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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Venting Session

We all need a venting session and as I type that my W key froze, so maybe I should start this with; I need a venting session.

Growing up you always heard parents say you can hurt me and I will be fine but when you hurt my child that is where I draw the line. My daughter is too young to realize if someone is being mean to her or leaving her out. She may not enjoy being around someone if she picks up a weird vibe. But I am begining to feel very overprotective of her and her feelings.
She is an only child, currently, and really doesn't have anyone to play with. When an opportunity arises to have a playdate we love it since she is usually flying solo. But when she has the chance and is left out I can't help but feel a little sad for her.
The idea is for kids to play with one another to build memories, but most importantly to help build social skills, skills of sharing, respecting someone else's feelings and the skills of interacting with peers. I like to watch how she communicates with other children, is she intimated easily? Does she share? ect..

I am a stay at home mom and do work part time but my schedule is so flexible that I often take my child to the beach, park, Stew's-yes still my favorite place. I am sad when I hear someone she could be doing things with does not include her. She is too young to feel the same sadness but one day she will catch on to it and feel it to and I know there is nothing I can do about it but I still am bothered by it.

People say there are two types of people in the world 1- That invites people whether they really want to or not but do it because it is right 2-Doesn't care who they hurt along the way.

The reality is if you are not going to ask me to join in with you and have my child play with yours then it proves you do not enjoy our company which is fine! But to invite family or friends and exclude us is rude, wrong, hurtful and shameful. We are examples for our children and should be showing them the proper example of how to treat others. Remember we do not choose our family, we do choose our friends. We do not leave out someone knowing it will hurt them, because I rather not have that person in my life at all if they think that it is ok to do that. I am ok with shutting them out and being around them when I am obligated to.

One day my child will catch on to this, she will feel left out. I can only protect her as much as possible and it is my duty to teach her to not to do this to others!

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