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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blue Teeth

I love when we have to get ready for parties and my daughter and husband are all ready and I am still running around trying to look presentable. So one day I am running up and down the stairs trying on different outfits, I assume my husband is in the living with my daughter when all of sudden he comes to me and asks "What did you give her that made her mouth all blue?!"

For a quick second I looked at him like he had two heads and ran to find my daughter. Yep, she got a hold of her blue crayon and decided to gnaw on it. So I did what every mom would do, and no I did not call the poison control, I got a wash cloth and her tooth brush and spent the next 20 minutes getting her teeth white again while shaking my head and holding back laughter at my blue faced little monster.

Yep...just another day in the life of being a mom!

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