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Monday, January 31, 2011

Article about Your Purpose In Life

I never realized how repetitive life was until I had a child. I woke up, made us breakfast, we played, then she had snack, play some more, made her lunch then nap time. Got her up, played, made dinner, put her down for bed and then went to bed to do it all over again. Yes, now that I am working from home in between I am working, dealing with clients, checking emails ect...But there comes a point in life when you think to yourself 'is this really it?!" You start adding different activities into the mix and make plans with friends and family so you have something to look forward to. But the reality is sometimes we need a refresher as to what really is our purpose in life.

This is a great article I came across that I thought you may enjoy. I have not read the book but I did enjoy this article.

Finding The Purpose Of Life  by John Falls

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