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Thursday, September 1, 2016

No I Didn't Cry On The First Day Of School But I Did On The Second

Having the kids in school has been bittersweet. Even though my mornings are now work and spent driving across town to drop off one child at a location then another I now have one on one time with my two year old. Shopping and Playspace time is easier. 

The whole time I am wondering how my other two are. My 3rd grader gave me a hard time a couple of times. Asking if I could pick her up early. Saying she doesn't want to be without me all day. It's heart breaking leaving her. On the other hand my three year old is having no problem adjusting. She literally skips into Preschool. Crazy how different they are. 

Today I went to get my daughter from preschool. She has the same teachers my oldest daughter had. I was grateful that they were able to place her there. I love the teachers way of handling situations and knew they would give me positive and negative feedback.  Remember this is the daughter I had concerns about with her speech. The summer program helped so much and me doing some exercises helped too and I even notified the preschool teachers of my concerns. 

One of the assistants saw me at pick up and says "omg I didn't know this was your daughter! No wonder she's so smart. She's like her older sister."  "Awe thank you" I say. "How is she doing?" I ask. "She doing amazing, really so much fun to have her in class!" 

I got in the car and her words ran through my head over and over again. I started to cry. Damn I am busting my ass for these kids and so glad it's paying off. It was that moment of relief. That moment whenever I doubted if I was giving my second the same attention I was able to give my first. Any doubt I ever had ran out the window. Her speech, not having her in more classes without me, not having the time
to do as many lessons with her. All that doubt went away. 

I looked in my mirror. Wiped my tears and said you rock and are a Super Mom!

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