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Friday, March 30, 2012

Meaning of Being Successful Quote

"Success is not something that is given to you, success is something you earn!"

Many times I come across people that get things from people and think that is what makes them successful in life. You can not be handed success, wealth is not the same as success. To be handed money or given money does not mean you are successful, you may become wealthy but you will not be successful.

You need to work hard to build and earn the respect of being successful in life. Under-achievers do not achieve because they have bad luck, under-achievers are lazy and feel that they will succeed by getting from others what they do not want to try to work on getting themselves.You need to work hard, push yourself and then you will become successful. In order to gain the respect from others you need to respect yourself. No one in life needs or has to give you anything, you need to earn what is given to you in order to call yourself successful! Do not confuse wealth with success, any of us can be wealthy not all of us are successful!

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