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Friday, July 31, 2015

Something To Think About: Connected to You

Of course everything in life happens for a reason. Sometimes we walk away stronger. Sometimes we look back and wonder what if. Reality is people come in your life for a reason. Situations happen for a reason. Not sure if we will ever truly understand why. But try to follow your heart. Try to really do what makes you happy. 

I heard our souls are all connected. I truly believe it. I believe that someone from our past life follows us to our current life. I also believe mistakes we made in our past life comes back again so we can change and fix it. So we can surpass it and learn from it and move on to the next thing. 

We all will meet again. We all are connected. Even if it is just someone we met as a pass by or a friend we felt a strong connection to or a spouse or our child. We all have been together at some point for a reason.  Sometimes we are here to help a person we never knew we would help. 

Have you ever met someone you felt you knew forever and didn't know how? Are you truly living the life you want to live?

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