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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bedtime Buddies

As a child I loved sleeping with my stuff animals, maybe a little too much. I would gather ALL the stuffed animals in the house and put them in bed with me. There were three children in my family so just try to image all the stuffed animals I stuffed in bed with me.

My mom would joke that she feared I would sweat myself to death and always yelled at me to not have them all in my bed, but I would insist. That is why I found it so funny that my daughter never had a favorite toy to sleep with. She never slept with a pacifier, favorite blanket or anything. I knew then she took after her father.

She is now over two years old in her big girl bed and the other night I was putting her to bed. She asked for her ducky, then her Barney doll and then for her beach ball- which is a pillow that looks like a beach ball. Finally, I thought, she was growing sentimental with her toys and wanted a bedtime buddy. Nope, before I knew it she put all three items under her feet as a foot rest and laid back. It was a pretty funny site I must admit!

I know she is still young and being attached to a item has it's pros and cons. Maybe one day she will find that favorite item she will find comfort in. If I could I would probably still sleep with a bedtime buddy- along with my husband of course :)

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