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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Awake Your Soul...Heal Tonight

Before you go to bed I want you to connect within. Close your eyes and count down from
10. Imagine all your stress or worries. Now put them in a drawer. File them away. Relax your mind and connect with your thoughts within. 

Our inner voice will guide us. It may not tell you what you want to hear but you must listen to it. Listen to what it is telling you. Now ask to heal your soul. 

There are times when my body isn’t aligned. That it feels off. I close my eyes and imagine two hands floating over my body. Not touching it but about an inch above it.  Starting from my head and I work it down to my toes. Asking to heal my mind of doubt. My heart of sorrow. I even ask to heal any body pains I have. You can feel the energy flowing over you. It brings a sense of peace. 

We all have the ability to connect within to heal and cleanse our thoughts. You need to practice this to find clarity in your life. Guide you. Bring you peace. 

Feel Good Song: Leave The City

Awaken Your Soul

Support Your Inner Child

Notice everything is very calming. That when you are calm or surrounded by calmness you bring yourself peace. 

August 18th Make Any Negative Situation A Positive One

Choose better always. Always grow. Always make better decisions. 

This Is How Life Goes...Why Haven’t You Figured This Out Yet

This is how life goes. The sad thing is where communication comes to an end. Where someone doesn’t really know or understand why something happened. As adults it’s important to understand people’s roles in your life. Some come. Some stay. Some leave. Some leave unexpectedly with no explanation. Just like that. You have to come to terms that you may have thought you played a different role than they did. 

I spoke to an old friend. They said they no longer associate with drama that doesn’t involve them. I responded it’s a smart way to live. We all need to do this. 

Life isn’t about drama or chaos. Life is about fun and happiness and making memories and people bringing out the best in you. It’s about finding peace. Treating people how you want to be treated. Respecting companions and friendships. Honoring that people feelings matter. That saying what is wrong is better than not saying anything at all. Not sure why people haven’t figured this out yet. 

Where’s Your Happy Place?

Take yourself to your happy place! Make Your Soul Happy! Regardless of who is part of your journey be sure to enjoy every moment of your life. You’ll start to realize those who are similar to you will enjoy it too. 

Sometimes It’s Best To Unplug...

Take the time you need...We all need time to process stuff and take a time out. I too need a break and need to unplug. 

Feel Good Song: Trees

Don’t Run From Who You Are


Feel Good Song: Mad World

Thank You Readers

I hope I inspire your journey as your read about mine! 

Embrace Uncertainty


Happy Sunday!

Nothing Will Ever Be Perfect


Three Things That Matter In Life

Who Really Should Be In Your Life

Does someone value you behind your back as much as they do to your face? 

You Have To Change Inorder For Life To Get Better

There comes a point where you have to break the cycle. The same arguments the same routine the same tension. You have to break the cycle in order to have change in your life. 

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A Place Where Every Woman Can Relate!