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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just Doing Zumba is Not Enough

I see so many people doing the treadmill and then go to a Zumba class. I love Zumba and doing cardio but after speaking with trainers and people into weight loss I think it is important to share this information: Zumba is NOT enough for weight loss.

I will be the first to admit that my body type needs cardio in order to loose weight and cardio helps you burn calories. Cardio is great for the brain and honestly the best stress releaser for me. Burning calories is great but what you need to add to your routine is weight training. Weight training helps burn fat and build muscle. I am not telling you to lift 15lbs of free weights to start with. Begin with 3lbs weights, then 5lbs and gradually increase.

My husband and trainer always tell me to lift less weight and do more reps. So if you get on the machine try lifting 20lbs and do four sets for 12 times each. Instead of lifting 30lbs and doing three sets for 10 times each. This burns fat and tones muscles. As a woman I do not want big muscles, but I do want to burn fat that is why I lift a little less. However, make sure you feel it, if you don't increase the weight. You want to make sure you are lifting enough.  Also when you do weight training your body continues to burn calories throughout the day vs. just doing cardio.

Below are some great articles to help you understand this better:

*Please note I am not a doctor. I write based on my own personal experiences. Please consult with your doctor prior to doing any exercises!

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