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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Your Future: If you could would you want to know?

It's funny how we live our lives preparing for our future. But my real question to all of you is if you could would you want to know what your future would be like? Would you want to know how things ended up, who you would marry, how many kids you would have, where you would live or what your career would be?

I always say for fun "Why not?" but deep down I think the whole thing freaks me out a little. I am all about psychics, palm reading, tarot cards, ect...But I must admit it's fun but doesn't mean it is my reality.

I went to a psychic about 10 years ago with a girlfriend and of course she said things...some that were true some that were not true and some I do not know yet if they will come true. It was fun, mysterious, gave me something to think about. But I must say and admit that if we all knew how things would end up, if we all knew how our lives would truly be we would probably fight the things we did not want to happen and not be surprised by the things that did happen!

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