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Sunday, September 4, 2016

After 8 Years...

After having a crib up in my house for 8 years,wow I know, we finally converted it into a toddler bed. It was time. My two year old didn't want to sleep in her crib anymore and there's no way were we having anymore children so it was time. All my babies have grown up and I am ok with it.

Life is starting to get a little easier and difficult in a different way. My kids are more dependent and even though that's amazing they "think" they know best. 

They can get ready for the day by themselves- of course sometimes I have to loose my voice in the process. They can get their own shoes- didn't think they would have melt downs so early over what shoes to wear that there are times you just give in and let them wear socks with sandals. They all try to boss eachother around while I am sitting back thinking having all the responsibility isn't always as fun as they think. 

But overall I am lucky to be raising my three best friends. There's no one else I rather spend my days with than these three. It's truly a bittersweet journey. 

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