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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Do Things Your Way...It's Ok To Not Follow The Crowd

We tend to get caught up in a lot of things in life. One big thing is second guessing your decisions. You see and hear a lot as a parent. You think wow maybe I am not doing it right. You read articles: "why yelling is bad" "is your child too entitled" "why sports early on is bad for children" "why being bored is good" and on and on. You can drive yourself bat crazy second guessing your parenting style. 

Let me tell you something I learned while being a parent to different age groups "LET IT GO" 

The one message I loved in the movie "Bad Moms" is that we all suck in a way. I know sounds harsh but there isn't a right way. It's your way and as long as you're giving it your all its all that matters. It's about balance and raising kids to be happy good people. That's it. 

I was a different parent when I only had one child. Then a totally different parent when I had two. Now I am a mom to three and kindof threw out all those concepts and realized you have to make decisions by the minute. When things work out and pull together it's like winning victory. There's no better gratification then seeing a positive outcome. As for the not so great outcomes- well you learn from it and then need to move on!

Parents don't have to do what others are doing. Do what you are doing. Afterall no one is really doing it right. 

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