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Monday, May 17, 2010

Terrible 2's

I thought I had a couple more months before I would have to deal with the terrible 2's. See my daughter will turn 18 months next week so I figured her attitude was a result of teething. Well, her attitude has been around for the past week and a half.

She literary screams when she is unhappy, wants to get down from her high chair or while I am driving and she is trying to get out of her car seat. She refuses to eat, whines, and is very agressive, demanding and moody. At first I came up with a ton of excuses to defend my little angel, well now it has come to the point that she is no angel!

I am coping with this string of moodiness, tantrums, anger, crying and whining with compassion as if it is a child form of menopause. Hot flashes, sweats, mood swings... see the connection?!

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