overdue pedicure. I know sounds so silly but when did I really have an hour to spare. I am either working or with my kids are at the doctors so I decided I need to put my crazy schedule aside and take a little me time. 

I must say it's amazing how much unnecessary things take up our time. I find myself wasting time trying to organize or prepare for the next thing! Meanwhile we have a vacation planned and I have nothing packed. Didn't shop. And dropped everything cause I knew it was time to finally have a pedicure. I walked in wearing my sweats. Hair tied back and figured this next hour will be for me. I almost had a little anxiety while trying to relax. 

Why do we do this to ourselves? We hardly take time for ourselves. Take a little time for you. To do something that makes you feel good   Once I feel better and build the energy I am going to run or go to the gym. I need to focus on more of me time. As a mom I am so consumed with taking care of others that honestly I know my body hasn't healed 100% from surgery and treatments. I need a time out and think you all do too.

What have YOU done lately to focus on YOU?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Second Chance

I feel like since healing from my Thyroid Cancer I have been given a 2nd chance in life. I built new relationships, apologized when I have been wrong and took the time to show others my appreciation. See we all know one day we are going to die but we go through life not living like we can die at any moment. 

If we did we would be a little nicer, help people more, love more.  I feel I have been given a 2nd chance and want to leave a positive mark in this world. I want to do things I wouldn't have been able to do. Right now my medicine isn't where I should be so I have had some rough days. Tired, extremely achy, moody. I have tried to have more patience. But when things get rough I try to look at how amazing life is. 

Not everyone is lucky enough to get a 2nd chance. I believe we all have a purpose in life. I have yet to fulfill mine. So I am taking the time to live my 2nd chance. I haven't done anything so extreme but I have worried about things a little less, treated people more kindly and literally stopped and smelled the roses. I have taken moments to admire how beautiful the sky is, how calming it is to watch the clouds glide by. 

I have thanked friends and loved ones. I have let go of anger and been true to people. I say I love you more, I live life as best as I can. I anticipate to live a long long time and really am grateful for my 2nd chance in life!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Enjoy Your Life and Laugh Quote

"Whenever possible try to always fill your life with lots of laughter."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Couscous Salad..Simple Yet so Refreshing

This recipe is so simple yet very refreshing. Every picnic I bring it too I have been getting the same feedback: "what's in this salad it's so good and so refreshing !"

What You Need:

-1 box of couscous- I like the garlic flavored one
-1  cup of celery chopped
-1 cup of cucumbers chopped
-1 cup of red pepper chopped
-2 carrots cut- use organic if you can 
- 1/2 cup Olive Oil
- 1/2 cup Vinegar
-Salt 1/2 tablespoon

Follow directions on back of couscous package. Chop vegetables bite size. Once couscous is cooked let it sit to cool down. Then mix all ingredients.  Chill over night in fridge. Serve cold. 

The flavor of the couscous mixed with the crunchiness of chopped veggies is so refreshing and lite. It is totally a crowd pleaser!!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013

We All Have alot to Learn From One Another

"We all need to learn to speak up and help one another. Once you open up its amazing how many people are experiencing what you are going through or went through.  In a society so open we act sheltered at times, it's  really amazing what you can learn from one another once you open up!"

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back on Mommy Duty

I bathed my girls got them ready for bed. Fed the baby and then she spit up on me and I thought "yep I'm officially back on mommy duty" and I loved every minute of it. 

My scan was great today. They said in a couple months I will have to do a blood test that will check to make sure I don't have any traces of Thyroid cancer and that's when we will know 100% if the treatment had worked. Which from the way I was feeling I would say it did work. 

It feels great to be home and great to feel better. Thanks for being a lending ear!

The Day of Judgement...Thyroid Cancer Free We'll See

I waited 8 months for today. My post treatment scan. Today I find out if I am officially Thyroid Cancer Free. I have my apt later today and woke up a little nervous. I mean today is the day I find out if my treatment worked, I am safe to be around my kids and am finally, hopefully, gratefully, can say I am Cancer Free.

I learned alot these past 8 months that I hope I don't forget. I learned who really truly cares and loves me, I learned ignorance is bliss, I learned that sometimes we get so caught up into something that its hard to see good around us. I found out that if you find peace within really find peace you can be happy and enjoy the simple things in life.

I pray none of my readers, family, friends or loved ones ever have to experience great pain in their life. I hope you walk by a flower and stop and appreciate it. I hope you live today like yesterday is really gone. That tomorrow can be good and different that there's good out there.

I hope you all find someone who truly makes you happy, who truly loves you through the highs and lows of your life. I learned that my husband was built to help keep me strong to see laughter through some dark moments in my life. That even though we had rough patches that at the end it was him who helped me keep it together.

I learned being a mom helped heal me. I hope today I can walk away saying all my doctor appointments, blood work, testing, scans, surgery and treatments helped me survive Cancer and beat Cancer.

  • I hope today I can come home and be the Mom, Wife, Person I want to be!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It Doesn't Just Happen in Fairy Tales

I met my husband tonight for dinner. I haven't seen him in 5 days. Driving there was emotional because it was hard to be without him so to distract myself I turned the radio station dial in search of a happy song and the rock n roll song "Pour some sugar on me" came blasting on the radio. Perfect can't cry to this song. 

I dressed up a little even though dinner was at a local pub so we could eat up and he could be back home to get the kids who hopefully I can be with on Thursday. It was cute meeting for dinner as if we were meeting on a date. It was great to see him and knowing in a couple days we will be together again helped.

We said our goodbyes, and drove our separate ways. I know sad, but just then I flipped through the stations and our wedding song came on, I pick up my cell call him and put it on speaker. The tears start to fill up my eyes and then we realize it's in Spanish. It was the Spanish version and we crack up!

Life is about the tears but also the great laughter that follows the tears. I wish you all more laughter in your life even if it has to be after your tears!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Healing Quote

"To know no matter what happens in life you don't need to handle it alone is the greatest source of healing!"

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cancer No Not Me...Up Hill From Here

The strange thing through these past 8 months is I never felt like I had cancer until this past weekend with this treatment. The RAI treatment really took a toll on me. My doctor warned me it would but for some silly reason I did not think it would. I know it's all up hill from here and the radiation treatment was a must but it took a toll on me not only physically but emotionally. I can't wait for my post up scan this week so I can put this all behind me and begin my journey being Thyroid Cancer FREE and healthy!

On my new list of things to do one day is to  be able to volunteer my time in the cancer center to add a smile to those who need it or just have a conversation with them to distract the discomfort they are having even if it is just for a brief time. One major thing that helped me these past three days was that I was never alone. My friends texted me constantly, family called to check up on me, I spent some time outside in the shade talking with my mom who also catered to me, anything I craved my Dad brought me, FaceTime with my kids made me smile and my hubby took care of our kids and made sure I had nothing to worry about. I learned no one should ever, EVER go through this or anything tough in life alone!

We and I included get caught up in the bs of life, stuff that doesn't matter. We and I included need to stop and count our blessing more, cherish our life and friendships and relationships more and most importantly be good to our bodies more! I will always, ALWAYS remember and be grateful for all the amazing people I have in my life and please do the same. You don't need Cancer or something in life to have you start realizing it, it just when hard times come rolling by it helps remind us when we start to forget!

Post Low Iodine Diet...1st Meal Yum

For my first non iodine diet meal I had pizza and boy was it pizza. I asked for the works minus anchovies.  When I saw it I was so excited to have it but when I took my first bit I knew my taste buds were off. After RAI they wanted me to suck on sour candies so you do not loose your taste buds once I ate all the items separate on my pizza everything tasted better. For the second slice I stuck with the good old cheese and it was amazing!

Second meal was what most of my family has post surgery. It is such comfort meal! Can you take a guess?! McDonalds and it was worth every calorie but I did notice my taste for salt was decreased. I promised myself next meal will be a healthy one!

I will say that while doing the low iodine I noticed a HUGE improvement in my skin and even cuts I had healed really fast. I have yet to find out why or what was helping but will still incorporate some of those recipes in my diet. 

RAI Treatment....Hooray It's Done

I did it, I completed my round of treatment. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. It was very hard but I did it and I must say I hope I never have to do this again!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

RAI Treatment...One more day ONE More Day... Day 3

You know that feeling when you are sick and have been stuck in the "house" and need to get out?! Now imagine being stuck in a ROOM! Yeah not so much fun BUT it's just ONE more day and I get to feel somewhat normal again. 

I have been doing FaceTime with my girls and although I have a screen protector on my iPad I still wrapped it in another plastic. From using it the plastic had shifted so this am they couldn't see me well so I liked like a crazy lady peeling away the plastic as we tried to see one another. My four year old expressions was priceless. I enjoyed the laugh. 

The highlight of this experience that helped me last night besides eating another burger for dinner was that my bestest friend,for 27 yrs, got engaged last night! She lives in Florida so I couldn't be there to party but LOVED sharing in her excitement through the phone. That def helped lift my spirits. 

I know the end is near and the only set back is I can not be with my kids for another couple days just because they do not want me to have more than 1 hr of close contact with them just yet and to be honest how is that possible with a 3 month old and my 4 year old who climbs all over me :) But I know that what I am doing now is to help prevent any reoccurrence in the future. It's a small price to pay to make sure 30 years from now I can be there for when my own girls get engaged or have a wedding or just need some mamma time!

RAI Treatment....Grease Please....2nd Day

Nothing seemed to help. I slept and woke up nauseous so I would just nap again. But like I mentioned before drinking water at least a glass an hour would help flush this radiation out of my system. So the more I slept the less I was up to drink, not good.  I kept thinking what my post RAI meal would be. I wanted something heavy, greasy. Finally I realized whenever I was hungover, I had grease and felt better. 

The low iodine diet is pretty intimating at first. It can be confusing so I read some recipes on the site for meals I could make that both my husband and I could eat so I wasn't constantly making two meals. Well hamburgers were one of them. 

Luckily I have my mom helping me though treatments so I woke up from yet another nap feeling hungover without the joys of partying to earn a hungover and I requested grease. I needed grease to feel better. BAM it hit me I could have a burger. So I  requested a burger on low iodine bread with my no salt added ketchup and finally I was getting some relief!

RAI Treatment... The First 24hrs

The worst part of my first 24 hrs of treatment was saying goodbye to my kids. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be away from them. After I left them I stopped by where I was staying to make sure my room was setup for when I returned because for the first 3 days you are highly radioactive so you have to isolate yourself as much as possible from others. Next step to Yale we went. It was a fast appointment, we just reviewed everything briefly and answered our last minute questions. After consents signed I swallowed my pills. 

I received a standard dose was given a letter and was on my way. But before I left they measured my levels within distance. 5 feet away I was transmitting 12% 1 foot away 230% that is why they want me 6 feet away from people. On the car ride home I had to sit in the back. I had a 3'hr window before these pills totally kicked in. Once we pulled up to the house to isolation I went. 

I ate a little napped drank a lot, drinking is fastest way to flush system. I was good until the following morning. That is when metallic taste started in my mouth, was very cold and nauseous. I had a bad headache and no appetite. Needless to say after naps, lemon water, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on iodine free homemade bread, Tylenol, a long shower and a Dramamine I finally felt a little better. And by a little better I meant exactly that. A little better!

I survived my first 24 hrs and had another 48 hrs to go....

*Please note treatment and recovery varies from person to person. I am NOT a doctor. If you are receiving RAI treatment please follow your doctors instructions. Most importantly be cautious and abide to all instructions given to you from your own doctor. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wow! My 30,000 Mark

Wow everyone today I start my RAI Treatment and my blog hit its 30,000 viewed mark. No better way then to start this day! I appreciate all your support and encourage you to be a guest blogger. Just send me an email at I even welcome any feedback or suggestions. I hope you continue to come back and follow me through the highs and lows in life. 

Again a BIG THANK YOU!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Fun Has Begun...Prep for THYCA RAI

This week I finally get my RAI treatments and I can not wait for this to be done! The diet started out ok and now I just want to feel myself again. I am really tired and sluggish and have a strange taste in my mouth. I am starting to get all the Hypo symptons and am ready to get back to my old self. Just 13 more days and I can put this all past me...hopefully.

The funny thing about Thyroid Cancer is that everyone says its the "good" cancer to have because the treament is easy. You have surgery then Radiation, once you regulate your meds and have follow up scans you are done. Well I have been dealing with this for 8 months and although the thought of knowing there is a cure and they caught it early is reassuring there is nothing easy about it.

I have been to Yale 8x in the past 2 months and the prep is a 2 1/2 week diet that still does not make complete sence to me. The radiation is my BIGGEST concern because I want to make sure I take 100% precaution to make sure no one is affected by it. They compared me to being a walking x-ray machine...image that!

I am cranky, hungry, hardly eating but gaining weight and all I want to do is cuddle up with my kids and be their mom. My "business trip" starts soon and my daughter is excited that I told her we will do Facetime, but the thought of being without them breaks me down.

I know this will pass, I know things will be good again real soon, I just want to close this chapter in my life that I wish was never written. I am sure we all have one or a few we would like to "rip" out of our book...

Every experience helps us learn a little more about ourselves and our stregthens. It helps build our character and who we truly are. So let's see what the future brings but for now I will take this all one day at a time!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dreft Has Royal Baby Fever Plus Giveaway

Wonder what the Royal Baby name will be? Well now's your chance to have your say. Dreft is conducting a Royal Baby Name Game and they want YOU to join in on the fun.

Did You Know:
Dreft is the baby laundry detergent most recommended by pediatricians and the brand that parents have trusted for over 75 years to leave their little one’s clothes and linens soft and comfortable.  As gentle as water on baby’s skin and specially formulated for the unique needs of baby items, parents have relied on Dreft to not only help prepare their little one’s essentials before their arrival, but also to keep those items clean and safe once they’re brought home from the hospital.  Complete with a scent that's truly beloved by parents (that's also gentle for baby), Dreft leaves little one’s clothing as clean and as soft as can be, bringing cuddle time to a whole new level of warm and fuzzy.

How about a GIVEAWAY for joining in on the fun? Just read the details below for a chance to win.


Go to Drefts Facebook Page Here  and tell me which Prince and Princess name you think should win. Don't see a name you like, no problem still post a suggestion. First readers to respond will receive a sample of Dreft.*

Again this is royalty we are talking about! So join the fun today!

*Please Note: The sample packs and gift cards are being donated to you by Dreft for your participation in this blogging/trial program.  These items are not intended as payment for any favorable opinions. 

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads out there. Being a good father means being the type of man you would want your son to be or daughter to marry. Enjoy your day to all the good men out there!

Happy Moments

Friday, June 7, 2013

Scars You Can't See

Ever since I had my thyroid removed I noticed people I do not know shift there attitude once we begin to talk, it took me a quick second to realize that it was due to my voice and lead to their eyes on my scar on my neck. Their tone in their voice went from 'yeah can I help you' to 'yes young lady not sure what you are going through but I see the scar on your neck and it looks serious so I am going to be a little more compassionate and sweet to you.'

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a sweeter more compassionate tone, just wish it was not due to my scar. BUT it did get me thinking. We all have scars some you can see others you can not. My question to you is that if you knew what someone was dealing with without seeing it directly would you change the way you handle and react to them?

I say we should all wear a sign. Ex: You and your husband had a fight earlier in day and your crabby still you go to pay for something at the store and the cashier sees a sign on you that said 'need an extra smile since my husband pissed me off' don't you think the cashier would soften up leading you to soften up?
We are reactors to other people's moods and personalities. My mother always told me that she could never be in a bad mood without us kids getting into a bad mood and my father getting into a bad mood. We feed off each other and I even see it with my own children, even my 3 month old was moody the other day after I was moody.

The problem is we do not know why people act the way they do, maybe they are having a bad day, maybe they do not feel well. I mean we put all our gossip and business on Social Media why would a sign be any differed. Why not warn the driver in front of you that your road rage is not out of the blue, it's because your kid pissed you off in the car and if one more person crosses you wrong you may explode. Get my point...

So the solution isn't for all of us to walk around with different signs. The solution is as human beings we should know that if someone seems off, crabby, angry, etc to not make things worse for them. To shoot them an extra smile or hello. I always wanted my scar to go away but if it means getting nicer interactions with people then I hope it sticks around for a little while, but once it's gone doesn't mean what I went through and am going through is gone and over, just means my scar can't be seen.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy National Cancer Survivors Day!!!

Yesterday marked my 2 month being Thyroid Cancer free. This Thursday I start my low iodine diet in prep to my treatment at the end of the month, which I am dreading BUT I am glad to say that the worse is over.
When you hear the word Cancer you think of the worse, you think how this could happen to me, will I be ok, and am I going to die! It is one of the worst things you can go through and hear BUT then you come to terms that you will do what the doctors tell you to do and you will not lose hope, freak out or think the worse until they tell you to. My doctors were amazing and kept saying do not worry about this until we tell you too. Plus they did everything they could to keep me focused on being healthy for my pregnancy. Being pregnant and learning you have cancer was horrible.
No one chooses to have Cancer; still to this day the word makes me cringe. No one chooses to have pain or surgery or fear the unknown. I mean I had no symptoms but a lump in my throat. I felt great; I was in excellent shape for being pregnant and had an amazing pregnancy. Then bam, I got hit with this. I wanted to fall apart I did but as a Mom my goal was to get healthy for my kids, my goal was to survive for them, not only for me. I am new to being cancer free and I still have some obstacles in front of me but the best day was when they took my Thyroid out and I learned it did not spread.

Praise those around you that won against this horrible battle, and everyday be grateful for the healthy body God has given to you. My support system has been amazing and my family has really stepped up to help me whenever I needed and for that I am a survivor because of them too.

Happy National Cancer Survivors Day! May today and everyday you feel a little stronger for the pain you had to bear and overcome!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Change Your Life By Changing Your Thoughts Quote

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." William James

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fat Ass Fudge Coupon

We all know how much I love this fudge. But it is not just the "fudge" that makes this company so much fun, the owner also has a blast doing what she does and you can tell. Her new coupon code for $5.00 off is "Huge Jackman"  Wonder why? Well he stopped by her booth and bought some fudge.

Order some today at and remember to use coupon code: Huge Jackman to receive $5.00 off.

Offer expires July 31, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happy World Thyroid Day

Happy World Thyroid Day. If you feel something say something. Be sure to have your Dr check your thyroid during your exams. If you ever face a Thyroid issue know you are not alone! Learn more at

Happy World Thyroid Day

Monday, May 20, 2013

Don't Expect People To Always Understand

I have learned a lot these past couple of months. I have learned what matters to one person does not matter to the next. I have learned that those who are strongest sometimes get dealt the weakest hand. I learned what's your priority will not be the same for someone else.

I had surgery for Thyroid Cancer. Whenever I told and tell someone about it I found/find myself comforting them, like "hey it isn't a big deal. I had the surgery and after treatments and regulating my medicine everything will be fine." Every time I heard my self say it I thought what the hell is wrong with you. You're a new mother again, you dealt with cancer while pregnant, your body has changed, your treatments involve being away from your husband and kids for a while, your meds regulating means on your bad days you need to still smile so your kids don't know you are sick. You hid your scar so people don't pity you. You have to go to Yale and sit through appointments about what is happening to your body that you can not control. The month of June you have a calendar filled with notes and appointments to heal yourself.

Yep, What the hell is wrong with me. I do not expect people to understand. I do not want pity. I do want this to be a lesson to always put yourself in the other person's shoes when you expect something from them or get angry with them or are not getting your way. We all do not want or need the same things at the same time in life.

Right now I need to live for today. I need to wake up and take care of my kids and check my calendar for what appointment I have or meds I need to work and prepare what's for dinner. I cannot think about tomorrow. There is too much still going on and needed of me for tomorrow that makes me too tired to think about.

I am strong person, I have self control and like to be happy and don't play the "woe" me card. But today I learned the next time someone says it is a big deal with what I am going through I will agree with them. And the next time I expect something from someone else that is going through a rough time I will think twice and put myself in their shoes. Because I don't expect people to understand, and you should not either, but I do expect people to think before they speak and to have a little patience.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Accomplish Something Big

These little hands will accomplish something big one day!

Make a Difference...Start with your Children

Want to make a difference in this world? Start by raising amazing kids! It's easier than you think. I hate to be that parent that blames another parent for a bad child because we all have our moments where we try our best and it back fires. BUT for the most part it is our responsibilities as parents to mold our children to have morals, good manners, be creative and have goals.

Goals is what drives a person. Let your children be children. Help their imagination run wild yet push them to excel and use their minds to their full capacity. When I play with my daughter I try to push her creativity to the max.

Ex: Flash Cards

Do the standard rules. Next line up 4 flash cards and with the pictures have your child make up a story. Then spread out 8 cards. Make them tell you which things you will find outside, or are round or, have the color blue in the picture... etc. See what you can so with one box of flash cards

Ex: Alphabet

Make a chart, have them write the letter that starts with different animals ex: Cat, then tell them to write the letter that starts with the word Cat. Then have them fill in the blank.  ex: _at is a fury animal, that meows. Have them draw in the missing letter C.

My daughter is 4 1/2, she is very active and gets bored easily. It is my job as a mother to push her intellectually while making it fun. I truly believe there are not a lot of "dumb" children , there are children who have not been pushed intellectually. It takes time and patience but parents it's your job to help your children excel. Children's brains are like sponges they are eager to learn. Take an hour a day and spend time with them.

I promise you they will shock you! Enjoy your life, enjoy your children and children are your chance to give back to society to create inspiring and intelligent people.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Five Tips for Hassle Free Family Travel

By: Kendra Thornton

Spending time on a summer getaway with your husband and children can be a lot of fun. And preparing well in advance for your summer vacation can help you avoid some of the stresses that always seem to accompany a family trip. Here are some tips for vacation preparation that will ensure a relaxing trip.

Book it Early!
Planning to fly to a destination with the family this summer? It's wise to book a flight that leaves early in the day. This lessens the chance that the flight will be delayed or tied up in runway congestion. Not surprisingly, a flight that is delayed can leave parents frantic for sufficient entertainment, snacks and even diapers for their little ones. Added stress of missing a connection or shuttle service can make you wish you hadn’t left the house in the first place. Of course, leaving early does not guarantee your trip will be without any hiccups. However, booking your family on an early flight can start a trip off on the right foot.

Family-Friendly Accommodations
By making reservations at a family-friendly hotel, you can save yourself a lot of trouble. A hotel with a refrigerator in each room can be extremely important for those needing bottles for traveling infants or for keeping healthy snacks like fruit, cheese and yogurt. This keeps the kids from raiding the vending machines and saves you from unnecessary sugar highs. Other family-friendly hotels have playgrounds, pools and babysitting services. If you’re looking for the full package, look into a kid friendly resort. My family stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Resort in Oahu, ranked amongst the top hotels in Honolulu, and we were thrilled with how many options they had for every member of the family. From the exotic animals, to their luxurious spa to surf and sailing lessons, this resort truly kept my entire family engaged and entertained.

Move on Back!
Finally, if you are taking a flight, you may want to request seats in the back of the plane. In the back, kids are kept away from the noise in the mid-section of the plane. Alternatively, if they are restless, the noise is somewhat confined to that area. Plus, the back of the plane may have more room for kids to move. They are also closer to the restroom, which can be handy for potty breaks, restless little legs and quick outfit changes.

A Lift to the Hotel
After a smooth, non-delayed flight, the last thing you need is to wait in line for a taxi or at a car rental counter. Making arrangements ahead of time for a rental car or even for a ride from a friend can save parents some aggravation. Many cities also have zipcars, which just expanded to 8 additional airport locations as of May. Going straight to the hotel without delay means that the children can begin to settle in, nap and eat a full meal. Once again, preparation can save a family a lot of headaches. It can also save you money to book a car ahead of time.

Plastic Bags are a Must-Have
Unfortunately, every vacation has to end sometime. But if you plan ahead, unpacking can be a lot less painful than before. A gathering of plastic bags can prove invaluable. Plastic bags can be filled with wet bathing suits and towels as well as dirty clothing. This keeps these items away from the clean items, with less work to do upon arriving home. Most parents understand how quickly these items can get mixed up in a suitcase. In addition, if you do a load of laundry over the vacation, you know exactly what items need attention. Plastic grocery bags are ideal, but if sand is involved I recommend sealable bags. If you’re conscious of your plastic use, I recommend a reusable wet bathing suit bag, to keep the sand and chlorine at bay.

Guest Blogger Bio: Kendra Thornton: Travel advocate, TV spokesperson, PR businesswoman, proud wife and mama of 3. I am a long time travel expert who has been packing my bags and traveling the world since I was 3 months old! I've found my utmost desire in life is right here in my own home. I have taken my excitement for travel and brought it to you with some of my favorite travel tips and tricks. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BRCA Gene Awareness

BRCA Gene testing has been around for quite some time, every year the process becomes easier and easier. Currently in the news Angelina Jolie came forward that she had a recent double mastectomy due to being diagnosed as a BRCA 1 gene carrier. By doing this preventive surgery she decreased her risk of developing Breast Cancer in her lifetime from 87% down to 5%.

In 2005 I tested positive for being a carrier for the BRCA 2 Gene. I decided to get tested because my Grandmother passed away from Breast Cancer and my mother developed it in her mid thirties. Gratefully she has been cancer free for almost 20 years. I had to go to Yale to meet with Genetic counselors, after a  blood test my results came back. At first I was in shock. No one wants to know they are at greater risk and MAY develop Breast and/or Ovarian  and again people must be aware that if you carry a gene mutation it does NOT mean you will develop Breast and/or Ovarian cancer. It just means your risk is greater than a person who does NOT carrier the mutation.

A positive BRCA1 result gives a woman a 60% to 80% lifetime risk of breast cancer and a 30% to 45% lifetime risk of ovarian cancer. A positive BRCA2 result gives a woman a 50% to 70% lifetime risk of breast cancer and a 10% to 20% lifetime risk of ovarian cancer. * Again it does NOT mean you will develop this type of cancer.

After I was tested I had a routine Ultrasound, Mammogram, and MRI. They found a lump in my breast and after a biopsy gratefully my results came back negative. Ever since then every 6 months I get screened. Being Gene positive has allowed me to receive extensive testing as a preventive.

At first the diagnosis bothered me. Being so young every time I had any test done nurses would ask a lot of questions. I did NOT have any trouble getting health insurance but you can have difficulty getting LIFE insurance if you test positive. When I was trying to get pregnant my specialist said that some people have opted to have this Gene removed so their unborn child would not be at risk.

The crazy thing about this is I always go to my doctors appointments and testing for this so when I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer I was so confused. I get mixed answers if being a carrier put me at greater risk of getting Thyroid cancer.

If you or a close loved one has had Breast or Ovarian cancer please speak with your Doctor about finding out if you are a BRCA Gene carrier. When I was tested I had to go to Yale, now my OBGYN does the testing in their office.

My mother left it up to my sisters and me if we wanted to be tested. I chose to and although the doctors appointments could be annoying  the thought that if I were to ever develop this type of cancer it would be early on is reassuring. Take care of your body! Learn more about BRCA Gene Testing Here*

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

As a Mother we wear many hats, sometimes it is tough, sometimes it is stressful but MOST of the time it is the most rewarding job you will ever have! Happy Mother's Day to all the great Moms and thanks for all you do!

Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Talk....To Me!

My incision is healing so wonderful on my neck and soon you will not even notice I had my thyroid out and besides my achy body nothing else really changed expect for one thing: MY VOICE!

I lost my high pitch tone, at first it really bothered me. I can not sing and my voice is very hoarse. But luckily
it does get better everyday and my surgeon said in 6-8 weeks it will be back to normal and if not I can do voice therapy.

People I meet for the first time is shocked when I open my mouth. It doesn't fit my image and to be honest I think I sound like Marge Simpson's sister or a person who smoked too much. People who know me say it is very sexy and it even sounds like a phone operator's voice.

Not the type of Operator when you hit the number 0, the other type of operator that you pay to speak with like somone in the song below. So my joke to deal with this temporary change to just tell people if I wanted I could change my profession in a silly, kind of way, ha-ha would never really do it but might as well laugh about it kind of way.

Happy Friday All!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some Days May Be Bad...And That's Ok

I always try to have a positive outlook in life. I used to really believe "Everyday can be a Good day" I even wrote a post about about that but now that I am older and wise my new motto is "Some Days May be Bad and being angry and upset is ok but then learn to look for the Good in your day."

See we all think we are doing something wrong if life doesn't turn out as perfect as we planned. But reality is life is unpredictable. Never in my wildest dreams I thought I would be diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer while pregnant. After I wrote that post "Everyday can be a a Good day" my daughter fell down a flight of stairs. She was less than two years old. I was getting dressed, had a gate up and somehow she pushed on it and all I heard was a crash. She slide down 13 steps while holding on to the gate. I was in shock! I thought to myself I better go delete that post. She turned out fine, thank goodness, but that post was a reminder that yes you will have good days but there are bad days too and you have to learn that is ok.

All we can do is be good people, do good things, turn our bad luck around into good luck. The worst thing you can do is not deal head on with a bad situation because then you will not be allow you to move on.

Recently I woke up with the intentions that Every can be a good day and then my fire alarm went off, my dog had an accident in my dining room, I received a bill in the mail that I should have been billed for and a pen exploded in my draw and  all over my hands. I know these are all minor things but when you are home with two little ones and all this happens first think in the morning you think forget coffe I need a drink. BUT THEN I realized 5 weeks prior I had cancer in my body and knowing it was gone made me feel better.

My whole point is people have situations worse than yours and it does not mean you do not have the right to say you had a bad day. BUT deal with your bad day and move forward, move on and try to create better days!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit...1st of the Month Has a New Meaning

The 1st of the Month will always be special to me; today marks my 1 month being cancer free and my baby girl turns 2 months old. Happy 1st of the Month!

1 Month Cancer Free, 2 Months old

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fun Craft: Make Sand

I love doing arts and crafts with my daughter so the other day I was loving the warm weather and bummed we couldn't go out since my baby doesn't have her 8 week shots yet. Then I thought if we can't go to the beach why not have the beach come to us. So we made sand and with the shells I had in our house from our last vacation to the Hampton and the Cape we decorated the sand.

To add new memories I told my daughter every time we go to the beach this summer we will get to add a shell to our collection.

What you need:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 cup used coffee grinds cooled
  • 2 cups hot chocolate powder

Mix all together and pour in a nice vase or pail.  

Have your children feel the sand, the coffee grinds add the texture like real sand. Add real seashells.

 Simple, yet creative!

Spring Into Color With Pampers and Enter for a Chance to Win $5000

What would you do with $5000?

Starting on Monday, April 29th, Pampers is kicking off the season of Spring with a celebration of the ways babies color our lives! Check out their "Spring into Color" tab on their Facebook page ( ) for chances to win daily prizes that enhance the colorful and delightful ways in which the wonderment of babies brighten our daily lives - all including Pampers wipes and diapers.

Here's where the $5000 comes into play: each entry will also enter you into the grand prize giveaway, a $5,000 gift card. Be sure to enter before the sweepstakes ends on May 28th.

I know what I would do with $ lots and lots of diapers. Good Luck Readers!

*FTC Disclosure: Coupons are being donated to me by Pampers for my participation in this blogging program. These items were not intended as payment for any favorable opinions.*

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Say Thank You Quote

"We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives " John F. Kennedy

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy 110th Birthday to the 8 original Crayola Crayons!

Wow 110 years is a reason to celebrate! Just like you whenever I think of crayons these 8 original Crayola crayons come to mind:


8 Original Crayola Crayons

 *FOLLOW the crayons on their adventure, LEARN more about each color and enter to WIN a trip for 4 to celebrate their birthday and the Grand Opening of the all new Crayola Experience this coming May, 2013! The new Crayola Experience features four floors of new interactive exhibits and one-of-a-kind attractions that will bring the magic of color and your child's creativity to life!

Want a chance to win, then join in on the fun today! Learn More Here

* Content provided by Crayola*