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Monday, March 21, 2011

What are you Passionate About?

I am old enough to have had a number of different positions and careers. Working from home for different clients made me realize how much more successful I am when it involves doing tasks I am passionate about.

Prior to having my daughter I was a PR and Marketing Manager and loved what I did, I loved the product line the company manufactured, I loved my work, but was not a fan of the people I worked for. I was passionate in my work so who I worked for did not affect it too much.

Now I realize that the clients I work as their Marketing Consultant, which is what I love to do, I meet my deadlines, am proud of my work and enjoy every detail vs. the clients I may handle tasks that are not my favorite, even though I enjoy working for that client.

Whenever I am doing something I am passionate about my best works shines through, whenever I am doing something I am not passionate about I tend to slack off. I hate that about myself but know that this means I am confident in the line of business that shows my strengthens and rather not do the tasks that show my weaknesses.

In every job I had and I am sure will have there will always be things I love to do and things I do not love to do. I also know that I am a multi-tasker; I get bored easily if I had to do the same thing over and over again.

I also believe that although I love this job because I get to work from home, can be with my daughter a lot, meet so many wonderful people and learned to multi-task, while self teaching my self, that one day, when my children are grown and I am back in my career I will follow my passion...which may change by then but am determined to do what I am passionate about!

"Follow your passion, and success will follow you." Terri Guillemets

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