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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Late Nights Mean Peaceful Minds

It's 11:30 and everyone is sleeping. I am laying on my couch in the dark. Why? Because it's the only me time I have had all day and only silence I heard all day. 

I read this article and it is so on point. Really it is. Imagine all day taking care of others. I mean all day. At home. At work. Even the dogs. I need a break so I can take care of no one. I know sounds sad but it's not. Imagine being a rock concert all day. When you finally leave you don't want to hear anything. The noise is still ringing in your head and ears. You need silence. 

Moms its ok...I get it. Enjoy being you, even if it's late at night and in the dark. 

Article: Why Mothers Stay Up Late 

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