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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ways to Release Stress

Let's face it I do not know one person who can honestly say they do not have any stress in their life. Some have more than others but it is a fact of life. I can say that everyone handles stress in different ways. Some people read, some people shop, or workout.

For a while I was doing P90X and running to release stress and then I had a knee injury. I was down two weeks and feeling really frustrated with the set back that I decided that I needed a new way to release stress. My doctor and trainer told me my running days were over for now and I knew that there had to be something I could do to improve my health while releasing stress. My nutritionist recommended I drop another 5-10 lbs to get to my perfect weight and I knew sitting around with an ice pack on my knee would not get me there.

Lucky for me my sister bought a house closer to me and converted her garage into a gym. Once I saw her pink boxing gloves and the boxing bag go up I knew what was my new "stress releaser" yep Boxing! It is amazing and I must say I feel numb after. I put my knee brace on and my ipod high enough to distract myself and box. After ten minutes I am soaked in sweat and loving it. I do it a couple times a week for 25-30 minutes and have a huge smile on my face after. I still hit the gym and do my weights and walks but since I can no longer run for now I needed to change up my routine to benefit myself.

We all need to find a "GOOD" way to release stress. By good I mean by doing something beneficial for our health, not by abusing alcohol, smoking and drugs. Find your way that makes releasing stress work best for you and you'll start to look at life differently. You'll also add years to your life since we all know stress leads to high blood pressure, that leads to heart disease. Be good to your body and your body will be good to you!

What are some ways you recommend releasing stress? 

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