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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Power of Prayer: Healing of the Throats

Today in my quest of healing I attended a service at our church that was a healing for the "throats" . At first I thought it would be emotional for me but as we were waiting in line and I was up next I looked up to see my daughter smiling in my husbands arms and asking if she could do it again. 

I know children are a lot of work but my daughter is so good for my soul that it is worth every ounce of work to have her in my life. 

If you have never attended a healing service you should. My godmother actually bought me a healing mass when I was first diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer and thought it was a great gesture to let me know she was thinking of me and sending prayers my way. If you are ill and never attended one you should,  they are quick and you get this sense of peace afterwards. Really powerful yet so simple. I am going to attend another mass on Saturday that is a healing for the sick. 

My journey to healing has begun and feels really good! Start your journey today to making peace in your life wherever you most need it. 

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