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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

9 Lives

I am starting to believe that Cats are not the only ones that have 9 Lives. After I received my results I was in shock. I could not believe what I had just been through and then I thought about it, it wasn't my first brush with death. Sorry I know sounds morbid but think about it. How many things have happened in your lifetime when after you thought, wow thank goodness I survived that and am still alive.

My twin sister and I are 28 minutes apart. Yes, 28 minutes, crazy I know. Well my mother never knew she was pregnant with twins until she was in the delivery room recovering from having my twin sister. See she was young, in her early 20's, it was in the 1980's, her doctor was not the brightest and thought she was having a "big baby boy." After she gave birth to my sister my father noticed a lump on the side of her stomach, that lump was me. 28 minutes later she gave birth to me. Now image 28 minutes after she was in trauma from going into labor with my sister I was still in her belly. Lucky to be alive, you betcha!

In 1986 swimming lessons at Norwalk High one of my sisters not so bright guy friends pushed me in, I did not know how to swim, I sank to the bottom. My mom's daughter's best friend saw me and dove in to get me. Lucky to be alive, you betcha!

In 2008 got onto Merritt Parkway on a rainy day and lost control of vehicle, ended up in front of a tree, my front bumper wrapped around a tree, the guard rail of my Pathfinder took the impact. I walked away without a scratch. Lucky to be alive, you betcha!

In 2013 pregnant, failed 1 hr glucose due to sugar problems doctor suggested see a specialist. Specialist felt a lump in neck, after blood tests, ultrasounds, biopsies then surgery discovered it was indeed Thyroid Cancer. As of my knowledge it took up most of my Thyroid and only 1 millimeter of tissue was Cancer free. Lucky to be alive, hell yeah.

See think about it. How many stories do you have?! I could even tell stories of family members who "cheated death." To me I like to believe that our true destiny was not yet fulfilled. We all serve a purpose here on Earth, maybe we get these "9 Lives" until we fulfill that purpose. I do not know. All I know is after the last experience I have encountered I am grateful, truly grateful to be alive.

9 Lives or Not Life is  Too Precious, Too Good and too Short, to NOT be Enjoyed! Enjoy life all "9" of them!

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