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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

As Frustrating As It May Be Have Some Patience

 Mornings start super early and although I can push some extra sleep there's always that one kid who prevents me from getting sleep. 

My three year old is the first to wake up in the morning and the last to go to bed. She's quiet and super independent. She is like no other kid I have. She keeps to herself but when she wants to be heard the whole neighborhood hears her. She's the closest to me and I tend to be the toughest on her. She's super stubborn and so persistent in getting her way. Ever since she was a baby she hated to sleep. 

Nap time has turned into her falling asleep on the couch and bed time is me sneaking out of her room as she doses off. 

Well tonight was another late night. She never falls asleep before 9:30. Meanwhile the other two kids hit the pillow and knock out. 

I am not one to cuddle at bedtime. If I am in their room I ensure them they are safe but laying next to them means I end up falling asleep and there goes my "me" time. 

So tonight I bring her to bed. She's wide awake. In my head I beg please just fall asleep so I can some "me" time. I start laying next to her and by 9:45 my patience are slim to none. I crawl to the end of her bed and sit on the ground. "Mamma hold me" she says. "No it's time for you to go to bed. You had a long day. You can't do this every night I respond."

Ten minutes later I wake up. I had fallen asleep on the ground. I get up and check on the kids and notice my daughter's feet are where her head should be. I realize she fell asleep at the edge of her bed. Where my back was to her. Damn I think. That's kindof sweet.  

This moment in life is tough. Early rising. Late night bed times. But these moments will pass. They will be older and more independent and different problems. We as parents have to learn to keep our patience in check. Yeah bedtime sucks but when they are asleep and so sweet  is when you want to love them the 

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