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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Today we all should do a little something to give back to the earth. Plant flowers, recycle, pick up litter in your neighborhood or walk to your local store instead of driving.

The first item I purchased for my house when I bought it was a bird bath. I know it sounds silly but we did a lot of reconstruction so I couldn't put anything in the house yet so I decided to spruce up my back yard. We made a garden, bought a bird bath and planted flowers. My friend who is Pakistan, said that the "Gods" like when we give back to the our Earth. By planting you are creating more oxygen and feeding the bugs, and bird baths help give our birds fresh water.

Every Spring I clean the bird bath and wait to see birds flock to it. One year when I came back from vacation and filled it with fresh water I found birds fighting to get a chance to take a bath.

A GREAT organization to give back is Hike for KaTREEna, you donate to have a tree planted in someone's name or just to donate to have trees planted in New Orleans. Makes a GREAT gift to all you nature lovers.

So it's easy to give back to the Earth! Try something today and reap the pleasures of knowing you are giving back to YOUR EARTH!

"He that plants trees loves others beside himself. "Thomas Fuller

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