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Monday, March 25, 2013

1 Week to Go...Thyroid Cancer Surgery

Last week I had the pleasure of going to Yale for my pre op appointment and I actually felt really good after my appointment I walked in being nervous and walked out feeling like I am so ready to get this cancer out of my body.

I am not going to lie I hate I am going through this. And it isn't so much the Cancer because for someone who just had a baby I feel great besides minor body aches and lack of rest, what bothers is that I just don't want to deal with this. I don't want to deal with all the doctor appointments and not being with my girls. I dislike having to have another surgery and being away from home.

I keep thinking maybe my pathology will come back negative for cancer even though my two biopics both came back positive for Papillary Carcinoma. See no one wants cancer even the word is horrific so even though this is the "best" type of cancer to have I just don't want any type in my body. 

I was in great shape before I got pregnant and now I have no idea what my body will be like after my thyroid is out. But am lucky to have a trainer in my family who offered to help me get back to where I want to be once surgery and treatments are over.

I know being optimistic is the way to go and trust me for the most part I have been really positive. So with a week to go I am trying to be positive. My incision should only be 2 inches, I joined a support group online and they have provided awesome tips, ex practice turning with your torso not neck since after surgery you shouldn't turn your neck, eat Popsicles for a sore throat which isn't from the removal of thyroid but from having a breathing tube in during surgery. Prepare to eat sort foods. I again am so grateful for all the support and help I have lined up to help me and my children. 

I can't wait to put this past me and know if I can get through this and be strong then I can handle anything!

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