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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cancer No Not Me...Up Hill From Here

The strange thing through these past 8 months is I never felt like I had cancer until this past weekend with this treatment. The RAI treatment really took a toll on me. My doctor warned me it would but for some silly reason I did not think it would. I know it's all up hill from here and the radiation treatment was a must but it took a toll on me not only physically but emotionally. I can't wait for my post up scan this week so I can put this all behind me and begin my journey being Thyroid Cancer FREE and healthy!

On my new list of things to do one day is to  be able to volunteer my time in the cancer center to add a smile to those who need it or just have a conversation with them to distract the discomfort they are having even if it is just for a brief time. One major thing that helped me these past three days was that I was never alone. My friends texted me constantly, family called to check up on me, I spent some time outside in the shade talking with my mom who also catered to me, anything I craved my Dad brought me, FaceTime with my kids made me smile and my hubby took care of our kids and made sure I had nothing to worry about. I learned no one should ever, EVER go through this or anything tough in life alone!

We and I included get caught up in the bs of life, stuff that doesn't matter. We and I included need to stop and count our blessing more, cherish our life and friendships and relationships more and most importantly be good to our bodies more! I will always, ALWAYS remember and be grateful for all the amazing people I have in my life and please do the same. You don't need Cancer or something in life to have you start realizing it, it just when hard times come rolling by it helps remind us when we start to forget!


rachel said...

I had thyroid cancer and also had to do RAI treatment. That was definitely the low point of it all -- I know it's an easy treatment compared to what many other cancer patients go through but it was rough emotionally.

JCN said...

I agree Rachel. It's a very emotional experience. And RAI was not fun! I hope you are doing well since your treatment. Thanks for your comment!

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