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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Make Time For "Mommy" Time

I can't emphasis enough how important it is for Mommies to make time for themselves.

When you first have a child you go through a period of time where you feel you have to be with your child 24/7; you have to be the one to wake up in the middle of the night, you have to be the one to always change their diaper, feed them, and run to them when they cry. We put SO MUCH pressure on ourselves. Then that phase fads out a little. But one thing we all go through is a lose of identity. We put all the things we enjoy on hold to be a full time Mommy. And I want to tell you all that it is OK to still give yourself a little "Mommy" time. Actually, I feel it is extremely important to give yourself a little “Mommy” time.

Pick up a hobby, activity or even once a month something you enjoy alone, to prevent going in sane. Why not gain a little of your identity back. Why not do the things you always loved. Just because we are Mommies doesn’t mean we have to give up 100% of who we are, what we want to be, what we enjoy.

By doing this you’ll be less stressed, enjoy the time you have with your child/children and feel good about yourself. SO please, whether you’re a new mom, or a mom of teenagers, please do something for yourself. Start with once a month, give yourself a chance to gain yourself back, feed your soul.

I promise you’ll love it once you do it!

1 comment:

MaggieK said...

I agree 100%...Within the first three months of having our second little guy I made time to go for a massage twice. That mommy time is needed and in the long run will make you a better mommy.

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