The funny thing about Thyroid Cancer is that everyone says its the "good" cancer to have because the treament is easy. You have surgery then Radiation, once you regulate your meds and have follow up scans you are done. Well I have been dealing with this for 8 months and although the thought of knowing there is a cure and they caught it early is reassuring there is nothing easy about it.
I have been to Yale 8x in the past 2 months and the prep is a 2 1/2 week diet that still does not make complete sence to me. The radiation is my BIGGEST concern because I want to make sure I take 100% precaution to make sure no one is affected by it. They compared me to being a walking x-ray machine...image that!
I am cranky, hungry, hardly eating but gaining weight and all I want to do is cuddle up with my kids and be their mom. My "business trip" starts soon and my daughter is excited that I told her we will do Facetime, but the thought of being without them breaks me down.
I know this will pass, I know things will be good again real soon, I just want to close this chapter in my life that I wish was never written. I am sure we all have one or a few we would like to "rip" out of our book...
Every experience helps us learn a little more about ourselves and our stregthens. It helps build our character and who we truly are. So let's see what the future brings but for now I will take this all one day at a time!