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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Word Of The Day at

My daughter is an amazing reader. I on the other hand always had difficulty with words I couldn't pronounce. I would like to say it's due to having Italian parents who growing up had spoken broken English but it was really due to a lazy part of my brain that wouldn't try so I would skip over what I didn't know and don't always prounce clearly. Once she started writing she would spell "Thank you" like "Tank You" and that's from me not pronuncing my words clearly. She wrote what she heard.

On a list I read for being happier one suggestion was to learn a new word a day. Which is perfect for me and my oldest. So I signed up for "Word of the Day" on

Not only is it great to learn. It's great to encourage your child to learn with you. Every morning my daughter asks me what new word of the day came through in email. Sign up for it at

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