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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Heal in Peace

I met with my endocrinologist yesterday who was able to get my results from Yale. All three nodules on my thyroid were Papillary cancer, however, all 8 lymph nodes were negative for cancer. When I heard the news it was like a rush of relief came over me. Now that I knew my cancer did not spread outside my thyroid I could now heal in peace.

I never knew how much pain I would be in. I just had a csection a month ago and still have discomfort from that and now I have my thyroid out with a neck dissection and am in pain again. My family has been great helping me at home and with the kids. My husband has been amazing with doing anything and everything possible to make me comfortable.  

I don't want to be in pain, and I don't handle pain well,  I want to get up make breakfast for my family, clean my house, cook, lift things etc without restrictions. I know this is temporary and I should just allow my body to heal but I also think my soul needs some healing. I have been through a lot these past 4 weeks and the emotional stress of not knowing what is happening in my body took a toll on me physically and emotionally.

I want to say to everyone out there who has had or has cancer or surgeries that I wish nothing but for you to be in peace. I wish away your pain and discomfort. I was lucky I had found my cancer when I did and I had my thyroid removed and after treatments and some follow up scans I can put this behind me. For the less fortunate my heart hurts for you and I wish you peace!

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