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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back on Mommy Duty

I bathed my girls got them ready for bed. Fed the baby and then she spit up on me and I thought "yep I'm officially back on mommy duty" and I loved every minute of it. 

My scan was great today. They said in a couple months I will have to do a blood test that will check to make sure I don't have any traces of Thyroid cancer and that's when we will know 100% if the treatment had worked. Which from the way I was feeling I would say it did work. 

It feels great to be home and great to feel better. Thanks for being a lending ear!

The Day of Judgement...Thyroid Cancer Free We'll See

I waited 8 months for today. My post treatment scan. Today I find out if I am officially Thyroid Cancer Free. I have my apt later today and woke up a little nervous. I mean today is the day I find out if my treatment worked, I am safe to be around my kids and am finally, hopefully, gratefully, can say I am Cancer Free.

I learned alot these past 8 months that I hope I don't forget. I learned who really truly cares and loves me, I learned ignorance is bliss, I learned that sometimes we get so caught up into something that its hard to see good around us. I found out that if you find peace within really find peace you can be happy and enjoy the simple things in life.

I pray none of my readers, family, friends or loved ones ever have to experience great pain in their life. I hope you walk by a flower and stop and appreciate it. I hope you live today like yesterday is really gone. That tomorrow can be good and different that there's good out there.

I hope you all find someone who truly makes you happy, who truly loves you through the highs and lows of your life. I learned that my husband was built to help keep me strong to see laughter through some dark moments in my life. That even though we had rough patches that at the end it was him who helped me keep it together.

I learned being a mom helped heal me. I hope today I can walk away saying all my doctor appointments, blood work, testing, scans, surgery and treatments helped me survive Cancer and beat Cancer.

  • I hope today I can come home and be the Mom, Wife, Person I want to be!

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