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Saturday, June 22, 2013

RAI Treatment... The First 24hrs

The worst part of my first 24 hrs of treatment was saying goodbye to my kids. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be away from them. After I left them I stopped by where I was staying to make sure my room was setup for when I returned because for the first 3 days you are highly radioactive so you have to isolate yourself as much as possible from others. Next step to Yale we went. It was a fast appointment, we just reviewed everything briefly and answered our last minute questions. After consents signed I swallowed my pills. 

I received a standard dose was given a letter and was on my way. But before I left they measured my levels within distance. 5 feet away I was transmitting 12% 1 foot away 230% that is why they want me 6 feet away from people. On the car ride home I had to sit in the back. I had a 3'hr window before these pills totally kicked in. Once we pulled up to the house to isolation I went. 

I ate a little napped drank a lot, drinking is fastest way to flush system. I was good until the following morning. That is when metallic taste started in my mouth, was very cold and nauseous. I had a bad headache and no appetite. Needless to say after naps, lemon water, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on iodine free homemade bread, Tylenol, a long shower and a Dramamine I finally felt a little better. And by a little better I meant exactly that. A little better!

I survived my first 24 hrs and had another 48 hrs to go....

*Please note treatment and recovery varies from person to person. I am NOT a doctor. If you are receiving RAI treatment please follow your doctors instructions. Most importantly be cautious and abide to all instructions given to you from your own doctor. 

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