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Monday, December 21, 2015

You Become What You Choose To Be

A client told me about this site, You sign up for free and do a little survey of what you want out of life and every morning you get a message. from "The Universe." Some messages are right on.

Below is one I thought I would share. It's a reminder that we become what we choose to be. Whether how your day is going or week, we choose to feel a certain way and have control over it:

This morning's message:

"How about, J, no matter the temptation, you no longer think or say, "I'm tired," "I'm hurt," "I'm angry."

Don't even think or say, "I'm happy." Instead, whenever the urge arises, think or say, "I choose to be tired, hurt, angry or happy." And give it a little time.

Because this is how you become anything,

The Universe

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