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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Take A Moment and Stop Being Rude

We live in a society that is always running against time. At least that's what I tell myself to justify how many rude and unwelcoming people I have come across this past week. 

At one point I actually said to myself "wow people suck." Now I am a people person. I may not strike up conversation with all strangers but I like to believe I am pretty out going. My little one is so bubbly and outgoing too. She's always smiling and her big blue eyes are amazing. It's amazing the responses she's been getting when she says hi to strangers: Nothing in return.

So we are at my kids baseball game and she's running around literarily in adults faces saying "hi hi" nothing back. Wow I thought that's a little nuts. We  went to Costco this week and again waving and saying hi to everyone who passes by. No response.  I almost told her to stop when behind me I heard a response. "Hi there how are you". It was an older gentleman in a business suit. You can tell he was on his lunch break. I turned around and said "thank you for responding back to her, you wouldn't believe the amount of people who ignored her."  It was like he totally reassured the human race doesn't suck. 

At pickup at my little ones camp you have to sign in. I walk up holding my 1 1/2 year old in my arm and stand behind a mother. As she finishes signing in a father totally cuts in front of me and grabs the clip board  I literally said are you for real out loud. When he finished I went to grab the board and yanked it out of his hand. I was pissed. He didn't even flinch. Just then another father to my left leaned in and said "can I help you?" He held the board as I signed in since I had May daughter in my other arm. "Wow thank you so much" I said " no problem I noticed your hands are full."  Again justifying that there are still normal people out there. 

People slow down. Stop sucking. The world is the way it is because we are always pissed off about something. Take a time out. Say hi back to another child. Let a mom with her child go infront of you. A mom was at Children's place trying to calm her crabby toddler who was in a stroller. I was in line behind her childless that day. She looked frazzled. The toddler looked up at me. It's ok baby  I said I get it. She just kept staring at me. I smiled. She calmed down. The mom paid and said I am sorry I will get out of your way. No rush. I replied: I have three. I get it. 

Get it people! 

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