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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Relationship Breakups on the Rise

In the past 6 months I had two friends break up with there long term significant others, two weddings have been called off and one couple file for a divorce. It is crazy how many relationships have come to an end. It feels like every time I speak with someone you hear about another end to a long term relationship. Out of all of my friends only one is married. Everyone is now single, divorced or not in a long term relationship.

Growing up I felt like everyone was either married or divorced. There was no in between, there was no dating around and living with someone. Now as an adult it is so common to be single in your mid-thirties, and enjoy it. So many guys have no intention on marrying or giving up their bachelor lifestyle and the same for some women. Everyone is very into their careers and goals and it is a wonderful thing if it works for them

More single parents are raising kids and not staying in a loveless or unhappy marriage just to keep their children happy. People are focusing more within to better themselves and do what makes them happy despite what others may say.

I guess life really is about whatever works best for you! I got engaged young and dated a lot in high school so I never had that alone time, but with my personality I don't think I could ever be completely alone. A lot of my friends enjoy being alone and rather had their freedom. I think everyone really needs to be true to themselves but make sure they don't hurt too many people along the way. And at the end of the day what may work for one person may not work for another. We need to discover our true path and realize to have one thing means we are sacrificing the luxury of having something else! After all, we can't have it all!

“You CAN have it all. You just can't have it all at once.” Oprah Winfrey

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