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Friday, October 9, 2015

Dear Moms... A Reminder

Some days aren't easy! My daughter the other day said "Mom you need a break I know at times it gets too much" I almost felt guilty she could feel my frustrations. It is hard balancing life and at the same time making sure your children are always happy. We as parents shape our kids to be who they are.

I may not always get it right but I truly am trying my best to give them the best of me. They still don't know about my Cancer or my struggles or when their father and I have arguments. I always say we are good we are just having a discussion. When I have doctor appointments I say it's just a check up. 

My job is to protect them from things they don't need to handle at this point in their life. 

My goal is to build happy memories with them even when some days are too tough. My goal is to have them enjoy the simple and big things in life. I always say to them I just want you happy. When you are happy I am happy. 

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