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Monday, March 28, 2016

Marriage...Did You Consider These Things Before You Said I Do

Marriage is a tricky, beautiful, frustrating, loving bond you create with someone.
Many times issues that take place BEFORE marriage doesn't go away once you're married. 

People have this assumption that marriage makes things better. It does create a lifetime bond but it also should be something you consider serious and problems should be resolved or at least addressed before you say I do or you will be dealing with it during your marriage. I would say half of the weddings I attended after I got married has ended in divorce. It's a hard thing to get through. People think change will happen and it doesn't. If something isn't right before you say "I Do" work on it before hand. 

Some Things To Consider:

People say you marry the person not their family. False. My family has flaws I know that but it's my family and if you can't accept their flaws then we will be fighting about them throughout the marriage and vice verse. It's normal to be protective of what you know. 

Money. If someone spends too much before hand most likely it will continue throughout marriage. If they can't juggle certain responsibilities unless they work on changing, the problems will still be there. 

Beliefs. As we grow our beliefs someway change but to a point. We become wiser through experience but most likely we will still disagree on things that may seem more important to one person verse another. 

Addictions. I have seen this over and over again. Bad traits and habits carry over into a marriage. People think someone will change but it takes a lot of work to break an addiction and habit. The person has to want the change to occur. It's not easy when you have to
deal with this. 

Below is a great article about some basic, yet true points you need to address before you spend your life with someone. 

What tips would you suggest?

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