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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grateful in Many Ways

My cancer has affected a lot of people and I know it. I like to think I am an overall happy person. I try to look at life straight on, I used to be more of a dreamer a free soul. I am trying to bring myself back to that point, the point where laughter heals the soul, where fear isn't something I let consume me. It's harder then you think. 

One way God has blessed me is he's filled my life with a lot of amazing people, good people, the ones who truly love me. Since I had my baby my house has been filled with food, gifts, people wanting to help me, and love. Real love, real happiness. I am so grateful. After my surgery I have another group lined up yet again to help me and I am so grateful in so many ways. 

We all go through life with judging our happiness based on materialistic things but true happiness, real good people and real love can't be bought! I am grateful in many ways for all I am blessed with and when I am down I have so many people and reasons to pick myself back up!

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