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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Get Up and Get Out

Summer vacation is here and I have this extra energy. I am on a mission to spend as much time doing daily activities and new things with my children. 

I work part time so have been spending the morning at parks or the beach or planning day trips for the weekend.  We spent a night away in Mystic and went strawberry picking (1st time picking them) , we visited the amazing Dinosaur Place (1st and definitely not last time) and enjoyed shopping in Mystic Village. 

I have been googling areas of activities to do with kids and Connecticut is full of them. 

I know things get expensive but ALL the parks are free and they have trails and a playground and some even have animal exhibits or water parks.  

The local beach is free for residents and if you go by 10:00  it isn't busy or too hot. 

Parents get up and get out. Spend time doing new things with your children. It helps build character.

 Do at least one fun activity a week. It doesn't have to be everyday. Give them something to look forward to. There are so many sites that are full of places to visit in Connecticut 

Pack a picnic basket. Get your sunblock. Take out your GPS and Google someplace new to visit in your area. You will be stunned how many hidden amazing places are out there. 

It's Summer Vacation enjoy this time your children are home. 

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