Thursday, December 31, 2009


Tell me what you're looking forward to in 2010?


Wow another year has come and gone! The New Year always reminds me of all the good that really has happened in one year. My baby grew from being an itsy bitsy thing to a toddler who loves Dora and claps when she does something good. I got an amazing position working from home. My sister got engaged. My friendships grew. My family grew. And all the bad that has happened now makes sense to me and we can finally laugh about it. I guess its true when they say that "we will always have bad days but the good ones are just around the corner!" How blessed are we all! Yes 2009 was rough, yes the economy hurt, but we are all here to celebrate together and that alone is a huge blessing. So here's a big cheers to letting go of 2009 and welcoming 2010! HAPPY NEW YEARS AND BEST WISHES FOR A WONDERFUL 2010!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Donate to a Local Child In Need

I saw an ad for our local Children's Bank in Connecticut called Children's Connection. They are located in Norwalk and you can call and get a name and age of a child who needs a gift for this Holiday season.
Most of the kids have a request and they are not more than a $30 wish. I called and some of the requests were for a doll, truck or books and art supplies. The gift you purchase will most likely be the ONLY gift they will receive this Christmas and holiday season.
I know we can't help them all but if you can just help one it will make a difference. Call today 203-849-1111  or call your local Human Services Council's Children's Connection.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Spread a Little Love

I realize we all know someone in a tight situation and with the ecomony a roller coaster I think we all need to take a step back and spread a little love!

We get caught up in what we want, not what we need and do things and say things without realizing who will be affected or hurt by our actions. We tend to live in the present instead of plan a little for tomorrow and step on one another to get where we want to be.

Deep down I believe that it is our good nature to do something kind for someone, without anything in return and give a little and expect a little less and remember that we all have feelings . We have to accept the fact that we will have a little more than some people and  a little less than others but being a good person doesn't take much effort and the award is very fullfuling.

So with that all said do something today or tomorrow or even during the holiday season to give or help or donate and most of all spread the love, because it's free, takes a little effort and we all know someone who could use a little extra of it!  

Baby's 1st Steps

Baby girl took her first steps all alone. She walked 3 steps and it took my breath away. She was wiggling and wobbling but did it. It was great because her daddy and I both got to witness it and we were sooo proud of her!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kitchen Cleaning Tip

When you are wiping down your counter top located above your dishwasher I noticed if I open up my dishwasher all the access crumbs land in there and not the floor. Therefore, saving me the extra step of having to sweep up after I clean!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Baby girl's 1st Halloween was a lot of fun. She was the cutest Pebbles and I must say the costume we made came out sooooo cute!!! My Mom, Sister and I put some work into it. I spent about $10 on the WHOLE thing, under shirt and all!! Not bad right! She loved it and she even kept the bone in her hair all night!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Natural Baby Juice

I was making my daughter applesauce when I looked down at the leftover water in the pot and thought what a waste it would be if I threw this out. So I strained out the leftover pieces of apples and put the juice in the fridge. My daughter loves this natural apple juice.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Quick Breakfast Recipes to Enjoy All Week

Hate making breakfast every morning? Why not cook in advance using these two yummy recipes that you’ll get to enjoy all week!
Egg Burrito- Nothing is easier than this recipe. Scramble up eggs, put in a wrap, fill with cheese, cooked onions, peppers, turkey sausage or turkey bacon, fold wrap, spray with cooking spray, then top with shredded cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. The trick it to let them cool completely then store in a container or aluminum foil. When ready to eat pop into microwave for 1 minute or back into the toaster. YUM! My daughter loves to share this with me in the morning and my husband loves them with salsa.

Egg Frittata- This is a yummy treat you can snack on not only in the morning but throughout the day. Scramble 7 eggs, I like to do 3 yoke, 4 whites. Add two table spoon of ricotta cheese- ok to leave out if you don't have it. Add 1/4 cup of milk salt and pepper to taste and some shredded cheese. I like cheddar. Now you can have fun with this and add turkey bacon, sausage, onions or ham. Make sure the bacon and sausage are cooked first. Pour into sprayed round Pyrex and bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes. Store in refrigerator once cooled and when ready to eat pop a slice in the microwave for 45 sec to 1 minute. You can even add a slice of cheese on top before you place in microwave.

Now all of these recipes can be low carb and low fat - The frittata is already because it is just eggs, so you can use skim milk and low fat ricotta cheese. The burritos are so good with low carb wraps and reduced fat cheese. ENJOY!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baking Tip

Use the Cookie Cutter AFTER the cookie is baked,
 not before.

When making shaped cookies I noticed that if you roll the dough in a ball, then flatten the cookie with the bottom of a floured cup then bake you can use the cookie cutters AFTER you bake it. Much easier and the edges do not burn. So after they come out of the oven choose whichever shape you like, and place the cutter in the center of the cookie.
Shapes come out PERFECTLY! Enjoy

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mammogram Suggestion Card

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and it so happen to be when I was due for my yearly mammo. For all of you who don't know I am under the age of 30 and have been getting mammos for a while now due to several reasons. Normally it doesn't bother me but every time I go for one someone reminds me how young I am to be doing this before my time and I walk away a little sad.

I go to my appointment and was very grateful for the night appointment. I walk in, put on my robe, and see the suggestion box in the waiting area. Being the good person I am I write a positive comment and put my card into the box. Seconds later I wished I could get my card back and rip it up!
The tech calls my name and apologizes for my wait. She goes on for a good ten minutes how I am so young so she didn't know why I would be here- again I did have a script from my surgeon and have been getting these done for years, by the time I am 40 I will have my own room of films- she continues how strange it is that I am not even 30 and having a mammogram so she had to read my chart over to understand. I explain over and over again my history, my reason for being there, but she insists on going on about how strange it is and looking at me as if I had two heads and four breasts. By the time I was done I was so pissed I didn't even say thank you and walked out!
Listen up… people ALL ages can get breast cancer, male and female. NO ONE should assume other wise; no one should make anyone feel uncomfortable for being there. Why would someone who is suppose to be a professional make me feel so uncomfortable about being their when I am already well aware of how uncommon it is for someone this young to get a mammogram!
Let this be a lesson to all of us! Fill out the suggestion card AFTER the experience happens, NOT before! And for everyone out there who works in a field as sensitive as this and needs a refresher course on how to deal with people there are sensitivity courses you can take if you need to learn how to interact with people in your profession! And for all you ladies out there go and get a mammogram don't let a stupid, uneducated tech get in your way. Remember it is your life and only you have control over it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Planning Baby's First Birthday

This past week has been a roller coaster ride for me. Since I first found out I was having a winter baby it's been a debate where and what to do for the baby's 1st birthday. So now that the 1st birthday is approaching my mind is on over drive. Do we invite the whole family, which is 60+ or do we just do immediate... Do we rent a heated tent for the back yard, have two family parties or rent a hall... Should we cook, cook and have it catered or go to a restaurant.

Yep I know what you are thinking, too much to debate over a 1st birthday. I have had so many unwanted feedback, remarks, helpful and annoying suggestions that I could scream. I had the... why aren't you going to invite them issue, I had the... you should do crafts and goodie bags for the kids there, which is only 2 children, issue. I had the...will people like that food at that restaurant... And how about will we all be able to fit there issue. And the reality is yes we all go through this when we plan a party. But why does my baby's first birthday have to be such a big issue.

What ever happened to balloons, cake, casual birthday parties, birthday cards, pin the tail on the donkey days??? My baby is going to be 1, she isn't going to remember her first party, and she could care less what favors I buy, what is served or how much I spend. Of course we want to throw a nice party and treat our guests to good food and company. But how many of us really end up enjoying the day?

So this is what we booked and I must say I am very pleased. I don't have to cook, I don’t have to do crafts or worry about who I didn't invite because I booked my daughter's party at a restaurant that is within our budget and couldn't hold more than 50 people. So my list had to get cut. I had to invite the people I see on a daily basis. I would LOVE to have everyone there but throwing a party that costs more than a couple thousand dollars is a little over board. Granted baptisms, graduations, and communions are exceptions but 1st birthdays are meant to be small, and intimate.

I am happy to say all in one day we booked the restaurant, ordered the favors, and designed the invites. I WILL enjoy my baby's 1st birthday and finally get to sleep tonight without waking up to the thought of reviewing my party options, guest lists or food menus.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

For $25 Have Tree Planted in New Orleans in Honor of Someone

How cool is this!!
I did it for a friends of the family who recently got
 married and asked for "no gifts" so
I donated $50.00 to
Hike for KaTREEna,
and had 2 trees, $25 each planted in
New Orleans in their honor.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Save Money This Holiday Season

I know you all think I am crazy for thinking Christmas already but believe it or not getting a head start will help save you some money!!!

I always make a Christmas spreadsheet. All you have to do is make a list of everyone you have to buy for. Enter a column with how much you want to spend and a column of what you actually spent. Now when you go shopping keep an eye open for deals. BUT THERE IS ONE CATCH!!! If you buy on sale DO NOT think you have to buy someone MORE. The goal is to keep the difference. Here's an example.Name           

Name        Buy         Bought      Spend   Actually Spent
Mom        Camera      Camera      $250          $150

So you ended up spending $100 less than you wanted to. That $100 is yours, not to be used to buy mom something else worth $100.

Try it and tally up your SPEND column to compare to your ACTUALLY SPENT column. You'll be amazied at how much you save if you plan ahead. You may also actually enjoy the holidays more and feel less like a scrooge

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shopping Tip

To All You Mommy Shopaholics:
Why not prepare for next spring by purchasing end of season clothes now. Why pay full price 6 months from now when you can get most of the items 75% cheaper now. I know, I know they say how will you know their size? Estimate!!
My baby is 9 months, wearing 9 months clothes so I will order her size 18 month for next summer. And if it doesn't fit re gift it!

Hooray for Teeth

Baby girls teeth came in, well her two bottom teeth. She had some painful days my poor lil munchkin but is doing much better today. Thank goodness for Motrin, Tylenol, teething rings, orajel, frozen apples and my fingers. I can't say which method worked the best because I used ALL of them. No need to worry, I didn't give them to her all at once.
She isn't a fussy baby so when she is I seem to do whatever it takes to make her happy! Typical woman right! Now all I have to do is teach her to kiss with her mouth closed-ouch- and we'll be all set ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I was in the Hampton's over the weekend and stopped by a booth that was selling fudge at a Farmers Market. Normally it would be the smell of chocolate that would draw
me in but not this time.
I saw a huge sign that said " FAT ASS FUDGE " and I was sold.
Any company with a name like that has to be good and let me tell you it was!
I tried the toffee covered with chocolate, the delicious brownies AND the mouth watering fudge. I know I know I will turn into a fat ass too but I had to give it all a try.
Of course we also bought some to go- shh don't tell anyone.
So if you or a friend are chocolate lovers like me then check out this wonderful site that is run by a sweet woman named Donna McCue.
receive $5.00 off your purchase.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stop & Shop Back to School Program

Hello Shoppers
Now Till Sept 10th General Mills and your local Stop & Shop are teaming up to give families a great way to save, as they get ready for back to school.

Enjoy these great deals when you shop at Stop & Shop’s big
Back to School Event:

Great sale pricing on the participating General Mills brands items: such as Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Reeses Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cookie Crisp Sprinkles, Cookie Crisp, Fruit Snacks, Old El Paso Dinner Kits, Pillsbury Strudel, Pillsbury Scrambles, Green Giant Boxed Vegetables, Yoplait Yo-Plus Multi-Pack, Fiber One Yogurt Multi-Pack, Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookies, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, Pillsbury Sweet Rolls and Yoplait Delights

Buy four (4) participating General Mills items and you’ll automatically earn 100 points on your Stop & Shop card

For every 100 points earned, you'll save 10¢ per gallon of gas (Please note: Total discount cannot exceed price per gallon)


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Personal Chef & Caterer

We all know someone who can cook but when you can taste their passion for food through their cooking is when it truly becomes a gift. Karla Sorrentino is a wonderful, talented, chef who offers her services for catering and personal cooking in Fairfield County. Not only is her food exceptional, her charsima is overwhelming. Karla is a one of the kind person who makes you feel good and puts love and passion into her food. Please take advantage of this wonderful service and visit her site to contact her for your next event!

Thank You Mom

I am lying on my couch watching the Daytime Emmy Awards and love how everyone thanks their Mother's when they receive an award. It never really hit me until now how much we, as Mother's, influence our children and how our children recognize us when they become successful. Showing us their appreciation, is truly a beautiful thing.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Who's the real victim here?

I want to begin this blog by apologizing if I offend anyone after reading what I am about to write. I come from a family who taught me that in life you get what you work for. My parents were foreigners that made themselves who they are today by working hard, not complaining and having others do for them. So again, if you are offended I am sorry but my voice needs to be heard.

After becoming a mom it became clear to me the importance of providing for your family. It isn't about the number of shoes you have or the nicest clothes you wear it was about taking charge and providing for what mattered, your family!

Lately I have seen many things I have not or choose not to see before. I see married couples living off their parents and having children year after year while playing the victim because they can't take the best vacation or have the newest cars. I've seen educated people have family worry about how they are going to raise their unborn children. I have even seen my family and friends give to us over and over again and our daughter having more than she could image. And then I began to see the young mom's who have a child without insurance and make the best of their situation and I ask myself this ,and I am truly trying to be as genuine as possible, who is the real victim?

Why would someone want people to pity them when they don't want to help themselves?? Why are we the ones worrying about them when they aren't making an effort to worry about themselves. They cry poor me, they have their children ask others to buy them things but yet they are the ones home every weekend and by 5 every night? And we the fools tend to help them FIRST over the REAL victims. The real victims are young girls who made mistakes and got pregnant without even having the proper education to get a decent job.

I am frustrated because for years I fed into the "non victims" playing victims so they wouldn't have to do for themselves. I've seen us run to them the minute someone gives us something they could use. Reality is the people who need these things are making the best of their situation so their voices are not being heard.

I think more importantly I am mad at myself for not helping the people who really need the help! I came across a high chair and thought I would hold on to it in case a family member needed it and I know my family members are not the ones that need these things.

I was pissed at myself for not thinking about the real reason you help people. You help people that need help because it makes you feel good. My family and friends are capable of buying these things so now I am going to give it to some one who could REALLY use this. Someone who borrowed a friends with pride, some one who would appreciate it, not expect or demand it.

The whole point is we are raising the children of the future. We are their teachers. The young mom and dads are raising their children to work hard and be depend on themselves, while the educated, financially stable are teaching them to rely on others. People wake up!

It is time to take responsibilities for ourselves and our actions and most importantly our children. Yes, accidents happen, yes we have unplanned pregnancy, but for those who know already what it's like to have children if you can not handle more then stop having more. Stop depending on others because the reality of this whole message is one day your children will need YOU and if YOU can't even help yourself then how can you help them!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh Baby Baby

When my daughter was 4 months old I turned to my husband and said "I WANT ANOTHER BABY." His grin grew ear to ear with excitement. But as my baby got a little older I found myself wanted to give HER my undivided attention. I became excited when she did something new or as her reactions and expressions changed. So she is now 9 months old and the thought is popping back into my head.

I am under the age of 30 so I have plenty of time and for all who don't know it took me over 2 years to get pregnant with my first. I thought of going back to the doctor but the thought of retesting again makes me want to cringe! It isn't a fun process and we haven't began to try hard enough to even know if we would need to see the doctor anyway.

My husband wants 3 or 4 babies. I go back and forth. I would love a sister for my daughter but would also love a little boy. So it seems like 3 may be the goal. However, every time I watch Brother& Sisters the number of children I want grows!

I was lucky enough for my parents to provide a wonderful life for me, they paid for college and my wedding and I want to do the same for my children.

Today I baby sat my nephews and watched the 3 children play and thought this is a glimpse into my future. And it was actually really nice. They played, I was relaxed and thought yeah I COULD handle this.

The thing is I believe in signs and lately people have been giving us extra baby stuff, ex: someone gave us an extra high chair and we even got two double strollers. I asked my husband "Does this mean Twins are in our future?!" He smiled with delight, as I got short of breath.

I guess now you are all wondering are we trying and my answer is "we aren't preventing it." I want to see what ever happens happens. I believe God gives you what you can handle and when you can handle it! But when it does happen I will be very happy to share the news and know my little girl will be the best big sister out there!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby Girl FINALLY Got It Right!

I am always amazed how no matter what I give my daughter it goes directly into her mouth. They say that is how they learn. The funny thing is every time I give her food, the only thing that SHOULD go in her mouth, it seems to make it's way every where else but there.

My doctor suggested that once her index finger and thumb could hold a piece of food that was when she would be ready to feed herself. You'll notice children before then will pick up a fist full of food and by the time they try to make it to their mouth it has normally fallen or has gotten stuck between their buggy fingers. My doggies LOVE when my daughter gets a fist full because that means the food normally makes its way all over the floor and THEY are the ones who get a mouthful.

But this morning my baby girl FINALLY got it right! I made her scrambled eggs and when she was about half way done some dropped onto her try. I just left them there thinking she'll love to smash them between her sticky fingers like usual. But to my surprise she picked up one little scrambled egg between her index finger and thumb and made it into her mouth.

HOORAY!!! I felt a HUGE sense of accomplishment and praised her over and over again as if she won the noble prize. And yes this is a huge sign that my baby girl is growing up and instead of feeling sad I am beginning to feel that my hard work is finally starting to pay off!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Stop & Shop has Huggies diapers on sale for $8.88 a pack!

Hello..what about me?!

The dishwasher needs emptying, the dogs are barking and the baby is fighting her afternoon nap. I find myself needing a time out and wondering if I am the one who tends to my husband, my daughter, the dogs and my house then who is left to tend to me??

I woke up this morning hitting the snooze button after having my sleep interrupted not ONCE but TWICE last night. I hoped into bed at 9:15, very early for me but my body needed to rest, at 11:30 the thunder started and my dogs hoped into bed in fear of the noise. My oldest dog panted for a good 30 minutes. Not sure how I feel asleep again but I did. I awoke again at 4:30 a.m to a hungry little baby. She ate, and slept until 7. Up we go to start the day.

An hour later I drop her off to my mother's head to my interview and try to relax on the short ride. An hour later, I am at the grocery store, I stuff everything into the car, run by my mom's to pick baby up and go home to unload. As my stomach rumbles I make my husband and the baby their lunch, let the dogs out, and put away all the groceries.

I look over the sink is full, the dishwasher needs emptying while I scarf down my sandwich. It's 90 degrees and my husband finishing his lunch before he heads back to work is questioning why aren't I at the pool. Well, buddy oh pal, how will the groceries get home, dogs go out and baby get fed if I was floating around on a raft right now?

Funny but he is right! Why can't I clean later, why do I have to do things now. I guess because I know if I don't do them NOW no one else will do them later. So that is my mood right now. Hot, tired and cranky. Maybe I should jump into the crib with the baby and have her rock me to bed or better yet, say the hell to everything and go into the pool to cool me down a bit.
That'll solve all my problems!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Breast Cancer Bracelet

Being a BRCA gene carrier, having a strong family history of breast cancer and loosing my grandmother 3 years ago to this horrible disease I am always delighted when I can donate to a cause that supports organizations to help fight breast cancer. My husband bought me a bracelet from the "Friends of Mel Foundation." For only $15 you too can purchase this wonderful bracelet for a wonderful cause.

1ST Family Vacation

I arrived back home yesterday from our 1st Family Vacation. We went away to Cape Cod for a week and had a blast. Our baby girl was sooo good. It was nice to be with my family 24/7 for 9 days. How lucky am I!! We ate out, went for ice cream, visited museums, did a duck tour, laid out on the beach and did a ton of shopping. It was great!
I think 8 months was the perfect age to take our baby away. My daughter doesn't walk so I am still in control, but she can sit up and use a high chair. Her naps aren't too inconvenient and she can stay up til 8- 8:30 tops. She loved the beach and didn't complain at all, especially since she can't really talk yet.
In the beginning of the week I would constantly try to prevent her from putting her sand toys in her mouth. By the end of the week her shovel became her new teething toy. What can I say, she is going to do it whether I go crazy or not. And dinners, my word I started ordering stuff off the menu because she wanted to be like the adults. At one restaurant I couldn't take the menu away from her so I let her play with it while we ate.
She went on a boat for the first time, ate ice cream and loved every minute of it. Looking at the pictures made me realize how lucky I am. I have this perfect little family, and by perfect I mean of course not PERFECT to everyone but perfect for me. I have a husband who adores me and my baby and a baby who adores us.
I am looking forward to the many family vacations we'll have together. It is great building memories and being away from the daily duties. We tend to get caught up in everyday life that is nice to take a break from them once in a while and really enjoy one another.

So now it's back to reality. The mail is all sorted, the bags are unpacked and put away. Tomorrow is another day, back to the daily grind, but for now I'll just enjoy the last hours of my day!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wish Life Could Stand Still For A Little While

Tonight I cried holding and rocking my baby to sleep. It wasn't a sad cry, or a happy cry. It was a "wish life could stand still for a little while" cry.

I remember when I was pregnant sitting in her room wondering what type of person she would be, what she would look like, what color hair she would have. And tonight there we were. My eight month old and I rocking back and forth. I thought about how heavy she had become, how in four months I will be planning her first birthday. Soon she will be too heavy for me to rock, she will be too indenpendt to need me to rock her nor would she want me to.

I know one day I'll have other babies, but she is MY baby, my first, my experiment for the other children to come, my test of what type of parent I will be. She choose me to be her mommy, provider, protector, and teacher. I love this little girl so much that the thought of her not needing me one day made me cry.

She hung onto me tonight so tight as if she knew she was growing up to fast, she knew soon she will become less dependent on me. We had a special moment, a mother daughter moment that reminded me of how much I loved every minute of these last 8 months. Regardless of the weight gain, endless sleepless nights, and sore breasts.

I know the best is yet to come, I know we will always be buddies, but for now I will allow myself to cry. Because those 8 months came and went as if they were only weeks and days. Those 8 months I can't ever get back. Those 8 months made me the mommy I am today!

Inspiring Quote

"Life isn't about finding yourself... Life is about creating yourself."
by George Bernard Shaw


WOW it's already been a week since I created this blog. It's been a lot of fun and I want to give a big THANK YOU to all my followers, supporters and motivators. I am a mommy like everyone else and want to tell my story so everyone knows that you are not alone. It is OK to feel how we feel, as our children grow so do we. I also want to give some love and support to all the Dads out there, your job is just as hard as ours!

I truly feel if I've touched one person than it's been worth it! Please stay tuned because the best has yet to come!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mommy DOES Know Best

I had my first lesson with "Mommy Knows Best" with my 8 month old daughter. She's at that age where she wants to touch EVERYTHING and as I watch myself saying "no" or "don't touch" she seems to do it anyway. Until yesterday when she finally learned.

I was making sauce. I decreased the temperature on the stove, turned the sauce with a spoon and as I began to take the spoon out of the pot I watched my daughter eagerly embrace the opportunity to grab it. I said "no" and tried to give an explanation of why she should not touch it but by then it was too late.

The spoon grazed her hand and the tears started to stream out. I lifted her up, made eye contact and said in a normal tone of voice "See I told you not to touch it for a reason. The spoon was too hot and now you hurt your hand. You have to learn to listen and trust me. Always trust me."

We had a brief moment of understanding between the two of us. It kind of made ME want to cry. For the first time it really hit me that I was not only her mother, I was her teacher. I will have to shape this little girl to be who she is. Yes, she will still do things even when I tell her not to, but I will have to be there to do my best to explain what's right and wrong and why it's right or wrong.

I watched how fast she changed when I made my way back to the pot to finish turning the sauce. This time she kept her hands in and leaned forward to watch what I was doing. My job for the day was done. I succeeded in teaching her one of many lessons in life to come. I was proud that day to be her mom!


Have you smiled today? Have you smiled at someone today?
Have you smiled at a STRANGER today?
Try it and see what they do.
You'll be shocked with how they react!
There is no better feeling than bringing happiness into some one's life!.

Help Ease Teething Discomfort

My daughter is teething and I feel so bad for her. I always catch her gnawing on something from the corner of my eye. So to help ease her teething discomfort I came up with some "chilling" tips.

  • Cut an apple & freeze the core. Make sure to leave some apple on it in case when they are gnawing on it if it defrosts there will be some apple left. My daughter loves this!
  • Keep baby orajel in the fridge so when you apply it's nice and cold.
  • Add one ice cube to their sippy cup. The cold water feels great on their gums.
  • Freeze big slices of watermelon and let your baby gnaw away!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Restaurant Deal

My husband, the pizza junky called me tonight at 5:45 to tell me about this awesome deal.
If he called a little sooner I wouldn't have bothered to cook dinner.
So for all you late night snackers out there check this out.
Tuesdays at Italia's Restaurant in Norwalk large cheese pizza's are $6.00.
$6.00 for a large cheese.
You know what we'll be having for dinner next Tuesday night!

Recycle Tip

Did you know that the Playtex Drop In Liners are Recyclable?

Once I found out I just left an empty recyclable container on the counter and every time I used a liner I put them in the container until it was full.
I wanted a place for them since they aren't the best looking things to be floating around in your recycling bin. So now every time you make a bottle you can feel good that you are helping the earth by recycling.
Do your part and Recycle :)

Cooking Tip

Have ripe fruit you just don't feel like eating and don't want to throw out?
Why not cut it up and freeze for later recipes.
You can:
  • Defrost the fruit and make a mixed berry pie
  • Boil and make baby food
  • Buy a bottle of Jose Cuervo Margaritas and add it in a mixer, no need for ice since the frozen fruit is cold and adds thickness

Crazy Week

This Photo Represents the Type of Week I've Been Having...
Seems like my daughter feels the same way.

Funny how one photo can put a smile on your

face and make everything better!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Baby's First Italian Word

My husband and I are both 100% Italian and coming from a household that spoke Italian it was very important to us that our children did too. I must say I am not the best Italian speaking woman out there but I do understand it extremely well and if it wasn't for my sisters teasing me I would probably be less self conscious when I spoke it. I know that is what sisters are for.

My parents both came from Italy at the age of 16. They became young parents and basically learned English when we did so they focused more on teaching us the proper English language than Italian. They regretted not pushing the language on us, although we always followed the culture. But once my baby girl was born they were determined to teach her the beautiful language we all love. They even bought her Italian cartoon DVDs.

So this past Sunday morning my sister was trying to teach my daughter to say Zia, Italian for Aunt. She shook her head "NO" and said "Nonna", which is Italian for grandma, four times loud and clear.

Yep, I did miss it but she said it again today when we went to visit my mom. Nonna lit up of course. I am proud of my little girl. She doesn't realize it now but one day she will be happy she knows a different language. Especially the beautiful Italian language.

DEAL Finder

I went shopping at Costco today with my mom and figured I would check the infant aisle to see if they carried any formula. I knew they carried Enfamil but I use Similac Advance Early Shield and to my GREAT surprise it was there.

So ladies you get a 34 oz container for $27.95.

This has got to be the best price I found yet. The cheapest I ever found this formula for was at Toys R Us for $21.99 and that was only for a 24oz container. This comes to be about 10 cents cheaper an oz, that is $3.40 cents cheaper to be exact. I know you may think $3.40 is not a big deal but for all you mommy's who know how much formula we go through the savings add up!

You can also purchase it online at but the min is 3 containers.

Stay turned. I am waiting for a coupon link from Similac but was so excited with the deal I found that I had to post it!!

You can also sign up on to receive coupons in the mail!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cooking Tip

Tips when making Pesto Sauce:

  • I always like to add some spinach in with the basil.
  • Today I tried something new and added some leaves from my garden celery.
  • I can't take credit for this tip I heard but it is clever. Add the parmigiana cheese at the end so the heat from the blender doesn't melt it and you get a richer flavor.

Surving Baby's First Sleep Over

Last night we survived our first night without the baby sleeping home with us. My husband and I thought it would be best for her to sleep out since we had plans that would run very late. Although she was staying at my parent's house I must admit I wasn't thrilled with the idea.My husband was not 100% about it either and found it even hard to drop her off at the house to say goodbye so I had to do it alone. Luckily we knew she would sleep through the night and would not realize we were gone, but waking up this morning with out her was tougher than we thought.

I think when you become a parent you tend to judge other people's parenting skills less. YES LESS. And I will tell you why.

Before children many people I knew would leave their babies very young- and young I mean a couple of months old for the night with family when they didn't have any plans and would stay in. At the time I didn't agree with it. I felt if you were home why would you leave a baby so young with someone else. Today, being a parent, I now think it was something they needed at the time and it worked for them. When I first became a parent I realized that my husband and I needed to raise our daughter the way that worked best for US! Not the way other people did but the way we chose.

The reason I say this is because people may think that 8 months old is an appropriate age to sleep out. Some people may say it's too young. I say we discussed it and decided that we both needed a night with old friends and we both didn't think having a babysitter stay till early morning would be fair to them.

However, will I have her sleep out this young while my husband and I stay home on a Saturday night? NO. I enjoy having my baby home, I enjoy waking up to her in the morning and laying with her in bed and watch cartoons. I believe those kind of nights are for when they are 5years old and can appreciate the sleepover as a special treat. Granted they are staying with family but growing up I never slept out as a young child unless my parents where out late. Sleepovers were not common before the age of 5 and by then I think I was sleeping over my friends house.

As for surviving not having her home for a night, of course we did. But as soon as we woke up I picked her up while my husband showered. As soon as I pooled into the drive way I found my husband was waiting for us. Even the dogs missed her. She slept through the night and was wonderful for my parents. We were very grateful to be able to have enjoyed a late night out without worrying about how she was- even though we still did. Not having her for one night reminded me how much I love having a family.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Happy first of the month!
Hope today is a GREAT day for all of you!!
I always believed however your day was on the first of the month was how the rest of the month would be. I know, I know what can I say?! I am superstitious.
For Fun Give it a try!!

Cooking tip

Have left over eggs & don't know what to do with them?
  • Add them to soups
  • Fry them up with some green peppers. (Try this with italian green peppers- yum!)
  • Hard boil them and top your salads with them
  • Mix them with rice and chicken

Breakfast for Two

I always enjoyed a hearty egg white sandwich in the morning. I always felt so wasteful tossing the yoke in the garbage. It's not that they aren't good for you, it's just I never really liked the taste of them. One day it dawned on me, why not keep the yokes and scramble them for the baby! So that's what I did. I didn't want to add any salt or oil in case she had a reaction. They say babies can be allergic to eggs and so I wanted to add as less as possible to them. So needless to say as I practiced I had to threw them out quite a few times, until I finally got them right.
Here's how to make them:
I always coat a frying pan with no stick cooking spray. I fry the eggs whites and leave the yokes aside in a separate bowl. Once my breakfast is done, I remove the egg whites and lower the heat. With a fork beat the yokes with a tablespoon of water. Add them to the frying pan and start scrambling. Once you see the pan getting a little dry add another tablespoon of water. This helps cook the eggs while keeping them nice and moist. Once complete enjoy your breakfast for two.
How easy was that! You just made an easy, hearty, breakfast for two with the mess for one! I must say my daughter is a huge fan. Enjoy!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Recycle Tip

Did you know that your empty medicine
bottles are recyclable??

Yep, they are. After your medicine is complete just peel off the label so none of your personal information is revealed and toss it into your recycling bin. Simple right!!! Now if we all did this think about how many bottles that would add up in a week, month and year.

Do your part and Recycle :)

Creative Tip

Recycle greeting cards by cutting out phrases or images on the card and use them for your scrape booking projects.

Cartoons of 2009

Good Morning All:

I lay in bed with my baby and her cartoons are on. I love to watch her eyes light as a familiar cartoon pops on and she will even bob back and forth a little to their theme song. I grew up in the 80's and it amazes me how much has changed since them. The Mickey Mouse Club that I knew ended with " M I C- see you real soon," today it's " Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggiety Dog." Amusing I must say!

My daughter is a fan of many multi cultural cartoons. I must say she loved Dora and Handy Manny from 3 months on. It is great that they speak both English and Spanish. The "tools" crack her up and I even catch myself wondering what Dora and Boots are up to next.

Right now "Blue's Clues" is on. Did you know that Blue, the dog, is a girl? Yep, she's blue. Funny Right?! Some episodes have the old Steve or new Joe.

I think the one cartoon that changed the most for me was Winnie the Pooh. "New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" is now "My friends Tiger and Pooh". They now wear bright color outfits and solve clues. Darby, the young tom boyish girl, helps solve clues with Tiger, Pooh and her dog. You still occasionally see Piglet, Egor and Rabbit. Their theme song " Think Think" replays in my head through out the day.

I can't wait to see what the future for cartoons bring. I hope it doesn't end up that you can only access cartoons on the Internet. What a shame that would be.

Baby girl is trying to use my remote control as a pacifier so I must say my goodbyes.

Enjoy the day and stay dry- looks like a rainy day out there today!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Finish this sentence...

It's time for bed but I wanted to end this posting with a fun little exercise. So...

Finish this sentence:

Tomorrow I hope I........

Job Searchers- Keep your head up!

I dedicate this post to everyone looking for a new job. Whether you've been laid off, downsized or in search for a new direction I want to sympathize with all the job seekers out there. This job market is a tough one and boy do I have experience with looking for a job!

I think I have pretty much been in the "job searcher" mode for a long time now. Once I graduated the market place was horrible. I was a college graduate getting catering jobs. Nothing wrong with that but I was looking for a position in my major and catering was not it. I stayed in a position that had nothing to do with my major but I enjoyed the company and the people I worked with.
In 2006 I began my search again. It wasn't so bad. I landed a nice position with great pay. I was very happy. Sad to say that lasted about 17 months when the company sold.

So in Fall 2007 /Early 2008 I was back in the Market. Economy was OK. I found a job and the company was interesting to work for- I'll just leave it at that! Needless to say after maternity leave I didn't stay there.

In 2009 I start- or should I say- continue my search. I must say that people are asking for more and want to pay less for it. Wouldn't you think that they would get what they paid for. Not sure what they are thinking! Why not stay away from hiring someone new every 6 months who is under qualified and offer a decent salary and have that employee for years to come.
And benefits, what benefits. I luckily do not have to worry about that. But for those who do they are extremely important.
On the plus side everyday there are new job posting. I must say I do have a list of favorite sites I make a daily stop to. I had my share of interviews.
My biggest problem is I enjoy being a mom. I love my baby girl and watching her grow. It is the biggest job I have ever done and the reward is priceless. Would be great if I got paid to do it but I have yet to find a posting for that position!

Below are a couple of job sites I have come across:

Please help our friends with their job search and recommend some helpful sites too...

Welcome to my blog!!

Welcome to MOMMY CT
A Place Where Every Women Can Relate!

I decided to start my own blog to connect to women, whether mommies, wives or girlfriends.

I love to share my experiences of being a wife, new mom, sister and friend.
So please enjoy my posts as I share my experiences with you and hope you all share YOUR experiences with me.