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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Surround Yourself With Good People

I've been so blessed in my life to have so many wonderful, different groups of friends. My husband and I have met so many different people through the course of our relationship and built so many different bonds with wonderful people that we never really realize how lucky we are until we are around them and walk away feeling good about ourselves.

I am a true believer that if you surround yourself with good people; truly good, kind hearted people then good things will happen. Some people will suck the life out of you, hurt you, but when you build that relationship around the good ones life seems so much more enjoyable.

We all have something to learn from one another. We all should learn to cherish one another and those friendships that help bring the best out in us. For the ones who seem to bring us down, or are self centered try to keep your distance. Focus on the ones who bring the best out in you and you'll walk away feeling good about yourself and you'll notice good things will start to happen in your life!

"Surround yourself with good people and good things will happen!" 

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